Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Obama talking bout some damn gun control Smfh
That's why I think some of this **** is staged man...

But the shooter made a comment...

You're taking over our country.


I havent heard his remarks yet. I dont know how to feel about him making this a gun violence thing. Its been described as a hate crime so i would hope he would have mentioned the racial element.

Unfortunately because this is a racial event impacting only blacks, only a fraction of white people will care anyway. If Obama comes out speaking on race again he loses folks on the other side just cuz... I mean who does his message reach?

maybe the gun violence angle keeps some attention on it from white liberals... i dunno man
how many times has obama spoken about shootings...seems like it's happening at least twice a year...
The unnecessary loss of life is sad...but, at least for me, its always the public reaction to this stuff that's the real travesty.

Wait for the typical insensitive responses on forums of..."this would never be a story if the races were reversed" and typical vitriol that always emerges from 'some' white people not understanding their own emotions and how angry it makes them that racism still exists and that injustices against minorities need to be publicized.

Then wait for the equally emotional but no less disturbing reaction from the black community for street justice, and besmirching the dignity of all of white america at large because of one mad man.
Well said man I am with you.... I understand the power of media thats why I asked the question to you guys.

I guess kinda my point in this situation is that I dont want our battle with the media over proper labeling to take away from the compassion that should be extended to the victims or the focus of making sure this guy and anybody that helped him are brought to justice.

For this particular situation... i just dont see the value in us saying "Hey Media, call this guy a thug like you do our brothers and sisters because of....."

The Terrorist label also... I think the guy is a terrorist but i mean the word has certain ramifications. Should we limit it to race on why its not used or could we open it up to the media having concern for public awareness? Can they call the guy a terrorist and expect the public to not take unnecessary precautions? "A terrorist is on the loose, cancel all church events in the surrounding areas."

I understand your point of having compassion and bringing the terrorist to justice, however that can also be done while trying to force these corporations hands. Regardless of the case i think telling the truth would set a huge precedent going forward if they were to make changes in these descriptions. Using terrorist would open people up to the idea that it's not just Muslims or people of middle eastern descent who conspire to harm groups.

It would send precedent that black people being murdered should be viewed and given the same amount of sympathy and support as any other group of innocent people being slaughtered.

White America NEEDS to have it shoved in their face that racism exist and is still very deep rooted... this heinous act should be representation of what happens when you constantly have the media, harping on stereotypes of black people and the justification of ignorance. Those factors combined lead to 9 dead black people along with a community & children traumatized.
CNN said the gun was given to him by his father for his b-day.

Think it was a .45
Scumbag :smh:

This should be treated as an act of terrorism....this was premeditated and calculated. Hate seeing them label him as "quiet and soft spoken" :smh:
Now will his father be as heavily scrutinized as the parents of "black criminals"? :rolleyes
Right, because the past 400 years have no relevance at all.

One man doesnt develop that kind of hate all by himself. You'd be a fool to believe that

Here comes the isolated event crowd trying to pretend that this country's history of aggression and racism doesn't exist.
#noothercrimehistory RT @AP: BREAKING: Records: Church shooting suspect has felony drug case, 1 misdemeanor, no other crime history.
— Bomani Jones (@bomani_jones) June 18, 2015
if you work in media and don't point out the rhetoric being used for this shooter, i fear you may be a big part of the problem.
— Bomani Jones (@bomani_jones) June 18, 2015
if the term is evenly applied, yes. not concerned with labels now. RT @JaLouNav: bomani, would you argue that this is an act of terrorism?
— Bomani Jones (@bomani_jones) June 18, 2015
because we have a war on terror. if white people cant be terrorists by definition, the war on terror is effectively a war on *others.*
— Bomani Jones (@bomani_jones) June 18, 2015
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