Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

but then arent all followers hypocrites...you do wrong or sin everyday....surely you dont repent for ever single sin you commit...considering many you may do inadvertly  and unaware....and im sure klansmen pray repent as well.... And they dont preach hate the believe that their is a hierachy amongst the races.... and the color of skin is a determining factor.... Plus they claim they are christians and truely believe they are....same as you may claim and believe...And ppl interpret change things for justification who are christians and arent in the klan...And what about other religions...Who are you to say their religion is right or wrong.

Matter of fact esp... if you are black the klansmen can attest they know the bible better then you considering they followed and read it before blacks....considering they introduced it to you... Ive actually heard a racist say something similiar to the affect... On some how you gone tell me when im the one who put you on type of steez....And the bible btw does touch on slavery and many of the other issues you described and it isnt direct and forth-comming so again it could be viewed a certain type of way...
lol that's straight bull **** to say white people know the Bible better than other races.  smh that is an ignorant comment.  lol If you read the Bible you would know Jesus wasn't white.  he was middle eastern and it was people from the middle east that introduced Jesus to the white man.  The white man is the ones who killed Jesus, the romans.   To repent for your sins you have to also stop doing the sins your repenting for.    smh It means nothing if you repent but just continue to commit the same sin over and over again.   The Bible touches on a lot of different subjects that people like to take out of context.   Go read the entire book that slavery is brought up in and tell me where it even hints at making Blacks slaves.  lol   When it comes to different religions you shouldn't judge anyone of them that preaches love and peace.  People come to God in different ways.   No religion is better then the next.   Jews, Christians, and Muslims all come from Abraham's bloodline.  Its in the old testament in the Bible and in the Quran.     Look at the Sandy Hook shootings.  All 3 religions came together to preach peace and love.   Yeah you get a lot of people who like to claim their men of god like the kkk or the taliban but there really doing the devils work.  Driving people away from God preaching hate.  smh In the new testament Paul talks about how to tell who are false.    I'm sure your a atheist so you see religion as a joke by how your asking these questions about the klan who are like hitler who also claimed to be a Christian.  lol    So its really just pointless debating with you when you see religion as a fairy tale anyway.
lol that's straight bull **** to say white people know the Bible better than other races.  smh that is an ignorant comment.  lol If you read the Bible you would know Jesus wasn't white.  he was middle eastern and it was people from the middle east that introduced Jesus to the white man.  The white man is the ones who killed Jesus, the romans.   To repent for your sins you have to also stop doing the sins your repenting for.    smh It means nothing if you repent but just continue to commit the same sin over and over again.   The Bible touches on a lot of different subjects that people like to take out of context.   Go read the entire book that slavery is brought up in and tell me where it even hints at making Blacks slaves.  lol   When it comes to different religions you shouldn't judge anyone of them that preaches love and peace.  People come to God in different ways.   No religion is better then the next.   Jews, Christians, and Muslims all come from Abraham's bloodline.  Its in the old testament in the Bible and in the Quran.     Look at the Sandy Hook shootings.  All 3 religions came together to preach peace and love.   Yeah you get a lot of people who like to claim their men of god like the kkk or the taliban but there really doing the devils work.  Driving people away from God preaching hate.  smh In the new testament Paul talks about how to tell who are false.    I'm sure your a atheist so you see religion as a joke by how your asking these questions about the klan who are like hitler who also claimed to be a Christian.  lol    So its really just pointless debating with you when you see religion as a fairy tale anyway.
Religion can be a wonderful tool for discipline, and then creating a community. Unfortunately, these two things are often what will prevent outside influences from coming in.

When looking at how Christianity was used to put Black people in a subservient and then lower class ranking in Euro society, all one has to look at is this interpretation of the Bible.

The Curse of Ham  (also called the curse of Canaan) refers to the curse that Ham's father Noah  placed upon Ham's son Canaan, after Ham "saw his father's nakedness" because of drunkenness in Noah's tent. It is related in the Book of Genesis  9:20-27.

Some Biblical scholars see the "curse of Canaan" story as an early Hebrew rationalization for Israel's conquest and enslavement of the Canaanites, who were presumed to descend from Canaan.[sup][1][/sup]

The "curse of Ham" had been used by some members of Abrahamic religions  to justify racism  and the enslavement  of people of Black Africanancestry, who were believed to be descendants of Ham.[sup][2][/sup][sup][3][/sup]  They were often called Hamites  and were believed to have descended through Canaan  or his older brothers. This racist theory was widely held during the 18th-20th centuries[sup][citation needed][/sup], but it has been largely abandoned since the mid-20th century.
Not only that, back before the America's were created, Henry The Navigator was given The Order of Christ by the Pope, giving him the right to go and conquer all people that were considered Infidels.

