Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I know the mom, Nancy was one of the victims but I can't help but hold her somewhat accountable

you can clearly tell your son is troubled yet you decide to keep many guns in the house and do nothing to try and get him help
From the AP:

SOUTHBURY, Conn. — At Newtown High School, Adam Lanza had trouble relating to fellow students and teachers, but that was only part of his problem. He seemed not to feel physical or emotional pain in the same way as classmates.

Richard Novia, the school district's head of security until 2008, who also served as adviser for the school technology club, said Lanza clearly "had some disabilities."

"If that boy would've burned himself, he would not have known it or felt it physically," Novia told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "It was my job to pay close attention to that."

Novia was responsible for monitoring students as they used soldering tools and other potentially dangerous electrical equipment.

He recalled meeting with school guidance counselors, administrators and with the boy's mother, Nancy Lanza, to understand his problems and find ways to ensure his safety. But there were others crises only a mother could solve.

"He would have an episode, and she'd have to return or come to the high school and deal with it," Novia said, describing how the young man would sometimes withdraw completely "from whatever he was supposed to be doing," whether it was sitting in class or reading a book.

Adam Lanza "could take flight, which I think was the big issue, and it wasn't a rebellious or defiant thing," Novia said. "It was withdrawal."

Authorities on Saturday continued a wide-ranging investigating into the second-deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, trying to understand what led the young man to kill his mother in their home and then slaughter 26 children and adults at a Connecticut elementary school before taking his own life.

Back in their teenage years, Adam and his older brother, Ryan, were both members of the tech club, which offered students a chance to work on computers, videotape school events and produce public-access broadcasts.

It was popular among socially awkward students. But Adam, while clearly smart, had problems that went beyond an adolescent lack of social skills, Novia said.

"You had yourself a very scared young boy, who was very nervous around people he could trust or he refused to speak with," Novia said.

The club provided a setting for students to build lasting friendships. But while other members were acquainted with Adam, none was close to him.

"Have you found his best friend? Have you found a friend?" Novia asked. "You're not going to. He was a loner."

Adam was not physically bullied, although he may have been teased, Novia said.

The club gave the boy a place where he could be more at ease and indulge his interest in computers. His anxieties appeared to ease somewhat, but they never disappeared. When people approached him in the hallways, he would press himself against the wall or walk in a different direction, clutching tight to his black case.

"The behavior would be more like an 8-year-old who refuses to give up his teddy bear," Novia said. "What you knew with Adam is it was a possession. It was not a possession to be put at risk."

Even so, Novia said, his primary concern was that Adam might become a target for abuse by his fellow students, not that he might become a threat.

"Somewhere along in the last four years, there were significant changes that led to what has happened," Novia said. "I could never have foreseen him doing that."

Jim McDade, who lives a few houses from where Nancy Lanza was slain, said his family became acquainted with the two brothers and their mother because their children were about the same ages and rode the school bus together.

"There was certainly no indication of anything unusual that lets you think that a kid's going to do something like that," said McDade, who works in finance in New York. "There was nothing that would indicate anything going on behind the scenes that would lead to this horrible mess."

He recalled Adam Lanza as "a very bright kid."

Olivia DeVivo, a student at the University of Connecticut, was in Adam Lanza's 10th grade English class.

"He was very different and very shy and didn't make an effort to interact with anybody," she said.

DeVivo said Lanza always carried a briefcase and wore his shirts buttoned up to the top button. She said he seemed bright but never really participated in class.

"Now looking back, it's kind of like `OK, he had all these signs,' but you can't say every shy person would do something like this."

On Saturday, a police car was parked in the driveway of the Stamford, Conn., home of Lanza's father, Peter Lanza. An officer stopped reporters who tried to approach the house.
I know the mom, Nancy was one of the victims but I can't help but hold her somewhat accountable
you can clearly tell your son is troubled yet you decide to keep many guns in the house and do nothing to try and get him help
Seems like she was a dooms day nut, or just a nut in general.  She apparently had all those guns because she was afraid of what might happen with society and the down fall of the economy.  How ironic.
dunno if anyone said this cause I found out the news after taking a nap...

