Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

how can we win if we think and act just like them?
At this point I can't even imagine a future of "winning"

So much of this comes down to education, not in the academic sense but educating your children to not grow up ignorant. Human nature gravitates towards a toxic "herd' mentality, and for some the herd is their race. 

This is why blind patriotism always turns me off. It's perfectly fine to be happy and content with your ethnicity and heritage, but to be overly proud and to possess a sense of elitism over something you were born into is completely ridiculous. 

Inclusion and acceptance is always the better option.

tldr; this world sucks
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how can we win if we think and act just like them?
At this point I can't even imagine a future of "winning"
So a person who doesn't believe in a positive future is giving his input on how people should act in order to reach a positive future....

Next thing you know, a guy who doesn't believe in fitness is gonna give me workout tips
So a person who doesn't believe in a positive future is giving his input on how people should act in order to reach a positive future....

Next thing you know, a guy who doesn't believe in fitness is gonna give me workout tips

The solution is simple, teach your children about their heritage and culture, the good and the bad!!! It's funny to me how Asians have a smaller population than us African-Americans, but they have FAR more wealth! It's because they've stuck together and have cultural pride. It really puts things into perspective. There are less Asian-Americans than Blacks, but they thrive because a simple, understood formula.

Like I mentioned earlier, talk to a Baby Boomer era Black person, or someone even older, they are so hush mouth about our ancestral history. Despicable.

The solution has always been known. However, you've got majority of Blacks who just like to live oblivious to everything. I see so many older men and women in my community who sit on the stoop, drinking, smoking, disheveled. It's like Adult Truancy. These young Black kids have role models in their neighborhoods who just aren't fit to be influencers. I argue with some "friends" comstantly, who are my age 21-27 years old and their retort is always "That's just life man". I hate that mentality. It needs to be exorcismed out of not only Black consciousnes, but human consciousness. Stop being accepting of letting people screw you over. Take a stand. For every 1 Black person, male or female, who tries to spark a logical debate, their are 10,000 other blacks, of both genders drowning out the cries.
So a person who doesn't believe in a positive future is giving his input on how people should act in order to reach a positive future....

Next thing you know, a guy who doesn't believe in fitness is gonna give me workout tips
When did I ever try to give advice? Internet posts on a forum = opinions. Please go.
The solution is simple, teach your children about their heritage and culture, the good and the bad!!! It's funny to me how Asians have a smaller population than us Afriality. It needs to be exorcismed out of not only Black consciousnes, but human consciousness. Stop being accepting of letting people screw you over. Take a stand. For every 1 Black person, male or female, who tries to spark a logical debate, their are 10,000 other blacks, of both genders drowning out the cries.

I really wish dudes would stop comparing Asians and African Americans. 

There's no secret formula to undue generations of oppression, and it still continues to this day in different forms without it being physical unless you come in contact with law enforcement. 

It's not an excuse, but I don't see Asians being gunned down and the history of discrimination just isn't there. 

I don't see thousands of black people drowning out the cries, but resignation may have set in because marching and voting will not change the system.

You seem oblivious to institutional racism. 
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I really wish dudes would stop comparing Asians and African Americans. 

There's no secret formula to undue generations of oppression, and it still continues to this day in different forms without it being physical unless you come in contact with law enforcement. 

It's not an excuse, but I don't see Asians being gunned down and the history of discrimination just isn't there. 

I don't see thousands of black people drowning out the cries, but resignation may have set in because marching and voting will not change the system.

You seem oblivious to institutional racism. 

I didn't mention anything about Asians being subject to racism. Simply put, they are a lesser minority than us Blacks in America, yet have more wealth. We've made excuse after excuse. We are still sharecropping, when we could easily be creating our own source of income. We don't need a swift kick in the behind, the mass of our population needs to realize the talents and skills we possess, and start working together. If we are still going yo be stubborn and not do so, stop complaining, because you've chosen to be defeated.

I'm oblivious to institutional racism? I've interviewed at many a jobs that would'nt hire me because I would not compromise by cutting my long hair or beard. I know about it first hand. We (Black people) are the biggest consumers, and do not own much. Why? Majority are content and don't take risk. Don't tell me that I am "oblivious" when I've seen my own kind rather take out loans for car payments, or put their house up, to bail out a family member who has committed a crime.

Women and men who prefer to live off welfare with no ambition. And LASTLY, dudes who were class clowns, skipped class every day and didn't give darn about education.

