Elin Nordegren wants $750M(!!!) from Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This heifer really said $750 mil w/ a straight face.
Like 'Why's everyone's jaws on the floor? I'm serious.'

Her wanting full custody is a joke, unless Tiger is a bad father (and NO, infidelity does NOT make you a bad father). I don't care if you disagree w/ the parenthesis; you can be an awesome parent to your children at the same time that you're being a terrible husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. PLENTY of parents get divorced w/ joint custody under the basic premise 'You're an awesome parent, but you treat me like garbage.'

And this broad was not raising no damn family. We all know they had a nanny.

Listen, if I knew Tiger really is a completely incompetent parent... and I knew this chick really was raising those kids full-time, then... me personally, I wouldn't have a problem w/ granting her full custody and I wouldn't have a problem w/ the $750mil. I mean, that would mean he's an idiot of a father and she was raising the kids on her own while her celebrity husband was out cheating.

But I don't believe him to be incompetent as a parent, and I don't believe her to be this Mrs. Cleaver type.

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/ women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on the statistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the 'justice' of the system.
I believe infidelity does make you a bad father because what respect do you have for your children to do their MOTHER like that?

Whichever way you want to twist it. Their mother is a part of them.

You're jaded against fathers so you really shouldn't speak on this topic.

If a woman cheats on her husband does that make her a bad mother as well???  This is very idiotic reasoning.

If your dad is cheating on your mom, would you (as a child) have any resentment towards him?  Especially if it broke up your family?  There are MANY cases of therapy for kids when a nasty divorce/separation takes place. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This heifer really said $750 mil w/ a straight face.
Like 'Why's everyone's jaws on the floor? I'm serious.'

Her wanting full custody is a joke, unless Tiger is a bad father (and NO, infidelity does NOT make you a bad father). I don't care if you disagree w/ the parenthesis; you can be an awesome parent to your children at the same time that you're being a terrible husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. PLENTY of parents get divorced w/ joint custody under the basic premise 'You're an awesome parent, but you treat me like garbage.'

And this broad was not raising no damn family. We all know they had a nanny.

Listen, if I knew Tiger really is a completely incompetent parent... and I knew this chick really was raising those kids full-time, then... me personally, I wouldn't have a problem w/ granting her full custody and I wouldn't have a problem w/ the $750mil. I mean, that would mean he's an idiot of a father and she was raising the kids on her own while her celebrity husband was out cheating.

But I don't believe him to be incompetent as a parent, and I don't believe her to be this Mrs. Cleaver type.

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/ women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on the statistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the 'justice' of the system.
I believe infidelity does make you a bad father because what respect do you have for your children to do their MOTHER like that?

Whichever way you want to twist it. Their mother is a part of them.

You're jaded against fathers so you really shouldn't speak on this topic.

If a woman cheats on her husband does that make her a bad mother as well???  This is very idiotic reasoning.

If your dad is cheating on your mom, would you (as a child) have any resentment towards him?  Especially if it broke up your family?  There are MANY cases of therapy for kids when a nasty divorce/separation takes place. 

My dad did cheat on my mother resulting in our family breaking up as well as the first of 3 half sisters from him.  I don't/nor have I ever harbored any resentment towards him for that because that was their relationship not ours.  My issues with him came from his lack of involvement in my life after the split even though my mother did what she was supposed to do and always left the door to our relationship wide open.  He had ample opportunities to be there when I was younger that he didn't take and when he did get me he would try to assimilate me into the other woman's family instead of bonding/spending time/getting to know me and I wasn't with that.  Those were my issues, it didn't have anything to do with what happened between him and my mother because what happened between them two has nothing to do with him being there for me.  Thats what my mother taught me her words verbatium "What happened between me and your father has no baring on you being a son to your father or him being a father to his son, and thats the way its supposed to be."  She told me that from age 6 until 11 when she realized that our lack of relationship wasn't based upon thier split.  So yea I have some experience on this subject Broski.
Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives. I never put much stock in it when I got married, not that I'm going to rush to divorce but if the relationship turns bad why stay together and ruin both yours and your spouses lives?
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This heifer really said $750 mil w/ a straight face.
Like 'Why's everyone's jaws on the floor? I'm serious.'