There was another shooting in Fashion Show Mall in California.
On monday, you will hear/see about all the parents taking their kids to school across the country and asking the teachers/principals what they are going to do to prevent something like this from happening again.

In January 2011 a potentially deadly pipe bomb was discovered along the route of a Martin Luther King Jr. memorial march in Spokane, Washington. The bomb, which was shaped, was defused and there were no casualties.
Why couldn't Lanza been that kind of creative


So let me get this straight, the WBC is blaming gay marriage for the shootings!? :stoneface: :smh:

I would post their tweets, but i would get banned.
Then why don't they? Why aren't these types of crimes committed using creative ways? Because when given the choice between a purchasing gun or attempting to build a working pipe bomb, ten out of ten psychos will choose the semi automatic weapon.
This whole "psychos are going to be psychos" nonsense has to end. Are psychos going to be psychos ultimately? Yeah. but there is no reason to make them even more effective and deadlier at being psychos.
Why couldn't Lanza been that kind of creative

They choose guns because that's the most expedient option. Take that away and something else becomes the next best thing. 

Do guns make psychotic killers more deadly? Yes.

Should national policy be defined by an extremely small subset of the population? That doesn't seem rational to me.
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So you think the prudent and responsible plan going forward is to "look into it"?
How is strict gun control a superficial solution? That's just your conclusory opinion based on no factual evidence. I just gave you multiple examples of countries that have adopted strict gun control laws and do not have rampant mass shootings.
You have yet to provide to me an example of a country than has banned guns yet its citizens are still acquiring guns and commit mass shootings. It baffles me that this isn't clear as day to anyone. If you have extremely strict gun control laws or a ban outright, it's been demonstrated to significantly reduce mass shootings and gun-related crimes.
You're advocating about extremely strict gun laws as if there are no negatives to it. 

Of course, if you ban guns, then gun related homicide is significantly reduced. Just like if you strictly curtailed vehicle ownership, vehicle deaths would significantly decrease. Or strictly controlled who could and could not eat fast food, the incidence of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease would decrease.

The easy solutions are always there. However, in life everything has a trade-off. There's no free lunch. Everything has its pros and cons. 

Gun ownership is as American as apple pie. Historically, America and Americans have a fondness for their guns. So much so, that it's been codified into law. Why? I'm not smart enough to answer that but America has survived and grown and thrived with all of these guns around. 

The onus is to prove how America would be significantly better off without these guns. 

Pointing to select nut jobs in a country of 300MM+ people is not a good argument. If you want to go down that road, we can start banning things left and right because a certain subset of the population doesn't use things in the way they're intended to be used. 
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dunno if anyone said this cause I found out the news after taking a nap...
There was another shooting in Fashion Show Mall in California.
Fashion Island, at Newport Beach in Orange county.

I was there...and I couldn't believe it could happen again. Luckily he was in the parking lot and got caught before anything could happen. 


by anything could happen I meant no one got hurt cause he was firing shots into the air. 

The mall was in mass hysteria...scary moments.
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This ***** was real life messed up in the head...

I read that autopsy report... :x ...

Dude was walking right up to kids and letting four and five bullets go...

Kids these days are on some ol coward ****... shoot people cuz you're different? Dahell is going on with youngsters today?
You're advocating about extremely strict gun laws as if there are no negatives to it. 

Gun ownership is as American as apple pie. Historically, America and Americans have a fondness for their guns. So much so, that it's been codified into law. Why? I'm not smart enough to answer that but America has survived and grown and thrived with all of these guns around. 
The onus is to prove how America would be significantly better off without these guns. 

Pointing to select nut jobs in a country of 300MM+ people is not a good argument. If you want to go down that road, we can start banning things left and right because a certain subset of the population doesn't use things in the way they're intended to be used. 

