Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

When colombine happened, they (nra and other groups) were saying that possible motives may had been tied to the aggressive lyrics of hip hop. They had mentioned eminem and wu-tang as inspirations even though erric harrs and klebold wasn't a fan of either one.
Not saying that they always do so, but they have tried to correlate mass shootings with hip hop.

I don't remember this. I do, however, remember Marilyn Manson being blamed. He is definitely a hip-hop artist.
I don't remember this. I do, however, remember Marilyn Manson being blamed. He is definitely a hip-hop artist.
They didn't directly blame Eminem and wu-tang for the massacre like they did marilyn manson. When blaming aggressive lyrics in music they often quoted wu-tang and Eminem in particular. Marilyn manson def got it the worst, despite the fact that neither of them listened to him.
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Wasn't James Holmes known for his dislike of so called urban music?

The Columbine shootings were said to be heavily influenced by Marilyn Manson.

Anyone in their right mind knows...and the same dudes who are making death threats to Obama are heavily into metal rock...and the same goes for the members of hate groups....rock music is what these people mostly listen to.

Try again.

When I hear metal rock blasting out of the speakers and I look over and see a bunch a white dudes with their heads shaven sitting in a pick up truck...I try not to make character generalizations. But this is what politicians and people in society seem to do, and the culprit behind these shootings are hardly ever minorities, but again paint the picture with your bias as usual. 


Nobody is saying they listen to hip hop. I don't think that's the point anyone is trying to make. It's obvious they don't. However, the media fails to see the disconnect.
I don't remember this. I do, however, remember Marilyn Manson being blamed. He is definitely a hip-hop artist.
How convenient...
... "Urban culture" has been used as a scapegoat for as long as i can remember...so much so that ppl in the likes of you have made it commonplace and even used it as satire/parody.... to symbolize its negative influences on white teens ie. malibu most wanted.

I guess ppl forget the nwa..the public enemy, the tupacs...etc wu-tangs who music and lifestyles (or lifestyle personas) were linked/associated with criminal acts and influences on whites/asians and the likes there of by white media.
How convenient...:wink: ... "Urban culture" has been used as a scapegoat for as long as i can remember...so much so that ppl in the likes of you have made it commonplace and even used it as satire/parody.... to symbolize its negative influences on white teens ie. malibu most wanted.

I guess ppl forget the nwa..the public enemy, the tupacs...etc wu-tangs who music and lifestyles (or lifestyle personas) were linked/associated with criminal acts and influences on whites/asians and the likes there of by white media.

You have won the argument due to your repeated incoherent ramblings. Did you really just mention Malibu's Most Wanted?

Still waiting on any examples of urban culture being a scapegoat for school shootings perpetrated by young white males.
You have won the argument due to your repeated incoherent ramblings. Did you really just mention Malibu's Most Wanted?
Still waiting on any examples of urban culture being a scapegoat for school shootings perpetrated by young white males.
everyone well with sense knows that the best way to dismiss the truth or get ppl to move past it is simple satire...see david letterman incident. Thus the reference to malibu most wanted......I mean i get it you are the typical troll, the xbox live kid... So no need to prove examples... because like i said this oh i live in a bubble/ im so homely i have no idea rouse is obsolute/fraud considering we have internet. If you want to "so called be wide eyed" and so out of touch with reality then by all means pretend to be.. But us unbias individuals..ppl who are real and more importantly real with ourselves... Whether be racist/prejudice/bigot or not, can at least acknowledge "urban culture" etc... has been deemed as negative/influential.. and has been used as a scapegoat for behavior/acts/crimes associated with whites in particular.
everyone well with sense knows that the best way to dismiss the truth or get ppl to move past it is simple satire...see david letterman incident. Thus the reference to malibu most wanted......I mean i get it you are the typical troll, the xbox live kid... So no need to prove examples... because like i said this oh i live in a bubble/ im so homely i have no idea rouse is obsolute/fraud considering we have internet. If you want to "so called be wide eyed" and so out of touch with reality then by all means pretend to be.. But us unbias individuals..ppl who are real and more importantly real with ourselves... Whether be racist/prejudice/bigot or not, can at least acknowledge "urban culture" etc... has been deemed as negative/influential.. and has been used as a scapegoat for behavior/acts/crimes associated with whites in particular.
What are you talking about bruh? 
my point exactly
No condescending me...it just doesn't t resonate with me because its full of holes. 