Her wanting full custody is a joke, unless Tiger is a bad father (and NO, infidelity does NOT make you a bad father). I don't care if you disagree w/ the parenthesis; you can be an awesome parent to your children at the same time that you're being a terrible husband/boyfriend or wife/girlfriend. PLENTY of parents get divorced w/ joint custody under the basic premise 'You're an awesome parent, but you treat me like garbage.'

And this broad was not raising no damn family. We all know they had a nanny.

Listen, if I knew Tiger really is a completely incompetent parent... and I knew this chick really was raising those kids full-time, then... me personally, I wouldn't have a problem w/ granting her full custody and I wouldn't have a problem w/ the $750mil. I mean, that would mean he's an idiot of a father and she was raising the kids on her own while her celebrity husband was out cheating.

But I don't believe him to be incompetent as a parent, and I don't believe her to be this Mrs. Cleaver type.

And it really is disgusting how much the courts automatically side w/ women in this country. There are more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms; understood. But handing out decisions to indiviual cases based on the statistics and probabilities of similar cases completely negates the 'justice' of the system.
I believe infidelity does make you a bad father because what respect do you have for your children to do their MOTHER like that?

Whichever way you want to twist it. Their mother is a part of them.

You're jaded against fathers so you really shouldn't speak on this topic.

If a woman cheats on her husband does that make her a bad mother as well???  This is very idiotic reasoning.

If your dad is cheating on your mom, would you (as a child) have any resentment towards him?  Especially if it broke up your family?  There are MANY cases of therapy for kids when a nasty divorce/separation takes place. 

My dad did cheat on my mother resulting in our family breaking up as well as the first of 3 half sisters from him.  I don't/nor have I ever harbored any resentment towards him for that because that was their relationship not ours.  My issues with him came from his lack of involvement in my life after the split even though my mother did what she was supposed to do and always left the door to our relationship wide open.  He had ample opportunities to be there when I was younger that he didn't take and when he did get me he would try to assimilate me into the other woman's family instead of bonding/spending time/getting to know me and I wasn't with that.  Those were my issues, it didn't have anything to do with what happened between him and my mother because what happened between them two has nothing to do with him being there for me.  Thats what my mother taught me her words verbatium "What happened between me and your father has no baring on you being a son to your father or him being a father to his son, and thats the way its supposed to be."  She told me that from age 6 until 11 when she realized that our lack of relationship wasn't based upon thier split.  So yea I have some experience on this subject Broski.

I'm not doubting you at all...but for every instance where cheating between spouses doesn't have an affect on the children, there are just as many cases where it does.  Honestly, there is no right/wrong answer...and it all depends on the dynamic of the family and it's makeup.  You're lucky that the cheating didn't play a role in how you viewed your dad/mom.  A friend of the family experienced the same thing.  The dad cheated on the mom, and it created such a divide and friction between everyone that there was a huge/messy divorce as a result.  In the end, the dad felt so guilty that he tried to overcompensate for what he did by trying to buy his daughter's love by showering her with random gifts...cars, apartments paid for, clothes, etc etc....when the daughter got married a 2 years ago in Jamaica, the dad got on the mic and cried his eyes out apologizing for his actions etc....to say it wasn't an awkward moment for everyone there would be an understatement.....like I said before...you're lucky that it didn't play a role in how you looked at your dad earlier in your life.  

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.  Don't cheat on your wife.  It's that simple.  Or at least make sure that no one ever finds out about it.
You can ignore my random marriage thoughts, that was just thinking out loud haha, I'm bored at work
Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives.

You'd be surprised.  For every cheating/adultery situation that ended in divorce there are just as many if not more where the couple worked out their problems and stayed together.  That's the difference between somebody that knows what marriage is about versus somebody that gets married just because they have nothing better use to do, not directing that statement at you per say, but just anybody to whom it applies to.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.
This scandal may very well be Tiger fault, however that doesn't negate the fact that Elin is at fault for throwing in the towel on their marriage.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives.

You'd be surprised.  For every cheating/adultery situation that ended in divorce there are just as many if not more where the couple worked out their problems and stayed together.  That's the difference between somebody that knows what marriage is about versus somebody that gets married just because they have nothing better use to do, not directing that statement at you per say, but just anybody to whom it applies to.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.
This scandal may very well be Tiger fault, however that doesn't negate the fact that Elin is at fault for throwing in the towel on their marriage.

