Elin Nordegren wants $750M(!!!) from Tiger Woods

And of course his sponsors didn't care about his personal life until it negatively affected them, just how it works...shrugs
Judging by some of the comments in this thread, I didn't realize we had so many females that post in S&T.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Man y'all are lame for hating on her. Imagine you were married to a celeb who was worth billions and she popped 120+ dudes AND she didn't sign a prenup, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU would do the same exact thing she is doing, clean your spouse the +!!! out especially after being embarrassed publicaly like that. Tiger is the dumb!$$ in the situation for 1)Not signing a prenup 2) Not signing a prenup 3) Being mad sloppy with the type of women he messed with

I hope she gets every single cent maybe then these dummies that marry gold digging pizzles will smarten up

Why are you posting like you know the whole situation? How do you know she wasn't a factor in his cheating on her?

For the bold part. So with your logic, if it was Elin cheating on Tiger. He would take EVERYTHING she has? Everything she is worth? If that was the case, there would be an uproar if a GUY like Tiger tried to do something like that. The argument that people like you would make is "he is already rich why does he need more?". Same thing with Elin, she can easily take a cool $100M or even $300M  and provide a good life for her and her children. She is a selfish @#*%# just like Tiger is. She doesn't care about him actually cheating or the actual relationship. She is just trying to get taken care of financially, if she really cared about her kids and the relationship, she would take enough money to provide a good life or at least something she knows she can raise her kids in.

To me taking everything Tiger is worth is WAAAAYYYYY worse than cheating in a relationship no matter if it was 120 times.
Are you serious? Tiger, kill her. If you don't have the balls, pay someone who does.
She wants 3 quarters of a billion dollars, full custody of the kids and she wants to *%@* on you when she's done in a book.

I know they been painting you as the antichrist, and you do happen to be one trifling sum-***++. But just this time, you need to quit grinning like an idiot and do something. %!$++, kill her.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Judging by some of the comments in this thread, I didn't realize we had so many females that post in S&T.

Although it certainly speaks to the low morality that exists here.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Companies that haven't dropped him only cared about his golf, but ones that did (accenture, AT&T, american express) drop him were companies that signed him due to his golf ability as well as an integrity/trust factor since those qualities are vital to get consumers with their operations. I don't personally care but it is niave to think his image didn't help with some of his endorsements (not all though)

I also disagree with this to a certain extint.  You're right his image did help but it isn't why they endorsed him it was icing on the cake for them, however it was more about the fact that he didn't have any "issues" or "baggage" not being a wholesome family man.   In the world we live in, nothing is more marketable than a WINNER. Samething with Kobe before Co.  They dropped him because he was in a negative light and it wasn't in their best interest business wise to be associate with him due to the backlash/public opinion.  It had nothing to do with his transgressions or that they felt he deceived them, hell I wouldn't be surprised if some of the heads of these companies put him on some chicks as well. It had everything to do with the way the public view him.  Like I said they didn't give a %$$+ what type of person he was or what he did As Long As It NEVER Came Out.
Aight. Maybe I was a bit harsh. A %@$%* gets a hothead when you dealing with a different type of money.

Tiger, they made ol 3-hour Avatar for half a billion dollars. If you can't fake a 5-minute Elin sextape for $10 million, you ain't %$#%.
The OJ references are disturbing yet funny at the same time....Elin better watch it!
Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Man y'all are lame for hating on her. Imagine you were married to a celeb who was worth billions and she popped 120+ dudes AND she didn't sign a prenup, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU would do the same exact thing she is doing, clean your spouse the +!!! out especially after being embarrassed publicaly like that. Tiger is the dumb!$$ in the situation for 1)Not signing a prenup 2) Not signing a prenup 3) Being mad sloppy with the type of women he messed with

I hope she gets every single cent maybe then these dummies that marry gold digging pizzles will smarten up

Why are you posting like you know the whole situation? How do you know she wasn't a factor in his cheating on her?

For the bold part. So with your logic, if it was Elin cheating on Tiger. He would take EVERYTHING she has? Everything she is worth? If that was the case, there would be an uproar if a GUY like Tiger tried to do something like that. The argument that people like you would make is "he is already rich why does he need more?". Same thing with Elin, she can easily take a cool $100M or even $300M  and provide a good life for her and her children. She is a selfish @#*%# just like Tiger is. She doesn't care about him actually cheating or the actual relationship. She is just trying to get taken care of financially, if she really cared about her kids and the relationship, she would take enough money to provide a good life or at least something she knows she can raise her kids in.

To me taking everything Tiger is worth is WAAAAYYYYY worse than cheating in a relationship no matter if it was 120 times.

Do I think she deserves $750 million? Hell no. Do I blame her though? HELL NO. If Tiger made her sign a prenup, then that opportunity for her to rape his pockets would not even be there for her to exploit. This is Tiger's fault 100%, you play, you PAY.
Diddy and Oprah looking smarter every day. If you worth more than 20-30 mil and you messing with somone that is worth a fraction of what you got, only option is to shack up. And both of them are kicking it with pretty succesful people, but it's not even worth the risk.

