Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I guarantee you 90% of military commanders would give or follow any orders to fire on American citizens. Plus we've had a difficult time containing insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan. What makes you think these weapons that we've been using would have any better effect here? Add the fact we have thousands of vets how know insurgency and COIN very well.

90% Would fire on us...did you mean wouldn't? Because if you mean would you're just backing up my point. If 90% would fire on us we'd be effed.
If you mean 90% wouldn't fire on us, then it'd be impossible for a tyrannical government to rise up, no?
I honestly can't believe this. :smh:
Emotions will be at an all-time high and this has the potential to get extremely ugly.
This group is no better than the KKK or any other hate-mongering association. Why????!!????

If I saw this, you can guarantee ill be catching a case. I wouldn't gaf. It'll be worth it. They need people to beat some sense into these people.
So.....the sudden influx of mass murder committed by the mentally ill within the past 10 years is because being mentally ill is coming more acceptable in society?  I don't get that.

You don't believe in good and evil, and I except that.  So I'll give it to you in a pill you can swallow, and I'm going to say that the problem lies with the medication prescribed by doctors to these people with mental issues.  Which is one part of science I have a problem with, but that's another conversation.  But these meds alter brain activity and body chemistry permanently, and if not taken continuously can cause adverse effects.  Like the NTer that recently made the thread about ambien or xanax; I forgot which one.  

Of course I think it's a good and evil thing, but some aren't willing to except that; you being one of them.  But I believe that the more popular prescribed meds are a tool for wicked.  Like the that commercial for that 1.65% stuff that makes your hair grow back.  It kills your testosterone, and they knew that before they bottled it up and put a label on it.  Because to much testosterone is what creates male baldness, and if I knew that you think those scientist that created that stuff  didn't know.  It's all about profit over people, and they don't care who gets hurt in the long run.

I would like to see the toxicology reports of these killers; if there are any.  I'm sure we'll find a common denominator with all of them besides mental illness. 

No I was just speaking in terms of stigma.

What do you mean by good and evil, I don't follow.

If you're worried about certain medications having permanent effects on the brain it depends on what you take, for how long and a bunch of other factors. Anxiolytics work faster, are highly addictive, but have little to no side effects, compared to Antipsychotics and antidepressants which aren't addictive, take longer to take effect, and have a lot of side effects. You have to weight your options. I don't know the NTers story but he it sounds like he was irresponsible or abused them.
90% Would fire on us...did you mean wouldn't? Because if you mean would you're just backing up my point. If 90% would fire on us we'd be effed.
If you mean 90% wouldn't fire on us, then it'd be impossible for a tyrannical government to rise up, no?

Oops I meant would not. My bad. :lol:

As for your second point, yes it would still be possible. It's possible because those who would not agree would simply be replaced. They likely would not be as qualified to lead or fight but there are people out there that would have no problem replacing them.
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Perhaps this is what Jefferson had in mind when he proclaimed that, the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

The tree of liberty = your right to own guns

Patriots = Vicki Soto, Dawn Hochsprung, Mary Sherlach, Ana Marie Murphy, Ana Marquez-Greene, Chase Kowalski, Emilie Parker, etc

Tyrants = Adam Lanza, James Holmes, etc

Yes, it must be; makes perfect sense.

What's the occasional massacre of innocents lives in the face of "liberty"? This is one of the expected prices for democracy, right? So that you may enjoy the "comfort [while reveling in the] emotional assurance" the comes with ownership of deadly firearms, a few innocent folks must die, occasionally, right?

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The parents of one of Victoria's students told a different story...was weird, they said she placed her class away from the door, Adam barged in and said nothing, immediately blasted the teacher, at this point the students made a run for the exit, kid told his parents he ran right passed the shooter....

Regardless, what a tragic way to go for that poor young teacher...
:lol: at saying 90% of American troops wouldn't fire on citizens.

This is the same country that has had slavery and concentration camps, I don't put ANYTHING past the gov't. If you don't think they have tactics of "brainwashing" soldiers into thinking a certain group of people are the enemy you're kidding yourself.

And i'm not a conspiracy theorist in the slightest.
:frown: @ that little girl pictured.

I'm sure its been said in this thread already, but the media needs to chill w/ this garbage.

None of us should know the shooters name.

I don't give a **** about his motive, I don't give a **** about what his family or neighbors have to say about him.

Dude was crazy, end of story.

I know Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Seung Cho, James Holmes, etc, but I can't name not one damn victim in any of those cases off the top of my head, and that's a damn shame.
:frown: @ that little girl pictured.
I'm sure its been said in this thread already, but the media needs to chill w/ this garbage.
None of us should know the shooters name.
I don't give a **** about his motive, I don't give a **** about what his family or neighbors have to say about him.
Dude was crazy, end of story.
I know Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Seung Cho, James Holmes, etc, but I can't name not one damn victim in any of those cases off the top of my head, and that's a damn shame.
I agree with you. However, it is important to try to study where this animosity came from and how it can be avoided in the future.
:lol: at saying 90% of American troops wouldn't fire on citizens.
This is the same country that has had slavery and concentration camps, I don't put ANYTHING past the gov't. If you don't think they have tactics of "brainwashing" soldiers into thinking a certain group of people are the enemy you're kidding yourself.
And i'm not a conspiracy theorist in the slightest.

The orders may come but trust me I would not follow that order, other company grade officers I know would not follow these orders and that's where it counts.
I agree with you. However, it is important to try to study where this animosity came from and how it can be avoided in the future.

Study what, exactly?

This crap has been going on for a while, school/mass shootings aren't anything new.