It's not just urban culture that will go under attack, but the entire gamut of entertainment which profits off of images that influence and shape the reality of easily manipulated individuals. In this case, the parenting should be placed under the microscope first, followed by the mental health of perpetrator, then you can go into into societal issues which this incident may or may not have stemmed from. 

I see no overhaul in the near future of the entertainment industry which peddles drugs, sex, and violence for the purpose of capital gain. Target audience may be young children, but often times the consumers are of every age, race, and gender within American society. 

It's easy, and amateurish to place the blame squarely on one segment of the American population, and we've seen that done throughout history where we should not even be surprised by the actions of the media i.e. portraying urban culture as the harbingers of violence. This issue is rooted much further back in time, but I've stayed away from discussing any other elements which makes this even sadder. 
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Why do they constantly blame video games and music? I've never heard of someone committing a mass murder with an xbox controller. Sure you can flick assassins creed and call of duty cases at people, still won't hurt anybody.
And music? You can kill people with music? Maybe blast it loud enough and murder them with terrible music? Maybe you can murder them by flicking c.d cases at people as well?
Its just an excuse by the NRA for them to have more reasons to sell more guns to people.  Their just greedy A** holes.    Its a gun problem that we have in our country that is causing this and the NRA's answer to solve the problem is to put more guns on the streets.  smh
So in a nutshell blame urban culture for what happened...
Get outta here.
I agree its just lame a excuse.   If any thing aits an American culture problem not just an urban problem.  smh  The NRA is just a bunch of old racist men.
We should ALL be grateful to be alive, have our families and children if you have them this holiday season. Let alone be able to buy the kicks that we want. tomorrow is never guaranteed. I am still sick over this event. despicable.
I don't pay rent pal, I have a mortgage.
I get it though, you think black people get blamed for everything.
Well, then whoever is paying your mortgage as well, pal.

Perhaps you'll have a grasp of this, which is doubtful, but I'll say it for someone else to catch on. All modern rock music comes from the Blues idiom, and guess who created that?

There was outrage back then coming from the good Christian whites, the same sort of folks that make up the modern NRA. They were worried that the influence coming from this race music, would change American culture into a more hedonistic society. Drinking, in an bit of irony there, drug use, prostitution, juvenile delinqency, and all sorts of things bad, were blamed on the blues and the creators of this musical genre. Most of this behaviour was occuring in illegal speakeasys, which is where The Blues found a home.

Fast forward to now, hip hop, is the modern blues, along with what Manson and other hard rock types are doing now. The influence is pretty clear, as even Manson would tell you that many would blame what is Black, on his not being a good christian white boy. There is historical documentation of all of what I am speaking. So it does not matter if the aforementioned killers said that they hated rap, they were still listening to a music that was birthed by Black folks in the early twentieth century, and those who were, and then are against this sort of influence, can't wait to point the finger.

All went to hell in a handbasket in this country, once White people and Black people, began to intergate. It's not Christian, the RIGHT kind of Christian, to be like those Black people.

If you do not understand how music was used to form a social identity in this country, especially from its beginnings, your calling me an imbecile is not only a front for what you are lacking intellectually, but also shows the fear that has you paralyzed in the face of truth.
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Well, then whoever is paying your mortgage as well, pal.

Perhaps you'll have a grasp of this, which is doubtful, but I'll say it for someone else to catch on. All modern rock music comes from the Blues idiom, and guess who created that?

There was outrage back then coming from the good Christian whites, the same sort of folks that make up the modern NRA. They were worried that the influence coming from this race music, would change American culture into a more hedonistic society. Drinking, in an bit of irony there, drug use, prostitution, juvenile delinqency, and all sorts of things bad, were blamed on the blues and the creators of this musical genre. Most of this behaviour was occuring in illegal speakeasys, which is where The Blues found a home.