This included the entire Continent of Africa.

This was also the beginning of Chattel Slavery.

That said, there are many, many, who still feel this way, not only in this country, but around the world.

So when you look at the NRA, then understand their beliefs, then observing their make up, their rank and file, you aren't going to see any brothers and sisters from Harlem, Watts, or the south side of Chitown. 
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When colombine happened, they (nra and other groups) were saying that possible motives may had been tied to the aggressive lyrics of hip hop. They had mentioned eminem and wu-tang as inspirations even though erric harrs and klebold wasn't a fan of either one.
Not saying that they always do so, but they have tried to correlate mass shootings with hip hop.
I don't remember this. I do, however, remember Marilyn Manson being blamed. He is definitely a hip-hop artist.
Eminem was one of the artists mentioned by Bill Clinton about creating a "culture" of violence.

Marilyn Manson was universally blamed, though.
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Watched Bowling for Columbine the other night. They showed clips of huge protests when Manson was slated to perform at Mile High for Ozzfest months following the shootings. Then they interviewed him and he basically bashed our society, making the connection between consumerism and "fear." I don't really get the guy. Does his music actually send this message? I don't know enough about the content, but when people speak of him they usually say he promotes violence and deviant behavior.

In my opinion you can't single out one element of someone's life when looking for a scapegoat i.e. music, video games. It may be a contributor, but it must take a mix of variables to create the motivation behind shootings such as this. If the Columbine Shooters were big fans of Seinfeld, do you think the general public would condemn that show? Probably not, but for all we know there could have been an episode with something in it that triggered an already unstable individual.

People have knee jerk reactions and focus all of their attention on one element of a suspect's life instead of digging deeper and connecting all the dots.
Religion can be a wonderful tool for discipline, and then creating a community. Unfortunately, these two things are often what will prevent outside influences from coming in.

When looking at how Christianity was used to put Black people in a subservient and then lower class ranking in Euro society, all one has to look at is this interpretation of the Bible.


Not only that, back before the America's were created, Henry The Navigator was given The Order of Christ by the Pope, giving him the right to go and conquer all people that were considered Infidels.

This included the entire Continent of Africa.

This was also the beginning of Chattel Slavery.

That said, there are many, many, who still feel this way, not only in this country, but around the world.

So when you look at the NRA, then understand their beliefs, then observing their make up, their rank and file, you aren't going to see any brothers and sisters from Harlem, Watts, or the south side of Chitown. 
That's what i'm talking about you get racist who take verses from the Bible out of context to justify for their racist ways.     Anyone can say they are of a certain religion but to preach hate and to empower themselves over others who are different then them is what makes them hypocrites and wrong.  In the beginning of Genesis I believe its chapter 1 verses 26-31 where God talks about how he made man in his own image and he says its good.   He made all the different races and nationalities and says its a good thing not a bad thing.    I consider myself a Christian and never in the new testament does Jesus talk about discriminating against any certain race.   As a matter of fact he calls out all the so called leaders of the church for making up man made traditions and from not following the old testament as it was written.
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lol that's straight bull **** to say white people know the Bible better than other races.  smh that is an ignorant comment.  lol If you read the Bible you would know Jesus wasn't white.  he was middle eastern and it was people from the middle east that introduced Jesus to the white man.  The white man is the ones who killed Jesus, the romans.   To repent for your sins you have to also stop doing the sins your repenting for.    smh It means nothing if you repent but just continue to commit the same sin over and over again.   The Bible touches on a lot of different subjects that people like to take out of context.   Go read the entire book that slavery is brought up in and tell me where it even hints at making Blacks slaves.  lol   When it comes to different religions you shouldn't judge anyone of them that preaches love and peace.  People come to God in different ways.   No religion is better then the next.   Jews, Christians, and Muslims all come from Abraham's bloodline.  Its in the old testament in the Bible and in the Quran.     Look at the Sandy Hook shootings.  All 3 religions came together to preach peace and love.   Yeah you get a lot of people who like to claim their men of god like the kkk or the taliban but there really doing the devils work.  Driving people away from God preaching hate.  smh In the new testament Paul talks about how to tell who are false.    I'm sure your a atheist so you see religion as a joke by how your asking these questions about the klan who are like hitler who also claimed to be a Christian.  lol    So its really just pointless debating with you when you see religion as a fairy tale anyway.
in your opinion...just the same as theirs is... so end of the day your saying your interpretation view of the religion is true and theirs is not....So just as closed minded as you are about it so are they... I dont have a dog in the fight either way and your right...But for you to say oh my way my beliefs is right cause i say so....