You can't avoid crazy, it just is what it is.

This kid was "disturbed" for the past 15 years, why didn't anybody speak up?

Now all these people want to come out and say he's crazy?

Yea, its a little too late for that.

I blame people that knew him the closest just as much as I blame him.

Speak the **** up, get the kid help, that's how you avoid these situations.
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This is what a tyrannical government had to work with when the 2nd amendment was written
View media item 172830View media item 172831View media item 172832View media item 172843This is what a tyrannical government would have to work with now:
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The 2nd Amendment isn't going to do jack to protect us from a tyrannical government. Nobodies buying guns to protect themselves from that^.
Any sort of resistance starts to build up... BOOM! drone strikes up the wazoo. That'll be the end of that.

Don't worry.. Some fat guy in his 40s who keeps a glock in his nightstand and his overweight gun toting buddies who go out to shoot cars in the desert while drinking beer every once in a while will take care of the professional soldiers, marines, navy seals and such who operate all those weapons, should the government ever get out of control and need to be kept in check. The second amendment is such a noble thought. Brings a tear to my eye.
Don't worry.. Some fat guy in his 40s who keeps a glock in his nightstand and his overweight gun toting buddies who go out to shoot cars in the desert while drinking beer every once in a while will take care of the professional soldiers, marines, navy seals and such who operate all those weapons, should the government ever get out of control and need to be kept in check. The second amendment is such a noble thought. Brings a tear to my eye.
Please refer to my previous posts. Thanks.
Please refer to my previous posts. Thanks.

You mean compare a situation where the U.S. uses a tiny fraction of its overall military power in a country tens of thousands of miles away without using the most powerful (nuclear) weapons against a people who are more used to the terrain against a situation where it would be using all of its military power in its own country? Once again, the second amendment is such a noble thing. The government better **** themselves at the thought of navy seals going against all those gun toting hillbillies.

Plus it is so likely a that the American people who are always split in half and are ready to kill each other over the smallest issues would unite in a war against the government.
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You mean compare a situation where the U.S. uses a tiny fraction of its overall military power in a country tens of thousands of miles away without using the most powerful (nuclear) weapons against a people who are more used to the terrain against a situation where it would be using all of its military power in its own country? Once again, the second amendment is such a noble thing. The government better **** themselves at the thought of navy seals going against all those gun toting hillbillies.
Plus it is so likely a that the American people who are always split in half and are ready to kill each other over the smallest issues would unite in a war against the government.

Do you really think a SEAL would pull the trigger on his fellow countrymen? You are out of your mind.
You mean compare a situation where the U.S. uses a tiny fraction of its overall military power in a country tens of thousands of miles away without using the most powerful (nuclear) weapons against a people who are more used to the terrain against a situation where it would be using all of its military power in its own country? Once again, the second amendment is such a noble thing. The government better **** themselves at the thought of navy seals going against all those gun toting hillbillies.
Plus it is so likely a that the American people who are always split in half and are ready to kill each other over the smallest issues would unite in a war against the government.
Do you really think a SEAL would pull the trigger on his fellow countrymen? You are out of your mind.
yes.  now go get a better arguement
yes.  now go get a better arguement

You have no idea how wrong you are. Like I said, commanders on the ground are the ultimate authority for decisions such as these. They would never reach the ears of the troops. As an officer you are obligated to defy orders that are unethical, immoral, or unconstitutional. The oath that we as officers take is something the majority of us take seriously. I know my commander does and he makes sure we all the officers under him understand this too.
Ar guy the same reason you are repeating everything they taught you is the same reason I know soldiers would "follow orders" and kill civilians. Even the way you sound on here reeks of military brainwash......I mean training
You have no idea how wrong you are. Like I said, commanders on the ground are the ultimate authority for decisions such as these. They would never reach the ears of the troops. As an officer you are obligated to defy orders that are unethical, immoral, or unconstitutional. The oath that we as officers take is something the majority of us take seriously. I know my commander does and he makes sure we all the officers under him understand this too.

But lets not forget that things are crazier than they seem.

Speculators say the weapons used currently are nothing compared to weapons kept secret. Im sure the higher you go on the military command chain the less likely you are to get a decent human being that will actually take the masses into consideration. Some say there is a war of the mind happening as we speak... so how can one really come to the conclusion that these higher ups will protect public safety.

Thats if mind control and all that jazz is legit....

if not then maybe yeah.... someone might protect the public interest....get fired and replaced.... by someone that dosn;t give a **** and only listens to next lead.
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I swear events like this happens and everybody is crying Cuz it only happened in american. Son what's more sad is ppl are dying in wars that are caused by US and nobody pays attention to that, they rather watch sports and reality shows. And yes I do believe this is set up by the gov to take the guns.

Hate to be that guy but it is what it is.

What makes u so sure that the seals or whatever wouldn't pull that Tigger. They been done that to some innocent kids, women, elder. What makes u so special. In every revolution the gov army fight for the gov. Why would this be any different
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This should be about mental illness not gun control. Sick people are going to do sick ****, you may make it harder for them to carry it out, but they WILL find a way.

The problem with this country is we have a reactive mentality to mental illness. Parents, friends, co-workers might KNOW somebody is completely off their rocker but because they're not violent (yet) it's hard to get them in treatment.

Then let's give them one less way. Then another. Then another.
i heard that the cops shot him down...

or did he just shoot himself in the head?

what made him stop? according to reports, he went into two classrooms... did the cops get to him in time?

this may sound wrong, but i wish wish wish they would have found a way to catch him alive...

smh... execution would not eem be in order... i would let him live and torture him till he dies of natural causes...
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