Elin Nordegren wants $750M(!!!) from Tiger Woods

Originally Posted by Deuce King

If Tiger is that unhappy cause he's not getting butt at home, then talk it out with your wife...go to therapy...get a separation....take the measures you need to take before going to the extreme of cheating multiple times while living under the same roof as your (still) wife and kids. 
Your absolutely right champ, I can't disagree with this statement at all.

while that's true, it doesn't give folks the green-light to do whatever the hell they want. 
Of course it doesn't, however at the same time people in a marriage have to/or should ENDURE, and it's definitely easier saying it than it is doing it but that's what marriage is all about.

Who in their right mind would keep their family in-tact if the spouse was creeping with over 120+ other people? 

For what it's worth I can almost guarantee you that Tiger cared NOTHING about any of those chicks.  Here it is the world's richest athlete is flying these chicks on airlines in COACH and feeding them sandwiches from Subway.  It's not like he was sharing his money with any of these chicks, in fact most of them said that he was flat out cheap during their encounters.  I'm quite sure even before this situation broke out Elin was getting taken care of money-wise just like how most of us would invision Tiger Woods taking care of his wife.  That right there alone should tell you Tiger didn't care about any of these chicks, once a dude starts spending his time and money on a chick, that's one of the ways you can tell me might be falling for her, other than that Tiger was treating them as jumpoffs as he should have.  At the end of the day Tiger might have been with these jumpoffs during the day but at night he went home to his WIFE.

You make a lot of good points, DK....and here's my theory on Tiger. 

Dude has always been a herb...a square...a dork...etc.  Even while he was at Stanford, he still probably was awkward around women and had a hard time reaping the rewards of being a top-tier athlete on campus.  Of course this is before all the fame/fortune.  Skip ahead a couple of years, Tiger is playing pro-golf by now and one of his boys hooks him up with the nanny of one of his kids.  He sees a striking blond woman and falls head over heels.  Dude is smitten.  He's attained the plateu of beauty in his eyes.  Tiger wifes her up a little early without having sowed his wild oats as a bachelor.  To many women, there's nothing more desirable than a married man....when you factor in the millions of dollars he was worth at this point, Tiger all of a sudden becomes a VERY wanted man.  At this point, Tiger is chums w. Oak, Barkley, and Jordan...can you imagine the tales of debauchery(sp?) they are telling him while playing 18 holes of golf?  This is most likely an impressional guy hearing all sorts of stuff from athletes who were at the top of their games (except Oak) who tell him how easy it is to keep women on the side while married.  Eventually Tiger follows along with what those guys are telling him.  He realizes how easy it is to pull women when you're Tiger Woods.  You don't need game...you don't need good looks...the type of woman you attract wants you for your $.  You have the world at your fingertips, and people will kiss your +%% JUST because of who you are.  After a while, cheating with your wife with one woman soon becomes two....that two becomes four, and so on and so on.  If he had any sort of "player skills" he would have known how to keep his #!!% on the side and private.  Remember....his wife was going thru his phone and saw the texts amongst other things....dude had ONE phone.  One. 
  He was living two different lives and that #!!% caught up to him.  There's a part of me that thinks that Elin was really blind to everything that was going on outside of their home.  She probably never thought in a million years that dude would be creeping on her....hence her reaction on Thanksgiving when she put those golf clubs through the window of his Escalade.  Of course this is just my theory, so I'm sure there are plenty of holes in what I'm thinking.  I dunno....it's a bad situation all around...and like I said before, I feel really bad for the kids.  They are the innocent ones in this whole ordeal, and if mom does get full custody, who knows that she'll say and if they will have any sort of resentment towards their dad. 
I agree with you on alot of point DoubleJ's. Tiger damn sure aint no player, and most likely is a square/shy to begin with.  Tiger was playing a game that he surely wasn't built for or intended to last in cause he aint cut from that cloth.  He created his own mess and worse yet involved his wife and kids into the matter.  All of that is past tense however, meaning it's in the past, and his past doesn't have to represent his future, nor Elin's for that matter.  It's easy to walk away in any situation but it's much harder to stand and fight.  

nah.. that Rachel Uchitel girl was def more than a side bit... Tiger bought her silence for a reason.

anyway.. besides that point.. Tiger clearly abandoned his duties as a husband well before Elin filed for divorce.
Okay, that's 1 chick out of 120, either way Tiger treated the vast majority of them as side pieces.  Also, although Tiger might not have been the perfect husband or father, I wouldn't go so far to say he abandoned his duties completely as a husband beforehand.
Negotiations 101: Aim high
...it's not like she's ever going to see that kind of money but if Elin goes in saying she wants $100 mil, she'd probably only end up with $50

Tiger hit her with the 120 cases of adultery uppercut, and this is just her counter $750 million right hook.

Some of yall just sound young and ******ed as hell talking about OJ'ing her
Dude has always been a herb...a square...a dork...etc.  Even while hewas at Stanford, he still probably was awkward around women and had ahard time reaping the rewards of being a top-tier athlete on campus. Of course this is before all the fame/fortune.
I do agree with this, same sort of scenario as Roeth as well.  Money doesn't change you, it just amplifies how you are

As for people saying "this is terrible", etc, this is just what she asked for, she could've said any number, you should get mad when the court decides what she actually gets and it is a official.  No reason to jump the gun prior to anything being official
At that monetary amount, might as well play the ""We need to stay together for the kids" card.
As one source with direct knowledge of the terms of the divorce tells TMZ, "She'll be getting close to $100,000,000."

There have been reports Elin would score $750 million, but we have confirmed that figure is wrong. Indeed, as we first reported, Tiger is not even worth $750 million. We're told his net worth is somewhere between $500 and $600 million.

Sources say Elin will receive child support, but we do not know the specific amount.

As for the $100 million figure ... this is not speculation ... it comes from sources with direct knowledge of the property settlement agreement.

To put this in some perspective, Elin will be getting 10 times what Rachel Uchitel scored from Tiger.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/0...s-divorce/#ixzz0sYIDiNGE
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

As one source with direct knowledge of the terms of the divorce tells TMZ, "She'll be getting close to $100,000,000."

There have been reports Elin would score $750 million, but we have confirmed that figure is wrong. Indeed, as we first reported, Tiger is not even worth $750 million. We're told his net worth is somewhere between $500 and $600 million.

Sources say Elin will receive child support, but we do not know the specific amount.

As for the $100 million figure ... this is not speculation ... it comes from sources with direct knowledge of the property settlement agreement.

To put this in some perspective, Elin will be getting 10 times what Rachel Uchitel scored from Tiger.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/0...s-divorce/#ixzz0sYIDiNGE
that's some good news
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