And again i actually had a conversation about this...not religion specific....but just black/white in general with a openly (and i respected him for his honesty) about what he didnt like about black ppl.

When religion came up he pretty much said... blacks make a mockery of the religion...and pretty much look and act like clowns...with the colorful loud pimp suits, the fruit basket hats..he said i guess this is from they african roots of carrying buckets/baskets on they head...the rolling on the floor, the oh i caught the holy ghost... the whole im tiding to some kinda way think im buying my way into heaven...or paying off sins... all kinda stuff he was saying. And was saying black folks (almost said the n word) took the religious and made it into some showtime at the apolloand started making up all these type of denominations and was saying god didnt say split it up like this... and was saying god didnt say preachers should have jets etc... and made a point to say preachers suppose to work, jesus was a carpenter... so do they think they better then jesus?

I asked about the slavery..and he admitted that well slavery wasnt wrong the treatment of slaves were wrong at times..and said that god said slavery was ok and qouted i dont remember the particular scripture but it did infact if you look at it in a certain view oked slavery... He also said something to the affects of god said man is the head...and black folks sin cause black woman most of the time are the head of the house, i mean i cant recall every detail of the convo... But i respected his honesty on what he felt, and his viewpoint.

Im not saying it is right or wrong, but he has every right to believe how he see fit..and seeing as you said its a belief not truths...who are you me or anyone to say someone is wrong for what they believe...?

Like i said for just as much convictions you have for your beliefs and see them as true, why cant the next man? You basically have two groups of ppl who are taking a belief and interpreting it as proven truths,,, and saying my way is right.

Btw the guy was my baby mommas father...and i str8 up wanted to know what was his deal for his hatred of minorities in particular mexicans, blacks etc...as he really didnt have too too much an issue with asians except a few stereotypes i wont get into because unrelated and i know how much asian stereotypes are like the holy grail of wrongs on nt..and i dont want to even deal with some bombardment of private messages from the admins
in your opinion...just the same as theirs is... so end of the day your saying your interpretation view of the religion is true and theirs is not....So just as closed minded as you are about it so are they... I dont have a dog in the fight either way and your right...But for you to say oh my way my beliefs is right cause i say so....

And again i actually had a conversation about this...not religion specific....but just black/white in general with a openly (and i respected him for his honesty) about what he didnt like about black ppl.

When religion came up he pretty much said... blacks make a mockery of the religion...and pretty much look and act like clowns...with the colorful loud pimp suits, the fruit basket hats..he said i guess this is from they african roots of carrying buckets/baskets on they head...the rolling on the floor, the oh i caught the holy ghost... the whole im tiding to some kinda way think im buying my way into heaven...or paying off sins... all kinda stuff he was saying. And was saying black folks (almost said the n word) took the religious and made it into some showtime at the apolloand started making up all these type of denominations and was saying god didnt say split it up like this... and was saying god didnt say preachers should have jets etc... and made a point to say preachers suppose to work, jesus was a carpenter... so do they think they better then jesus?

I asked about the slavery..and he admitted that well slavery wasnt wrong the treatment of slaves were wrong at times..and said that god said slavery was ok and qouted i dont remember the particular scripture but it did infact if you look at it in a certain view oked slavery... He also said something to the affects of god said man is the head...and black folks sin cause black woman most of the time are the head of the house, i mean i cant recall every detail of the convo... But i respected his honesty on what he felt, and his viewpoint.

Im not saying it is right or wrong, but he has every right to believe how he see fit..and seeing as you said its a belief not truths...who are you me or anyone to say someone is wrong for what they believe...?

Like i said for just as much convictions you have for your beliefs and see them as true, why cant the next man? You basically have two groups of ppl who are taking a belief and interpreting it as proven truths,,, and saying my way is right.