I don't see how any of the fault can be placed on Elin.  If you were in her position, would you try to work things out knowing that your husband was having sex with porn-stars, diner waitresses, and other women?  
Fair enough Deuce and I'm not saying 1 cheat incident should equal automatic divorce (depends on the circumstances) but the current independent woman is able to get out of bad marriages much easier than before (for better or worse you decide)
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives.

You'd be surprised.  For every cheating/adultery situation that ended in divorce there are just as many if not more where the couple worked out their problems and stayed together.  That's the difference between somebody that knows what marriage is about versus somebody that gets married just because they have nothing better use to do, not directing that statement at you per say, but just anybody to whom it applies to.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.
This scandal may very well be Tiger fault, however that doesn't negate the fact that Elin is at fault for throwing in the towel on their marriage.

You've got to be the dumbest person on NT for this comment.

How many guys would YOU put up with if your girl admitted to cheating. 1? 3? 10?!? 100? Would you still want to "work it out" then?

Now Elin doesn't deserve 750M and all that other BS, but to say that she's giving up on the marriage is plain stupid. End of story.

Oh, and Tiger's an idiot.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives.

You'd be surprised.  For every cheating/adultery situation that ended in divorce there are just as many if not more where the couple worked out their problems and stayed together.  That's the difference between somebody that knows what marriage is about versus somebody that gets married just because they have nothing better use to do, not directing that statement at you per say, but just anybody to whom it applies to.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.
This scandal may very well be Tiger fault, however that doesn't negate the fact that Elin is at fault for throwing in the towel on their marriage.

I don't see how any of the fault can be placed on Elin.  If you were in her position, would you try to work things out knowing that your husband was having sex with porn-stars, diner waitresses, and other women?  

Well put it like this, let's say for example Elin stop giving Tiger "some".........at what point does Tiger or even you DoubleJ's as a man stop asking your wife for some and look else where??  I'm not necessarily asking you per say, but that's something for all of us guys here to think about possibly.  Even if that's the case that doesn't make Tiger cheating acceptable, but I'm inclined to think that alot of us guys here on the boards would be a bit more sympathetic to Tiger situation if this were the case.

Fair enough Deuce and I'm not saying 1 cheat incident should equal automatic divorce (depends on the circumstances) but the current independent woman is able to get out of bad marriages much easier than before (for better or worse you decide) 

I hear ya champ, I really do.  I think in this day and age people are so quick to walk out of marriage for various reasons, but not alot of people truly don't know what it means to ENDURE in a marriage, not just women but men as well.  Everybody goes through a rought patch in marriage, it just is what it is.  The only way possible I can even side with Elin thinking about divorce is if Tiger had a baby by one of these jumpoffs or if Elin was being physically abused during the relationship.  Other than that, it's time for Elin to try and forgive and start fighting for her marriage unless she is just a natural born quitter.
Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives.

You'd be surprised.  For every cheating/adultery situation that ended in divorce there are just as many if not more where the couple worked out their problems and stayed together.  That's the difference between somebody that knows what marriage is about versus somebody that gets married just because they have nothing better use to do, not directing that statement at you per say, but just anybody to whom it applies to.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.
This scandal may very well be Tiger fault, however that doesn't negate the fact that Elin is at fault for throwing in the towel on their marriage.

You've got to be the dumbest person on NT for this comment.

How many guys would YOU put up with if your girl admitted to cheating. 1? 3? 10?!? 100? Would you still want to "work it out" then?

Now Elin doesn't deserve 750M and all that other BS, but to say that she's giving up on the marriage is plain stupid. End of story.

Oh, and Tiger's an idiot.

It's quite clear to see that you and I are on two different wave lengths when it comes to marriage and that's cool.  I'm a God-fearing Christian that believes in marriage, you on the other hand obviously don't know what marriage is all about and there's nothing wrong with that, but at least say you don't know what marriage is about so that everyone here on the boards knows where your coming from.  I said this before and I'll say it again when both man and woman together at the alter say "FOR BETTER OR WORSE" does anybody truly know what that means.  
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I don't see how any of the fault can be placed on Elin.  If you were in her position, would you try to work things out knowing that your husband was having sex with porn-stars, diner waitresses, and other women? 
Do it for the children? But obviously both Tiger and Elin don't care enough about keeping their family intact for that to happen. Way too late now too.  
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives.

