Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

eh, it costs more for death than life in prison. Unless they just skipped everything and took him out back and put him down, which I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to.

most likely he will get put on death row though. unless found guilty by insanity. also, lets not forget how long it will take for the judicial system to begin processing. james holmes still on trial :smh:
Peep the license plate...


his bucket is Korean doe :nerd:
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rip to all the lives lost last night smh man

put one in this dudes dome and call it a night no trial no nothing **** it 
most likely he will get put on death row though. unless found guilty by insanity. also, lets not forget how long it will take for the judicial system to begin processing. james holmes still on trial :smh:
yeah it takes forever. I just think if I had two choices between death or life in solitary then I'm taking death 10 times out of 10. So why give these sick ***** the easy way out - let them suffer.
"Long barrel automatics released in short bursts
The length of black life is treated with short worth"

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I wonder why they didn't release his name last night if police were at his mom's home shortly after the shooting.
I wonder why they didn't release his name last night if police were at his mom's home shortly after the shooting.

they had to get their story straight. by the end of the day it's gonna come out that that church was a terrorist organization he was basically jack bauer.
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wth. smh. shorty needs to wash her face as soon as possible. she out here was the back alley ignorance. 'came here knowing they'd be minorities'? que? Just too much stupid to wrap my head around without actually becoming stupid myself to be able to understand. I'll just seinfeld gif this one.
Knowledge of self >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This is bigger than a gun issue. I hate that it's getting turned into that.

And I don't want "let's all hold hands" I want "this **** will not be tolerated and he will pay".
He can get the death penalty if it's a fed case, it depends on what he is charged with I believe.
How important is it to you guys that the news media gets the labeling of this murderer correct? What is correct to you?

I see blacks on twitter advocating for the guy to be called a thug and gangster. I see blacks in the news media advocating for the guy to be called a terrorist.

Should the media being doing more to get the proper label out there? Are they not using these terms strictly because the guy is white?

I know why it matters to us. But its just such a horrific act that I feel like we shouldn't even care. Am i wrong for feeling this way?

The wording and description is honestly a big piece when your explaining a situation to a group of people who look to you for information. As a black man in america i'm already numb to knowing how the media rushes to portray things between blacks & whites and i personally don't let it bother me much because i already know the outcome.

However to those who haven't noticed the pattern using the phrase "soft voiced" or "troubled" paints an entirely different picture than using the word "Thug" or "terrorist". Those words immediately put you in the light of being a horrible person, cut throat, A CRIMINAL

Troubled, mentions of a bad family set up, being bullied etc etc (Usually terms they use when these white terrorist are being explained) all are used to project a victim like response from the public to the agitator. In the court of public opinion those words are used to not label him as a monster, while on the other hand men who have done nothing but be black & get shot are criminalized through words every day.

The power of words in racial matters has always been relevant, hell i mean look at are skin ? nobody is truly white or black, many varying shades but we all seem to be some form of brown or tan/peach

Yet when developing "Race" the color descriptions were set to black & white. ONLY because black & white together have always been used to indicate a difference and separation

The Word white is synonymous with Purity, Cleanliness, Heaven, Light, Good
The Word black is synonymous with Evil, Filth, Darkness, Fear, Unknown

now look at those description of the words & how they are very similar to the PERCEPTION that has been laid upon black people and white people in this world

Well said man I am with you.... I understand the power of media thats why I asked the question to you guys.

I guess kinda my point in this situation is that I dont want our battle with the media over proper labeling to take away from the compassion that should be extended to the victims or the focus of making sure this guy and anybody that helped him are brought to justice.

For this particular situation... i just dont see the value in us saying "Hey Media, call this guy a thug like you do our brothers and sisters because of....."

The Terrorist label also... I think the guy is a terrorist but i mean the word has certain ramifications. Should we limit it to race on why its not used or could we open it up to the media having concern for public awareness? Can they call the guy a terrorist and expect the public to not take unnecessary precautions? "A terrorist is on the loose, cancel all church events in the surrounding areas."
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So the narrative is gun violence. Not the fact that these genetic scum have been waged war on us for far too long
I'm not seeing any quotes about Obama speaking on racism 

Did he mention that at all?

Edit: I'm seeing he hinted at the issue. Need to watch 
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i wanted to hear him called thug on tv.. I heard lets stop him from getting guns.. Guns are easier to get than damn air jordans.
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