Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

And you think if 50 terrorists took over a theater and every single person was armed you think less people wold be shot?

Because I think it would turn into mass chaos with countless people shot in the crossfire.

But hey we got a bunch of Jason Bourne's in here. I'm sure just one of you who is packing could take out 50 terrorists by yourself.
I don't think armed guards in schools is the answer. People that orchestrate these types of shootings would just move to other densely populated areas.  Should there be armed guards in every place where people congregate in large numbers? A police state isn't exactly my idea of a utopian society. 
I definitely wouldn't want my kids going to a school where their elementary school has armed security guards. Who says they themselves can't shoot up a school?
I am a teacher.. A school is not only supposed to be safe, but students should feel comfortable. Remember they are there to learn, not feel as if they are in constant danger that requires the overlooking of G.I. Joe.

What comfort should students have with ex-military roaming the halls with assault rifles (uniformed cops as many schools have is an entirely different matter)? What comfort should we feel with a teacher with a gun strapped to their waist? Or stuffed in their desk?

You don't think there will ever be an issue where a student gets a hold of those guns?

Some of you are so divorced from every day reality that it is sad.

Anti-gun advocates are usually the victims? I guess if you want to consider life the OK Corral. But if you look for problems, they'll likely find you. See what happens when someone pulls a gun and you start fumbling for your piece. Oh I forgot you're going to Chuck Norris round house kick the gunman in the face, and take his gun. Most of you shoot 'em up fools have never had a gun pointed in your face, and if you did if it happened a second time, no guarantee that it would go the same.

But sure a gun is always handy when a madmen goes on a rampage
But before we embrace Zamudio's brave intervention as proof of the value of being armed, let's hear the whole story. "I came out of that store, I clicked the safety off, and I was ready," he explained on Fox and Friends. "I had my hand on my gun. I had it in my jacket pocket here. And I came around the corner like this." Zamudio demonstrated how his shooting hand was wrapped around the weapon, poised to draw and fire. As he rounded the corner, he saw a man holding a gun. "And that's who I at first thought was the shooter," Zamudio recalled. "I told him to 'Drop it, drop it!' "

But the man with the gun wasn't the shooter. He had wrested the gun away from the shooter. "Had you shot that guy, it would have been a big, fat mess," the interviewer pointed out.

Zamudio agreed:

I was very lucky. Honestly, it was a matter of seconds. Two, maybe three seconds between when I came through the doorway and when I was laying on top of [the real shooter], holding him down. So, I mean, in that short amount of time I made a lot of really big decisions really fast. … I was really lucky.

When Zamudio was asked what kind of weapons training he'd had, he answered: "My father raised me around guns … so I'm really comfortable with them. But I've never been in the military or had any professional training. I just reacted."
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Boom, that's about as much I will agree with you, plenty of unemployed veterans who are well trained to deal with such a situation, give them all jobs at schools, along with state of the art security monitoring....expensive it will be, but that's the price we pay for this monster we ourselves created.
There is no way you can train a teacher to deal with an armed gun man, no effin way.

Agreed with all of this.

Yea, great idea, a bunch of PTSD veterans that could have flashbacks of 'Nam at any moment is what we need roaming our schools.
Yea, great idea, a bunch of PTSD veterans that could have flashbacks of 'Nam at any moment is what we need roaming our schools.

Upon further review, I'd like to retrace my statement about having veterans monitoring our schools with high caliber weapons, ****.

With that said, I still don't agree with anything you pro-gunners have proposed.
Yea, great idea, a bunch of PTSD veterans that could have flashbacks of 'Nam at any moment is what we need roaming our schools.

PTSD and Nam aside, I don't agree with having armed vets at every school. That just seems like a knee jerk reaction.
Meanwhile, In Israel ...
Israel is a great example because the country is relatively heavily armed across it's populace.

I have family there and have visited numerous times. Armed people are an ever present sight. I've never felt scared or in danger either. 

I feel more scared walking in certain parts of Brooklyn at 2 or 3 am which aren't even heavy crime zones. 

I asked  a relative once whether one of these soldiers or security guards toting an automatic rifle would just go bonkers and shoot people. He told me such a  person wouldn't get very far as he'd get shot multiple times relatively quickly by other armed individuals. 

The problem isn't guns. It's certain people. In such a large nation, you;ll have individuals who'll be irresponsible with their weapons (like Lanza's mother and she paid the ultimate price for it)  or gun dealers who are irresponsible. 
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That NRA statement blew my mind just now. Good guys and bad guys with guns really bro? Tell me how that works in certain neighborhoods where innocent teens are gunned down by police for no reason :wow: :smh: These people are delusional...spent more time blaming violent video games and movies than actually saying anything significant about the issue meanwhile they have a game called NRA Gun Club for kids 10 and up, you cannot make this stuff up. Wow.
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I don't think armed guards in schools is the answer. People that orchestrate these types of shootings would just move to other densely populated areas.  Should there be armed guards in every place where people congregate in large numbers? A police state isn't exactly my idea of a utopian society. 
I agree next thing you know we will have armed guards everywhere.  churches, food markets, malls, at the movies, schools, sports parks, guards walking the streets in high populated areas.  smh who the hell would want to live like we are living in Iraq?    What would happen is that we would end up having a lot more police everywhere and we would all be getting harassed.  

