I don't pay rent pal, I have a mortgage.
I get it though, you think black people get blamed for everything.
Well, then whoever is paying your mortgage as well,
Perhaps you'll have a grasp of this, which is doubtful, but I'll say it for someone else to catch on. All modern rock music comes from the Blues idiom, and guess who created that?
There was outrage back then coming from the good Christian whites, the same sort of folks that make up the modern NRA. They were worried that the influence coming from this
race music, would change American culture into a more hedonistic society. Drinking, in an bit of irony there, drug use, prostitution, juvenile delinqency, and all sorts of things bad, were blamed on the blues and the creators of this musical genre. Most of this behaviour was occuring in illegal speakeasys, which is where
The Blues found a home.
Fast forward to now, hip hop, is the modern blues, along with what Manson and other hard rock types are doing now. The influence is pretty clear, as even Manson would tell you that many would blame what is Black, on his not being a good christian white boy. There is historical documentation of all of what I am speaking. So it does not matter if the aforementioned killers said that they
hated rap, they were still listening to a music that was birthed by Black folks in the early twentieth century, and those who were, and then are against this sort of influence, can't wait to point the finger.
All went to hell in a handbasket in this country, once White people and Black people, began to
intergate. It's not Christian, the
RIGHT kind of Christian, to be like
those Black people.
If you do not understand how music was used to form a social identity in this country, especially from its beginnings, your calling me an imbecile is not only a front for what you are lacking intellectually, but also shows the fear that has you paralyzed in the face of truth.