Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Tell that to Kendrick Johnson's family


I 2nd this. Whole case swept under the run. smh
"If you cant be black in church where can you be black in this country"

Said by one of clementas friends.

WE WERE NEVER SAFE IN CHURCH.... hell trusting white people into our churches and trying to embrace them is what set off slavery
This really hit me man... What has the world come to....

Then you have ignorance like this...

Don't complain about being a minority and say whites are a problem when your ancestors chose to come here knowing they would be a minority.

— Hyley DiBona † (@HyleyLowly)

June 18, 2015
she's donezo

View media item 1587966

View media item 1587967

wth. smh. shorty needs to wash her face as soon as possible. she out here was the back alley ignorance. 'came here knowing they'd be minorities'? que? Just too much stupid to wrap my head around without actually becoming stupid myself to be able to understand. I'll just seinfeld gif this one.
My heart goes out to all affected by this tragedy. You really have to be the scum of the earth to shoot up a church.

And shame on the media trying to defend him with that "he had black friends" nonsense. And people still try to deny white privilege...
Hmmmm so the police didn't have to kill him to bring him in? Guess that's just for black "suspects"
when he see him in the court room he will be doped up on drugs ala james holmes '

its crazy because had it been a jewish temple , automatic terrorist label smh
knowing that he will be wasting tax payer money though :smh:

send him to a north korean labor camp
eh, it costs more for death than life in prison. Unless they just skipped everything and took him out back and put him down, which I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to.
I'd donate. It ain't about the badge either. I just don't like what's been going on with regard to white on black violence. I'm dead serious too.
Agreed. Emanuel AME is going to need all the support they can get. Why not NT? The narratives the media will put out within the next few days is going to make it seem as if they perpetuated their own deaths. And the killer was a saint. It's coming.
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