The answer is to  ban extended clips and assault weapons and make crimes for having or using illegal guns a lot more harsh.  Plus closing loop holes in the system so people that have mental issues or have a criminal record  wont't be able to buy guns. After a few years murders by guns will start to decrease rapidly.    Its proven around the world that it will work.  England, and Japan are 2 examples.
The only logical solution for all this mass murder is for Obama to hire Captain John Anderton.
Why do they constantly blame video games and music? I've never heard of someone committing a mass murder with an xbox controller. Sure you can flick assassins creed and call of duty cases at people, still won't hurt anybody.

And music? You can kill people with music? Maybe blast it loud enough and murder them with terrible music? Maybe you can murder them by flicking c.d cases at people as well?
Why do they constantly blame video games and music? I've never heard of someone committing a mass murder with an xbox controller. Sure you can flick assassins creed and call of duty cases at people, still won't hurt anybody.
And music? You can kill people with music? Maybe blast it loud enough and murder them with terrible music? Maybe you can murder them by flicking c.d cases at people as well?
It's code for, Black people are really responsible for all of this.

All that hippity hop garbage has just taken us too far from being true Americans!
Why do they constantly blame video games and music? I've never heard of someone committing a mass murder with an xbox controller. Sure you can flick assassins creed and call of duty cases at people, still won't hurt anybody.

And music? You can kill people with music? Maybe blast it loud enough and murder them with terrible music? Maybe you can murder them by flicking c.d cases at people as well?
Music and video games will always be easy targets because they don't lobbyists on Capitol Hill like the gun companies do.
really? how far up your *** does your head need to be in order to think like this?
That's how they get down, and have been ever since Black music came on the scene. They were afraid that the music back in the fifties was going to corrupt the good white christian youth in America. Little Richard was going to corrupt the morals of the everyone White, and with that jungle nigra race music he was playing, little white girls were in peril because of this. Gonna make white people go made and start wanting to be nigra's.

So they created Pat Boone in order to counter it.
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That's how they get down, and have been ever since Black music came on the scene. They were afraid that the music back in the fifties was going to corrupt the good white christian youth in America. Little Richard was going to corrupt the morals of the everyone White, and with that jungle nigra race music he was playing, little white girls were in peril because of this. Gonna make white people go made and start wanting to be nigra's.

So they created Pat Boone in order to counter it.

you are an imbecile.
you are an imbecile.
how so ppl always had targeted music...in particular hip hop...If so called music is the culprit why dont they ever say the proven country music...at it has been dubably noted as the most depressing, emotion driven, music of all genre...But how many times have the referenced it? Also despite all the tons of video games that depict violence...why did they make such a HUGE deal about grand theft auto.... s.a. you know the one with c.j. And why out of all the war simulated games was such a big deal made out of the one kobe bryant endorsed.... and why only him out of all the other ppl in the commercial.

I dont believe in this whole ppl live in a bubble not exposed etc... garbage simply because we have internet and you can practically gain knowledge/info/insight on virtually any and every subject. So i dont know if you are just disagreeing because you feel this way and want to shun the idea...so who you are as a person isnt exposed... or maybe you realized you feel/think/associate with ppl who think this way and dont want to admit it.

But the only thing said that would remotely constitute as imbecile, is completely dismissing and "acting" as if things influenced by "urban culture" arent use as a scapegoat for negative influences, wrongs, and mishaps done in particularly by white youths. 
But the only thing said that would remotely constitute as imbecile, is completely dismissing and "acting" as if things influenced by "urban culture" arent use as a scapegoat for negative influences, wrongs, and mishaps done in particularly by white youths. 

very well written paragraph, assuming english is your second language. can you give me an example of this "scapegoating" of "urban culture" in response to a school shooting committed by a white youth?
very well written paragraph, assuming english is your second language. can you give me an example of this "scapegoating" of "urban culture" in response to a school shooting committed by a white youth?

When colombine happened, they (nra and other groups) were saying that possible motives may had been tied to the aggressive lyrics of hip hop. They had mentioned eminem and wu-tang as inspirations even though erric harrs and klebold wasn't a fan of either one.

Not saying that they always do so, but they have tried to correlate mass shootings with hip hop.
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Wasn't James Holmes known for his dislike of so called urban music?

The Columbine shootings were said to be heavily influenced by Marilyn Manson.

Anyone in their right mind knows...and the same dudes who are making death threats to Obama are heavily into metal rock...and the same goes for the members of hate groups....rock music is what these people mostly listen to.

Try again.

When I hear metal rock blasting out of the speakers and I look over and see a bunch a white dudes with their heads shaven sitting in a pick up truck...I try not to make character generalizations. But this is what politicians and people in society seem to do, and the culprit behind these shootings are hardly ever minorities, but again paint the picture with your bias as usual. 

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