You'd be surprised.  For every cheating/adultery situation that ended in divorce there are just as many if not more where the couple worked out their problems and stayed together.  That's the difference between somebody that knows what marriage is about versus somebody that gets married just because they have nothing better use to do, not directing that statement at you per say, but just anybody to whom it applies to.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.
This scandal may very well be Tiger fault, however that doesn't negate the fact that Elin is at fault for throwing in the towel on their marriage.

I don't see how any of the fault can be placed on Elin.  If you were in her position, would you try to work things out knowing that your husband was having sex with porn-stars, diner waitresses, and other women?  

Well put it like this, let's say for example Elin stop giving Tiger "some".........at what point does Tiger or even you DoubleJ's as a man stop asking your wife for some and look else where??  I'm not necessarily asking you per say, but that's something for all of us guys here to think about possibly.  Even if that's the case that doesn't make Tiger cheating acceptable, but I'm inclined to think that alot of us guys here on the boards would be a bit more sympathetic to Tiger situation if this were the case.

Fair enough Deuce and I'm not saying 1 cheat incident should equal automatic divorce (depends on the circumstances) but the current independent woman is able to get out of bad marriages much easier than before (for better or worse you decide) 

I hear ya champ, I really do.  I think in this day and age people are so quick to walk out of marriage for various reasons, but not alot of people truly don't know what it means to ENDURE in a marriage, not just women but men as well.  Everybody goes through a rought patch in marriage, it just is what it is.  The only way possible I can even side with Elin thinking about divorce is if Tiger had a baby by one of these jumpoffs or if Elin was being physically abused during the relationship.  Other than that, it's time for Elin to try and forgive and start fighting for her marriage unless she is just a natural born quitter.
If Tiger is that unhappy cause he's not getting butt at home, then talk it out with your wife...go to therapy...get a separation....take the measures you need to take before going to the extreme of cheating multiple times while living under the same roof as your (still) wife and kids.  People can cheat once or twice and be forgiven...that happens.  Cheating on your wife with 120+ women is OD.  From the information that we as the public know, I can't give Tiger any sympathy or view him as a "victim" due to his transgressions. 

I said this before and I'll say it again when both man and woman together at the alter say "FOR BETTER OR WORSE" does anybody truly know what that means.

while that's true, it doesn't give folks the green-light to do whatever the hell they want.  At some point, enough is enough. 

Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I don't see how any of the fault can be placed on Elin.  If you were in her position, would you try to work things out knowing that your husband was having sex with porn-stars, diner waitresses, and other women? 
Do it for the children? But obviously both Tiger and Elin don't care enough about keeping their family intact for that to happen. Way too late now too.  

Can you blame her?  Who in their right mind would keep their family in-tact if the spouse was creeping with over 120+ other people? 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Do it for the children? But obviously both Tiger and Elin don't care enough about keeping their family intact for that to happen. Way too late now too.  

Can you blame her?  Who in their right mind would keep their family in-tact if the spouse was creeping with over 120+ other people? 
Nah, I don't blame her. Of course, I have never heard anything publicly from her so I don't know her motivation for wanting a divorce and wanting full custody and $750 million. So is she doing this for herself? Doing this for her children? Personally, I am leaning towards for herself, because if you want what is the best for your children, you will make sacrifices. I can elaborate on that, but really, does anyone know what Elin is thinking in her head? The children will have money no matter if there is a divorce or not and full or partial custody for Elin, so that $750 million just seems selfish to me.       
If Tiger is that unhappy cause he's not getting butt at home, then talk it out with your wife...go to therapy...get a separation....take the measures you need to take before going to the extreme of cheating multiple times while living under the same roof as your (still) wife and kids. 
Your absolutely right champ, I can't disagree with this statement at all.

while that's true, it doesn't give folks the green-light to do whatever the hell they want. 
Of course it doesn't, however at the same time people in a marriage have to/or should ENDURE, and it's definitely easier saying it than it is doing it but that's what marriage is all about.