Fast forward to now, hip hop, is the modern blues, along with what Manson and other hard rock types are doing now. The influence is pretty clear, as even Manson would tell you that many would blame what is Black, on his not being a good christian white boy. There is historical documentation of all of what I am speaking. So it does not matter if the aforementioned killers said that they hated rap, they were still listening to a music that was birthed by Black folks in the early twentieth century, and those who were, and then are against this sort of influence, can't wait to point the finger.

All went to hell in a handbasket in this country, once White people and Black people, began to intergate. It's not Christian, the RIGHT kind of Christian, to be like those Black people.

If you do not understand how music was used to form a social identity in this country, especially from its beginnings, your calling me an imbecile is not only a front for what you are lacking intellectually, but also shows the fear that has you paralyzed in the face of truth.
I agree with you but that is from all the racist.   Most Christians are not racist.   There is a few that stands out that  gives the rest a bad rep.  Its the same for Muslims.  The extremist give all Muslims a bad name just like the racist in the Christian faith.
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I agree with you but that is from all the racist.   Most Christians are not racist.   There is a few that stands out that which gives the rest a bad rep.  Its the same for Muslims.  The extremist give all Muslims a bad name just like the racist in the christian faith.
hard to say...and even harder to define it... while many may not be racist...many have opinions/beliefs that are inadvertly based on race, and are in some sense hidden by their spiritual/religious beliefs. And some of the things ie actions/lifestyles etc...associated wigth certain races dont coincide with their religious beliefs. But then you have to questions are these beliefs in principal stemmed for dissassociation with certain norms, lifestyles etc of certain races.
hard to say...and even harder to define it... while many may not be racist...many have opinions/beliefs that are inadvertly based on race, and are in some sense hidden by their spiritual/religious beliefs. And some of the things ie actions/lifestyles etc...associated wigth certain races dont coincide with their religious beliefs. But then you have to questions are these beliefs in principal stemmed for dissassociation with certain norms, lifestyles etc of certain races.
 I agree it is hard to define.   I consider myself a Christian but I don't go to church.   A lot of so called Christians would tell me i'm not Christian because I don't attend a church in person.  To me those are hypocrites.  My opinion is that we just all have to see people as the individual that they are and not stereotype them based on what there belief, race, or nationality is.  I was raised not to judge or stereotype anybody and to let God judge people.  
 I agree it is hard to define.   I consider myself a Christian but I don't go to church.   A lot of so called Christians would tell me i'm not Christian because I don't attend a church in person.  To me those are hypocrites.  My opinion is that we just all have to see people as the individual that they are and not stereotype them based on what there belief, race, or nationality is.  I was raised not to judge or stereotype anybody and to let God judge people.  
but that propose a question of if you view/depict a person, or stereotype a person based on your religious beliefs..are you being prejudice/racist or are you simply following the teachings/beliefs of your religion?
but that propose a question of if you view/depict a person, or stereotype a person based on your religious beliefs..are you being prejudice/racist or are you simply following the teachings/beliefs of your religion?
That's the thing the Christian religion teaches not to judge anyone which would be the same as stereotyping a person.  It teaches that God made everyone different and it was a good thing.   Some people try to use their religion to cover up for there racist views.   If you read the bible the bible never talks about stereotyping anyone but it preaches the opposite.   treat everyone as you would want to be treated.   Help each other out in a time of need.   Its sad that ignorant racist bastards and extremist give a bad rep to the Christian and Muslim faith which both comes from the same blood line if you believe in the Bible.   You get racist people that try to take a verse out of context to try and say it goes with their racist views.  smh its pathetic.  Next time a racist tries to say a verse to go along with their views go back and read the whole story that the verse is in.  I can guarantee you once you do that the verse won't have the racist meaning that they are trying to say it has.  In the Old Testament in Exodus Moses leads the people of Israel out of slavery from the dictators in Egypt which were the Kings back then.   Racist will find a couple of verses about slavery in the Old Testament to justify for having slaves.  smh if you go back and read the story that they are getting the verses from you will see that they are taking the verse out of context.
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That's the thing the Christian religion teaches not to judge anyone which would be the same as stereotyping a person.  It teaches that God made everyone different and it was a good thing.   Some people try to use their religion to cover up for there racist views.   If you read the bible the bible never talks about stereotyping anyone but it preaches the opposite.   treat everyone as you would want to be treated.   Help each other out in a time of need.   Its sad that ignorant racist bastards and extremist give a bad rep to the Christian and Muslim faith which both comes from the same blood line if you believe in the Bible.   You get racist people that try to take a verse out of context to try and say it goes with their racist views.  smh its pathetic.  Next time a racist tries to say a verse to go along with their views go back and read the whole story that the verse is in.  I can guarantee you once you do that the verse won't have the racist meaning that they are trying to say it has.  In the Old Testament in Exodus Moses leads the people of Israel out of slavery from the dictators in Egypt which were the Kings back then.   Racist will find a couple of verses about slavery in the Old Testament to justify for having slaves.  smh if you go back and read the story that they are getting the verses from you will see that they are taking the verse out of context.
But then they could make the argument that you are doing the same... A book or reference with no definitives is kinda like viewing a cloud in the sky. You see it one way and the next man sees it differently. The same way you may see those klans members as iuno following wrong etc...they can say the same about you. So since there isnt a concrete set in stone this is the way, how is your interpretation any more right then theirs?