Your argument is that you don't have a good argument but guns shouldn't be banned because they're American as apple pie and because people are fond of them? What kind of logic is that?

If you're not smart enough to answer questions, then I will, because I AM smart enough to. The 2nd Amendment exists because it was drafted in a different time in America, one where infant state governments potentially needed its citizens to organize into militias because there wasn't a unified federal force to fend for the country. Do you really think that that's necessary today? Are you really construing that the drafters, in the late 1700's, intended the 2nd Amendment to cover protecting valuables from criminals, living in rough neighborhoods, hunting with semi-automatics, etc.? If you believe that the 2nd Amendment is your fundamental right as an American, do you also still believe that women shouldn't vote and slavery should exist and blacks are 3/5 of a human being too? Times change and laws change. Other countries have chosen to regulate guns more strictly than the U.S., despite having significantly less violent crime than we do.

America has survived and grown, but not BECAUSE guns have been around. How exactly is America "thriving," and in what way is that a result of our rampant gun culture? You have other countries that don't regulate guns, but they don't have massacres. You have countries that do regulate guns and they don't have massacres. Yet, the U.S. has repeated mass shootings, yet refuse to have stricter gun control? How stupid are we?

How can you say that we're "thriving" when other countries look at us and shake their heads because of how moronic we look? Even Chinese citizens, whose government is stuck in a different era, laugh at us because of our country's stupidity.
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Its a tragedy what happened to not only the kids, But the adults and everyone else affected because of the shooting. To me, Gun control doesn't have to do with it being an "American trait". Gun control shouldn't have to be banned just because massacres have been happening. If someone really wants to start a massacre, They will start a massacre regardless of the accessories that they have or not. Massacres could be initiated thru knives, grenades, and plenty of other weapons that the killer desires. In addition, If they were to enforce gun control, Guns will always be around with or without legal access.
Your argument is that you don't have a good argument but guns shouldn't be banned because they're American as apple pie and because people are fond of them? What kind of logic is that?
If you're not smart enough to answer questions, then I will, because I AM smart enough to. The 2nd Amendment exists because it was drafted in a different time in America, one where infant state governments potentially needed its citizens to organize into militias because there wasn't a unified federal force to fend for the country. Do you really think that that's necessary today? Are you really construing that the drafters, in the late 1700's, intended the 2nd Amendment to cover protecting valuables from criminals, living in rough neighborhoods, hunting with semi-automatics, etc.? If you believe that the 2nd Amendment is your fundamental right as an American, do you also still believe that women shouldn't vote and slavery should exist and blacks are 3/5 of a human being too? Times change and laws change. Other countries have chosen to regulate guns more strictly than the U.S., despite having significantly less violent crime than we do.
America has survived and grown, but not BECAUSE guns have been around. How exactly is America "thriving," and in what way is that a result of our rampant gun culture? You have other countries that don't regulate guns, but they don't have massacres. You have countries that do regulate guns and they don't have massacres. Yet, the U.S. has repeated mass shootings, yet refuse to have stricter gun control? How stupid are we?
How can you say that we're "thriving" when other countries look at us and shake their heads because of how moronic we look? Even Chinese citizens, whose government is stuck in a different era, laugh at us because of our country's stupidity.

The point of the 2nd Amendment is not militias or hunting. It's about giving the people the ability to fight against and overthrow a tyrannical government and small arms help provide a huge step in doing that. Imagine if Iranians had a 2nd Amendment. Do you think their government would have tried the ******** they did a few years ago? It's a lot easier for a government to violate your rights when you can't fight back.

The United States doesn't have a gun culture, we have a gun heritage.
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This should be about mental illness not gun control. Sick people are going to do sick ****, you may make it harder for them to carry it out, but they WILL find a way.

The problem with this country is we have a reactive mentality to mental illness. Parents, friends, co-workers might KNOW somebody is completely off their rocker but because they're not violent (yet) it's hard to get them in treatment.
This should be about mental illness not gun control. Sick people are going to do sick ****, you may make it harder for them to carry it out, but they WILL find a way.