$750 mil? That's just outright disrespect. I'd spit in her face.
This heifer really said $750 mil w/ a straight face.
Like 'Why's everyone's jaws on the floor? I'm serious.'

Her wanting full custody is a joke, unless Tiger is a bad father (and NO, infidelity does NOT make you a bad father). I don't care if you disagree w/ the parenthesis; you can be an awesome parent to your children at the same time that you're being a terrible husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. PLENTY of parents get divorced w/ joint custody under the basic premise 'You're an awesome parent, but you treat me like garbage.'

And this broad was not raising no damn family. We all know they had a nanny.

Listen, if I knew Tiger really is a completely incompetent parent... and I knew this chick really was raising those kids full-time, then... me personally, I wouldn't have a problem w/ granting her full custody and I wouldn't have a problem w/ the $750mil. I mean, that would mean he's an idiot of a father and she was raising the kids on her own while her celebrity husband was out cheating.

But I don't believe him to be incompetent as a parent, and I don't believe her to be this Mrs. Cleaver type.

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/ women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on the statistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the 'justice' of the system.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This heifer really said $750 mil w/ a straight face.
Like 'Why's everyone's jaws on the floor? I'm serious.'

Her wanting full custody is a joke, unless Tiger is a bad father (and NO, infidelity does NOT make you a bad father). I don't care if you disagree w/ the parenthesis; you can be an awesome parent to your children at the same time that you're being a terrible husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. PLENTY of parents get divorced w/ joint custody under the basic premise 'You're an awesome parent, but you treat me like garbage.'

And this broad was not raising no damn family. We all know they had a nanny.

Listen, if I knew Tiger really is a completely incompetent parent... and I knew this chick really was raising those kids full-time, then... me personally, I wouldn't have a problem w/ granting her full custody and I wouldn't have a problem w/ the $750mil. I mean, that would mean he's an idiot of a father and she was raising the kids on her own while her celebrity husband was out cheating.

But I don't believe him to be incompetent as a parent, and I don't believe her to be this Mrs. Cleaver type.

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/ women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on the statistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the 'justice' of the system.

That is my only gripe. Especially if you're a great father.
Swear ta God I wish someone would "humiliate" me for 750 mil. 

@#$% someone come thru here right now and do it for 100K, I don't give a @#$%, just lemme have some money. 

This chick is ridiculous.  And am I to understand that on top of the 750 mil, she STILL wants to have the right to write a book, and go on the talk show circuit as well? 

I felt bad for her at first, now I say hell with her
I think people are reading too much into the $750m number. Whenever you go to court you always ask for an inflated number because you know the judge is likely only going to award you a fraction of that in the event you do win your claim. What do you want her to do? Ask for $100m and end up with $20m? $750m means she'll get a couple hundred mill.

I dont understand why people call her a gold digger. It's not like she married Tiger hoping Tiger would f*ck up and then she'd be able to file for divorce. She had 2 kids with him and from all reports the marriage was going fine until Tiger's scandal came out. How are you gonna criticize her when it was Tiger that cheated and banged like 20+ women while she was at home taking care of his kids? Tiger is 100% at fault (as he admitted) and he's gonna pay the price (literally).

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms;understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on thestatistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the'justice' of the system.
One of the few pro-Tiger arguments here that I agree with. Just like many other men in North America, he likely wont even get fair treatment in court.
Just throwing it out there, but in addition to the "humiliation", if tiger and elin were still having sex, he potentially exposed her
to STD's and such.

Something to think about...
Originally Posted by solesavage

air max 87 wrote:

DoubleJs07 wrote:

Jerome in the House wrote:

DoubleJs07 wrote:

Good for her. He's a herb.
Okay He should give more than half of what he is worth to some girl that didn't even work for that money? If someone wants to divorce you, they also should divorce the money.

Your points are irrelevant.  If she's essentially raising the two kids on her own and was used to a certain lifestyle, then she should be compensated.  Just because Tiger is providing for her financially doesn't give him the green-light to do whatever the hell he wants.  All in all, Tiger should have thought about all of this before he slayed 120+ women while married.  Save the stoneface.

you a female or simp?

i hate that mentality, she aint have *+*@, should she get some? fine? but all that ? for what? im sure she stood home with the kids all the time and it wasn't the nanny

this is whats wrong with America, they females thinking they deserve *+*@ when they aint bring *+*@ to the table.

Here is where I have trouble understanding our judicial system. If SHE was the one cheating, and he wanted a divorice she would still be filthy rich. Truly disgusting

it really is utterly disgusting tho
750 million?
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by Jerome in the House

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Man y'all are lame for hating on her. Imagine you were married to a celeb who was worth billions and she popped 120+ dudes AND she didn't sign a prenup, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU would do the same exact thing she is doing, clean your spouse the +!!! out especially after being embarrassed publicaly like that. Tiger is the dumb!$$ in the situation for 1)Not signing a prenup 2) Not signing a prenup 3) Being mad sloppy with the type of women he messed with

I hope she gets every single cent maybe then these dummies that marry gold digging pizzles will smarten up

Why are you posting like you know the whole situation? How do you know she wasn't a factor in his cheating on her?