Who in their right mind would keep their family in-tact if the spouse was creeping with over 120+ other people? 

For what it's worth I can almost guarantee you that Tiger cared NOTHING about any of those chicks.  Here it is the world's richest athlete is flying these chicks on airlines in COACH and feeding them sandwiches from Subway.  It's not like he was sharing his money with any of these chicks, in fact most of them said that he was flat out cheap during their encounters.  I'm quite sure even before this situation broke out Elin was getting taken care of money-wise just like how most of us would invision Tiger Woods taking care of his wife.  That right there alone should tell you Tiger didn't care about any of these chicks, once a dude starts spending his time and money on a chick, that's one of the ways you can tell me might be falling for her, other than that Tiger was treating them as jumpoffs as he should have.  At the end of the day Tiger might have been with these jumpoffs during the day but at night he went home to his WIFE.
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Do it for the children? But obviously both Tiger and Elin don't care enough about keeping their family intact for that to happen. Way too late now too.  

Can you blame her?  Who in their right mind would keep their family in-tact if the spouse was creeping with over 120+ other people? 
Nah, I don't blame her. Of course, I have never heard anything publicly from her so I don't know her motivation for wanting a divorce and wanting full custody and $750 million. So is she doing this for herself? Doing this for her children? Personally, I am leaning towards for herself, because if you want what is the best for your children, you will make sacrifices. I can elaborate on that, but really, does anyone know what Elin is thinking in her head? The children will have money no matter if there is a divorce or not and full or partial custody for Elin, so that $750 million just seems selfish to me.       

   I hear you....I think a lot of her motivation is because Tiger *#%$%% up the family...but the other part of her motivation is to hit Tiger where it hurts the most....his wallet. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Liquor Poker

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Eh I think people that stick to that too stringently often just end up in bad relationships for their entire lives.

You'd be surprised.  For every cheating/adultery situation that ended in divorce there are just as many if not more where the couple worked out their problems and stayed together.  That's the difference between somebody that knows what marriage is about versus somebody that gets married just because they have nothing better use to do, not directing that statement at you per say, but just anybody to whom it applies to.

I know you guys don't want to hear it, but this is all Tiger's fault.
This scandal may very well be Tiger fault, however that doesn't negate the fact that Elin is at fault for throwing in the towel on their marriage.

You've got to be the dumbest person on NT for this comment.

How many guys would YOU put up with if your girl admitted to cheating. 1? 3? 10?!? 100? Would you still want to "work it out" then?

Now Elin doesn't deserve 750M and all that other BS, but to say that she's giving up on the marriage is plain stupid. End of story.

Oh, and Tiger's an idiot.

It's quite clear to see that you and I are on two different wave lengths when it comes to marriage and that's cool.  I'm a God-fearing Christian that believes in marriage, you on the other hand obviously don't know what marriage is all about and there's nothing wrong with that, but at least say you don't know what marriage is about so that everyone here on the boards knows where your coming from.  I said this before and I'll say it again when both man and woman together at the alter say "FOR BETTER OR WORSE" does anybody truly know what that means.  

  Adultery  is   kind  of  a  bad   thing in Christianity,  but Tiger's buddhist
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Who in their right mind would keep their family in-tact if the spouse was creeping with over 120+ other people? 

For what it's worth I can almost guarantee you that Tiger cared NOTHING about any of those chicks.  Here it is the world's richest athlete is flying these chicks on airlines in COACH and feeding them sandwiches from Subway.  It's not like he was sharing his money with any of these chicks, in fact most of them said that he was flat out cheap during their encounters.  I'm quite sure even before this situation broke out Elin was getting taken care of money-wise just like how most of us would invision Tiger Woods taking care of his wife.  That right there alone should tell you Tiger didn't care about any of these chicks, once a dude starts spending his time and money on a chick, that's one of the ways you can tell me might be falling for her, other than that Tiger was treating them as jumpoffs as he should have.  At the end of the day Tiger might have been with these jumpoffs during the day but at night he went home to his WIFE.

nah.. that Rachel Uchitel girl was def more than a side bit... Tiger bought her silence for a reason.

anyway.. besides that point.. Tiger clearly abandoned his duties as a husband well before Elin filed for divorce.
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