The problem with this country is we have a reactive mentality to mental illness. Parents, friends, co-workers might KNOW somebody is completely off their rocker but because they're not violent (yet) it's hard to get them in treatment.

Why not focus on mental illness AND gun control?
Those Westboro church Parasites deserve to be on the receiving end of an assault attack if they follow through with what they say they plan to follow through with
Your argument is that you don't have a good argument but guns shouldn't be banned because they're American as apple pie and because people are fond of them? What kind of logic is that?
If you're not smart enough to answer questions, then I will, because I AM smart enough to. The 2nd Amendment exists because it was drafted in a different time in America, one where infant state governments potentially needed its citizens to organize into militias because there wasn't a unified federal force to fend for the country. Do you really think that that's necessary today? Are you really construing that the drafters, in the late 1700's, intended the 2nd Amendment to cover protecting valuables from criminals, living in rough neighborhoods, hunting with semi-automatics, etc.? If you believe that the 2nd Amendment is your fundamental right as an American, do you also still believe that women shouldn't vote and slavery should exist and blacks are 3/5 of a human being too? Times change and laws change. Other countries have chosen to regulate guns more strictly than the U.S., despite having significantly less violent crime than we do.
America has survived and grown, but not BECAUSE guns have been around. How exactly is America "thriving," and in what way is that a result of our rampant gun culture? You have other countries that don't regulate guns, but they don't have massacres. You have countries that do regulate guns and they don't have massacres. Yet, the U.S. has repeated mass shootings, yet refuse to have stricter gun control? How stupid are we?
How can you say that we're "thriving" when other countries look at us and shake their heads because of how moronic we look? Even Chinese citizens, whose government is stuck in a different era, laugh at us because of our country's stupidity.

The point of the 2nd Amendment is not militias or hunting. It's about giving the people the ability to fight against and overthrow a tyrannical government and small arms help provide a huge step in doing that. Imagine if Iranians had a 2nd Amendment. Do you think their government would have tried the ******** they did a few years ago? It's a lot easier for a government to violate your rights when you can't fight back.

This is what a tyrannical government had to work with when the 2nd amendment was written

View media item 172830View media item 172831View media item 172832View media item 172843

This is what a tyrannical government would have to work with now:

View media item 172833View media item 172835View media item 172836View media item 172838View media item 172842View media item 172850View media item 172851View media item 172852View media item 172853View media item 172855View media item 172856View media item 172859
View media item 172858View media item 172860View media item 172861View media item 172868View media item 172869
+ secret weapons

The 2nd Amendment isn't going to do jack to protect us from a tyrannical government. Nobodies buying guns to protect themselves from that^.

Any sort of resistance starts to build up... BOOM! drone strikes up the wazoo. That'll be the end of that.
Bruh.. I was sayin the same thing in another thread on here ^

we gonna go up against the gov wi/ some hand guns?

good night sweet prince
This is what a tyrannical government had to work with when the 2nd amendment was written
View media item 172830View media item 172831View media item 172832View media item 172843This is what a tyrannical government would have to work with now:
View media item 172833View media item 172835View media item 172836View media item 172838View media item 172842View media item 172850View media item 172851View media item 172852View media item 172853View media item 172855View media item 172856View media item 172859View media item 172858View media item 172860View media item 172861View media item 172868View media item 172869+ secret weapons
The 2nd Amendment isn't going to do jack to protect us from a tyrannical government. Nobodies buying guns to protect themselves from that^.
Any sort of resistance starts to build up... BOOM! drone strikes up the wazoo. That'll be the end of that.

I guarantee you 90% of military commanders would not give or follow any orders to fire on American citizens. Plus we've had a difficult time containing insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan. What makes you think these weapons that we've been using would have any better effect here? Add the fact we have thousands of vets how know insurgency and COIN very well.
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