For the bold part. So with your logic, if it was Elin cheating on Tiger. He would take EVERYTHING she has? Everything she is worth? If that was the case, there would be an uproar if a GUY like Tiger tried to do something like that. The argument that people like you would make is "he is already rich why does he need more?". Same thing with Elin, she can easily take a cool $100M or even $300M  and provide a good life for her and her children. She is a selfish @#*%# just like Tiger is. She doesn't care about him actually cheating or the actual relationship. She is just trying to get taken care of financially, if she really cared about her kids and the relationship, she would take enough money to provide a good life or at least something she knows she can raise her kids in.

To me taking everything Tiger is worth is WAAAAYYYYY worse than cheating in a relationship no matter if it was 120 times.

Do I think she deserves $750 million? Hell no. Do I blame her though? HELL NO. If Tiger made her sign a prenup, then that opportunity for her to rape his pockets would not even be there for her to exploit. This is Tiger's fault 100%, you play, you PAY.

He did make her sign a prenup.  He's afraid what she might say if he doesn't get that confidentiality clause (which wasn't part of the original prenup agreement) thus he is forced to go back to the bargaining table.  The whole 750 million stems from his desire to get that confidentiality clause.  If he didn't fear what she might say he would just point to the prenup and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This heifer really said $750 mil w/ a straight face.
Like 'Why's everyone's jaws on the floor? I'm serious.'

Her wanting full custody is a joke, unless Tiger is a bad father (and NO, infidelity does NOT make you a bad father). I don't care if you disagree w/ the parenthesis; you can be an awesome parent to your children at the same time that you're being a terrible husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. PLENTY of parents get divorced w/ joint custody under the basic premise 'You're an awesome parent, but you treat me like garbage.'

And this broad was not raising no damn family. We all know they had a nanny.

Listen, if I knew Tiger really is a completely incompetent parent... and I knew this chick really was raising those kids full-time, then... me personally, I wouldn't have a problem w/ granting her full custody and I wouldn't have a problem w/ the $750mil. I mean, that would mean he's an idiot of a father and she was raising the kids on her own while her celebrity husband was out cheating.

But I don't believe him to be incompetent as a parent, and I don't believe her to be this Mrs. Cleaver type.

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/ women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on the statistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the 'justice' of the system.
I believe infidelity does make you a bad father because what respect do you have for your children to do their MOTHER like that?

Whichever way you want to twist it. Their mother is a part of them.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This heifer really said $750 mil w/ a straight face.
Like 'Why's everyone's jaws on the floor? I'm serious.'

Her wanting full custody is a joke, unless Tiger is a bad father (and NO, infidelity does NOT make you a bad father). I don't care if you disagree w/ the parenthesis; you can be an awesome parent to your children at the same time that you're being a terrible husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. PLENTY of parents get divorced w/ joint custody under the basic premise 'You're an awesome parent, but you treat me like garbage.'

And this broad was not raising no damn family. We all know they had a nanny.

Listen, if I knew Tiger really is a completely incompetent parent... and I knew this chick really was raising those kids full-time, then... me personally, I wouldn't have a problem w/ granting her full custody and I wouldn't have a problem w/ the $750mil. I mean, that would mean he's an idiot of a father and she was raising the kids on her own while her celebrity husband was out cheating.

But I don't believe him to be incompetent as a parent, and I don't believe her to be this Mrs. Cleaver type.

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/ women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on the statistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the 'justice' of the system.
I believe infidelity does make you a bad father because what respect do you have for your children to do their MOTHER like that?

Whichever way you want to twist it. Their mother is a part of them.

You're jaded against fathers so you really shouldn't speak on this topic.

If a woman cheats on her husband does that make her a bad mother as well???  This is very idiotic reasoning.
Most of you do know that even if Tiger did sign a prenup, a lot of prenups are negated after one party commits adultery?

With that said, I hate how women are usually favored by courts in these decisions. But in this instance let's call it how it is.

If your wife boned 120+ dudes, would you want her around your kids ever again? Hell, how do you know that she doesn't have an STD that can be spread to your kids? What prevents her from doing it again?

Ya'll are just seeing the dollar amount (which is quite ridiculous, I agree) but Elin has all the leverage (and justifiably so) to get whatever she wants out of this divorce. Tiger #*!$%@ up...the end.
Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

Most of you do know that even if Tiger did sign a prenup, a lot of prenups are negated after one party commits adultery?

With that said, I hate how women are usually favored by courts in these decisions. But in this instance let's call it how it is.

If your wife boned 120+ dudes, would you want her around your kids ever again? Hell, how do you know that she doesn't have an STD that can be spread to your kids? What prevents her from doing it again?

Ya'll are just seeing the dollar amount (which is quite ridiculous, I agree) but Elin has all the leverage (and justifiably so) to get whatever she wants out of this divorce. Tiger #*!$%@ up...the end.
That's not exactly true.  Courts will generally uphold a prenuptial agreement unless the agreement itself is unconscionable, one party is not represented by counsel, the agreement was a result of coherence, etc.  For example when Elin first discovered Tiger's ways she wanted him to rework the prenup.
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