Im not advocating racism etc..by no means... but how can you say oh your beliefs is wrong your not practicing right etc.. when its all based on what you take/get from it? What make your way anymore valid then theirs? The same beliefs etc...and convictions you have with your interpretation of faith they will have with theirs. So if a guy says i dont like such and such race of ppl ways cultures....etc because my god says so, how is it any different then you saying oh your wrong because thats what my god says?
But then they could make the argument that you are doing the same... A book or reference with no definitives is kinda like viewing a cloud in the sky. You see it one way and the next man sees it differently. The same way you may see those klans members as iuno following wrong etc...they can say the same about you. So since there isnt a concrete set in stone this is the way, how is your interpretation any more right then theirs?

Im not advocating racism etc..by no means... but how can you say oh your beliefs is wrong your not practicing right etc.. when its all based on what you take/get from it? What make your way anymore valid then theirs? The same beliefs etc...and convictions you have with your interpretation of faith they will have with theirs. So if a guy says i dont like such and such race of ppl ways cultures....etc because my god says so, how is it any different then you saying oh your wrong because thats what my god says?
lol show me a story in the Bible that is for racism.  the klan that you speak of are not Christians they are evil.   Christians preach Love the kkk preaches hate.  Anyone can claim to be Christians. That is what I was telling you about hypocrites.  They try to change things to justify their evil ways.  Let me ask you a question are you an atheist? because I see where this discussion is going lol  
lol show me a story in the Bible that is for racism.  the klan that you speak of are not Christians they are evil.   Christians preach Love the kkk preaches hate.  Anyone can claim to be Christians. That is what I was telling you about hypocrites.  They try to change things to justify their evil ways.  Let me ask you a question are you an atheist? because I see where this discussion is going lol  
but then arent all followers hypocrites...you do wrong or sin everyday....surely you dont repent for ever single sin you commit...considering many you may do inadvertly  and unaware....and im sure klansmen pray repent as well.... And they dont preach hate the believe that their is a hierachy amongst the races.... and the color of skin is a determining factor.... Plus they claim they are christians and truely believe they are....same as you may claim and believe...And ppl interpret change things for justification who are christians and arent in the klan...And what about other religions...Who are you to say their religion is right or wrong.

Matter of fact esp... if you are black the klansmen can attest they know the bible better then you considering they followed and read it before blacks....considering they introduced it to you... Ive actually heard a racist say something similiar to the affect... On some how you gone tell me when im the one who put you on type of steez....And the bible btw does touch on slavery and many of the other issues you described and it isnt direct and forth-comming so again it could be viewed a certain type of way...
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