Btw the guy was my baby mommas father...and i str8 up wanted to know what was his deal for his hatred of minorities in particular mexicans, blacks etc...as he really didnt have too too much an issue with asians except a few stereotypes i wont get into because unrelated and i know how much asian stereotypes are like the holy grail of wrongs on nt..and i dont want to even deal with some bombardment of private messages from the admins
lol that guy you talked to is a f**king racist.  If he isn't then no one on this earth is.   lol I see what your saying about different view points but to preach hate and discrimination is wrong.   We all know the Taliban isn't right yet they think they are but there just evil people who infiltrated the church.   In the new testament it talks about how to spot fakes and false teachers claiming there Christians but putting there man made beliefs into they're religion when the Bible never preaches that.   Look at the 10 commandments in the old testament for how God says what laws people should follow.  It says the opposite.   You know someones views are wrong if their trying to preach hate and discrimination and say their Christians because the Christian religion is the opposite of that.   Jesus walked with all the bums and prostitutes and all the poor who society discriminated against and he spoke out against the people who treated them wrong. Jesus preached to the poor and second class citizens.  The Romans killed Jesus and the same Romans are the ones who adopted the Christian religion as their own and they made up the pope and tried to put there racism in the Christian religion.   Towards the end of the Bible that is what Paul is talking about when hes calling out the false teachers.  look it up you will find stuff about it all over the web.   
lol that guy you talked to is a f**king racist.  If he isn't then no one on this earth is.   lol I see what your saying about different view points but to preach hate and discrimination is wrong.   We all know the Taliban isn't right yet they think they are but there just evil people who infiltrated the church.   In the new testament it talks about how to spot fakes and false teachers claiming there Christians but putting there man made beliefs into they're religion when the Bible never preaches that.   Look at the 10 commandments in the old testament for how God says what laws people should follow.  It says the opposite.   You know someones views are wrong if their trying to preach hate and discrimination and say their Christians because the Christian religion is the opposite of that.   Jesus walked with all the bums and prostitutes and all the poor who society discriminated against and he spoke out against the people who treated them wrong. Jesus preached to the poor and second class citizens.  The Romans killed Jesus and the same Romans are the ones who adopted the Christian religion as their own and they made up the pope and tried to put there racism in the Christian religion.   Towards the end of the Bible that is what Paul is talking about when hes calling out the false teachers.  look it up you will find stuff about it all over the web.   
but an honest and upfront one tho...i may not get along etc... with my baby momma but i do respect her father if nothing else but keeping it 100 on his views...

And to be honest our country is under the same moniker... one nation under god etc...and while we dont outright "preach" hate we do discriminate and even kill other members of the human race based on their differences of way of life and beliefs...

And what about the ppl who use the bible and use it as a means to justify a come up ie...income...? Are they not wrong? Are you saying a white southern baptist preacher who envokes hatred and/or discrimination is more wrong then the southern baptist preacher who doesnt work...and owns bentlys, jets etc... and using the word of god to become rich?

True the bible doesnt advocate hate...or discrimination..well atleast thats not how i interpreted...but i never interpret the bible to say a man is excused from working providing for themselves...or family...and using the money of the church either..? So i mean we splitting hairs here. Its some ppl who see a women being an evangelist/minister etc...wrong. So i mean whether its promoting hate or etc... End of the day many ppl use religious as a mean to justify things deemed by some to be wrong. And take vague, indirect scriptures and run off and qoute them as truth.
but an honest and upfront one tho...i may not get along etc... with my baby momma but i do respect her father if nothing else but keeping it 100 on his views...

And to be honest our country is under the same moniker... one nation under god etc...and while we dont outright "preach" hate we do discriminate and even kill other members of the human race based on their differences of way of life and beliefs...

And what about the ppl who use the bible and use it as a means to justify a come up ie...income...? Are they not wrong? Are you saying a white southern baptist preacher who envokes hatred and/or discrimination is more wrong then the southern baptist preacher who doesnt work...and owns bentlys, jets etc... and using the word of god to become rich?

True the bible doesnt advocate hate...or discrimination..well atleast thats not how i interpreted...but i never interpret the bible to say a man is excused from working providing for themselves...or family...and using the money of the church either..? So i mean we splitting hairs here. Its some ppl who see a women being an evangelist/minister etc...wrong. So i mean whether its promoting hate or etc... End of the day many ppl use religious as a mean to justify things deemed by some to be wrong. And take vague, indirect scriptures and run off and qoute them as truth.
I agree people do that.  they take vague scriptures to turn it around for it to benefit them but it doesn't mean its right.  lol I consider myself a Christian but I don't attend a church for all the reasons that you stated.   At the end of the day it comes down to the individual.  There's corruption everywhere nowadays whether its from the governments  or churches or school leaders etc.  its messed up that people bring religion into it to  try and justify for their corrupt ways.
You can't be serious. That's as credible as me telling you the same thing. Dude trolled you
I am dead serious.

What is a credible source to you?

I simply put the article there. I never called it credible?

So again I ask, is the news the only credible source?
So are you dismissing the fact that news only reports what they want us to know?
What they have been instructed to report?
So are you dismissing the fact that news only reports what they want us to know?
What they have been instructed to report?
I would put my life on it that if this was even close to being true that there would be at least one legit news source to hop on it. Your acting like the local news in Portland gets a gun pointed to their head and are forced to say specific things.
I would put my life on it that if this was even close to being true that there would be at least one legit news source to hop on it. Your acting like the local news in Portland gets a gun pointed to their head and are forced to say specific things.
So you believe news stations can just report whatever they want without passing it on to someone's desk to get approved? Cool.
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