Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Yup. Pack 50 gallons of gasoline into one of these...
View media item 179314and crash it into ______________ and ignite it. So someone want to explain how that wouldn't be considered a weapon that can cause massive casualties?

Next time we go to war, instead of tanks we should use gas filled chargers with da hemi to attack the enemy.
Our enemies overseas already do things like this. Never heard of a VBIED I'm guessing?

Car bombs are normal practice of warfare...

Btw the IED is the actual weapon, the car is just used to conceal it....keep fooling yourself.
Nah next time we go to war, we should just send peace loving hippies with some fruit cake and diet pepsi to negotiate. :rolleyes

Aware me of when I said guns should be banned from te military.

Keep reaching, at this pace you'll soon give Jesus a high five.
Aware me of when I said guns should be banned from te military.
Keep reaching, at this pace you'll soon give Jesus a high five.

Your logic just needs a reality check. Unfortunately people like you are usually the victims.
Car bombs are normal practice of warfare...
Btw the IED is the actual weapon, the car is just used to conceal it....keep fooling yourself.

The car is in fact the part of the weapon. The car you get the means to deliver the explosives and the ability of make the IED bigger. Never mind the additional shrapnel from the car too.
Your logic just needs a reality check. Unfortunately people like you are usually the victims.

People like me??...explain.

I'm sure studies have been done that provide evidence that under stressful situations, like you being in a classroom and someone with an assault rifle barges in spraying bullets everywhere, even if you are armed chances are unless you are extremely trained, you won't react fast enough to do ***** as a matter of fact, having someone firing back will only increase the chances of more people catching strays.

You think because you fire a gun in a range at a motionless target you are now some sort of Bond clone....wake te **** up.
My question is how can some of you guys justify these guns being around kids?

How much more good than harm will it provide these children if all teachers had guns, man?

So these teachers are making children safe by packing heat so when **** goes down there's a firefight in the small vicinity of the classroom with 20+ children in there?

Think about these things, man these recent tragedies will only lead to more tragedies with more guns. Yes positive correlation : more guns = more deaths, less guns = less deaths.

What's wrong with some of you guys...

And to help your argument you compare guns with cars...

This event was that trivial for you guys that you can't let down your arms for the people's safety?

When the 2nd amendment was written it took 30 seconds to reload a musket.

I'm not advocating the ban of all guns but stricter regulations must be in place.
People like me??...explain.
I'm sure studies have been done that provide evidence that under stressful situations, like you being in a classroom and someone with an assault rifle barges in spraying bullets everywhere, even if you are armed chances are unless you are extremely trained, you won't react fast enough to do ***** as a matter of fact, having someone firing back will only increase the chances of more people catching strays.
You think because you fire a gun in a range at a motionless target you are now some sort of Bond clone....wake te **** up.

Anti-gun advocates with this mentality that they don't need guns for protection. The ones protesting and screaming for stricter gun legislation whom are too stupid to realize that by the time anti-gun prohibition comes into effect, all the guns/ammo have already been sold. Like this week for example.. all this political backlash against guns has made everyone wanting to buy a gun. The few pieces at my local gun shop that I was looking to purchase with my Xmas bonus were already sold last Sunday and the owner doesn't know when he'll have a restock.
People are seriously saying teachers should be strapped while teaching math and Science. That is so dumb I can't even laugh at it. Stop it.
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Anti-gun advocates with this mentality that they don't need guns for protection. The ones protesting and screaming for stricter gun legislation whom are too stupid to realize that by the time anti-gun prohibition comes into effect, all the guns/ammo have already been sold. Like this week for example.. all this political backlash against guns has made everyone wanting to buy a gun. The few pieces at my local gun shop that I was looking to purchase with my Xmas bonus were already sold last Sunday and the owner doesn't know when he'll have a restock.

It's obvious an all out gun ban is straight ignorant and stupid to even contemplate, that's not my argument, my argument is the fact that you guys want to make it easier all around for people to be armed, you want our kindergarten teachers to be armed with assault rifles, etc...giving more guns is not a preventive measure...so much can go wrong with having a weapon inside a classroom with curious kids and some dumb teachers.
People are seriously saying teachers should be strapped while teaching math and Science. That is so dumb I can't even laugh at it. Stop it.

How else do we secure our schools? Detention hall monitors? My answer... hire ex-veterans and armed them with assault rifles at every single school. And yeah maybe not arm the educators but at least train them the mechanics of a gun and how to use it if the situation requires it. Most people I know are afraid of guns and want nothing to do with it. Their heart rates go up, and they panic. Would it be so bad a shotgun is secured at the Principal's office just in case?

If we can't protect our kids, then what? You don't think the enemy knows that the tactic at Newtown worked to perfection and will use multiple resources to attack us in this manner? Seriously people need to stop thinking that this incident won't happen again.. because it will but the next time it will be horrifically worst. The issue isn't just stricter gun control but how do we protect ourselves when a good chunk of the population already own guns?

My nightmare is this happening here in America.. especially in a sporting event!


The Moscow theater hostage crisis, also known as the 2002 Nord-Ost siege, was the seizure of the crowded Dubrovka Theater on 23 October 2002 by some 40 to 50 armed Chechens who claimed allegiance to the Islamist militant separatist movement in Chechnya. They took 850 hostages... During the raid, 39 of the attackers were killed by Russian forces, along with at least 129 of the hostages (including nine foreigners).
Boom, that's about as much I will agree with you, plenty of unemployed veterans who are well trained to deal with such a situation, give them all jobs at schools, along with state of the art security monitoring....expensive it will be, but that's the price we pay for this monster we ourselves created.

There is no way you can train a teacher to deal with an armed gun man, no effin way.
Boom, that's about as much I will agree with you, plenty of unemployed veterans who are well trained to deal with such a situation, give them all jobs at schools, along with state of the art security monitoring....expensive it will be, but that's the price we pay for this monster we ourselves created.
There is no way you can train a teacher to deal with an armed gun man, no effin way.

Agreed with all of this.
^ I'm cool with ex-veterans but teachers like some other dudes in here were saying hell no. It's hard enough to get kids to pay attention and stay focused that would just add another distraction as well as other problems. I'm not gonna act like I know the solution but if you put people who are well trained and know what their doing at every entrance that seems like enough to me.
Steezy getting super trolled

They keep avoiding the entire point of the argument. Because they know it's not something one can argue against.

Car- created to travel between distances
Gun- made to inflict damage and destroy
I don't think armed guards in schools is the answer. People that orchestrate these types of shootings would just move to other densely populated areas.  Should there be armed guards in every place where people congregate in large numbers? A police state isn't exactly my idea of a utopian society. 
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