I know about institutional racism and we have not TRIED to combat it because we do not ATTEMPT, to stick together. So hush up that noise or improve your comprehension. We have the personal tools to do it, we need to do away with the distractions and nonsense, to put it in motion. If we don't support one another first, we will always be sitting in the caboose, or pulling the wagon on all fours.
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I'm oblivious to institutional racism? I've interviewed at many a jobs that would'nt hire me because I would not compromise by cutting my long hair or beard. I know about it first hand. We (Black people) are the biggest consumers, and do not own much. Why? Majority are content and don't take risk. Don't tell me that I am "oblivious" when I've seen my own kind rather take out loans for car payments, or put their house up, to bail out a family member who has committed a crime.

Women and men who prefer to live off welfare with no ambition. And LASTLY, dudes who were class clowns, skipped class every day and didn't give darn about education.

I know about institutional racism and we have not TRIED to combat it because we do not ATTEMPT, to stick together. So hush up that noise or improve your comprehension. We have the personal tools to do it, we need to do away with the distractions and nonsense, to put it in motion. If we don't support one another first, we will always be sitting in the caboose, or pulling the wagon on all fours.

but... white people live on welfare, were class clowns, skipped class every day, and dont give a damb about education...

and end up becoming Mitt Romney
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but... white people live on welfare, were class clowns, skipped class every day, and dont give a damb about education...

and end up becoming Mitt Romney

...And that means we must follow suit and copy them? According to you? Why be like your "oppressor"? Sounds like ludicrous if you ask me.
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let me restate my stance....I don't mind the quick forgiving (that's your right)  BUT I'd rather my people keep it private instead of constantly doing it in front of a camera .......same with the "black people need to do better" crowd that jumps in front of a camera to condemn their own. 

I literally just watched a family NOT forgive the boston bomber 2 years later......negros magically forgive their white killer in 2 business days ....African Americans have been conditioned to be submissive as hell because "it'll make massa have remorse and not whip me again".  
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let me restate my stance....I don't mind the quick forgiving (that's your right)  BUT I'd rather my people keep it private instead of constantly doing it in front of a camera .......same with the "black people need to do better" crowd that jumps in front of a camera to condemn their own. 

I literally just watched a family NOT forgive the boston bomber 2 years later......negros magically forgive their white killer in 2 business days ....African Americans have been conditioned to be submissive as hell because "it'll make massa have remorse and not whip me again".  

"Docile as heck" smh
the majority of slaves who were beaten to death on plantations were killed by the (white) woman of the house

watch the whole video

Repped. Wanted to quote this again because I found this vid to be so meaningful. She truly breaks down our history and conditioning in America better than most people I've ever seen. Seriously do watch the whole thing, every piece of it is important.
WS ancestors 
the majority of slaves who were beaten to death on plantations were killed by the (white) woman of the house

watch the whole video
Repped. Wanted to quote this again because I found this vid to be so meaningful. She truly breaks down our history and conditioning in America better than most people I've ever seen. Seriously do watch the whole thing, every piece of it is important.
the way she breaks down truths so non biased and opinionated is/was beautiful. 

If only we had more teachers like this Queen and less clowns. 
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I didn't mention anything about Asians being subject to racism. Simply put, they are a lesser minority than us Blacks in America, yet have more wealth. We've made excuse after excuse. We are still sharecropping, when we could easily be creating our own source of income. We don't need a swift kick in the behind, the mass of our population needs to realize the talents and skills we possess, and start working together. If we are still going yo be stubborn and not do so, stop complaining, because you've chosen to be defeated.

I'm oblivious to institutional racism? I've interviewed at many a jobs that would'nt hire me because I would not compromise by cutting my long hair or beard. I know about it first hand. We (Black people) are the biggest consumers, and do not own much. Why? Majority are content and don't take risk. Don't tell me that I am "oblivious" when I've seen my own kind rather take out loans for car payments, or put their house up, to bail out a family member who has committed a crime.

Women and men who prefer to live off welfare with no ambition. And LASTLY, dudes who were class clowns, skipped class every day and didn't give darn about education.

I know about institutional racism and we have not TRIED to combat it because we do not ATTEMPT, to stick together. So hush up that noise or improve your comprehension. We have the personal tools to do it, we need to do away with the distractions and nonsense, to put it in motion. If we don't support one another first, we will always be sitting in the caboose, or pulling the wagon on all fours.
Name them. 

Everything you named is a direct result of the system. 

If systematic oppression is an excuse then so be it. 
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This is a comment worth sharing. 

The elites do not like Black people, yes specifically black people.

They do not like any sort of organization of black people.

They have a history of murdering, imprisoning, and deligitimizing black leaders, especially through FBI programs like Cointelpro. 

The black church has always been a source of black leadership, organization, and rebellion.

The black church that was attacked was founded by a slave revolt leader who was hanged and the revolt suppressed.

Black churches have always been targets of the elites.

The elites always use their proxies to carry out their objectives. They have been using racist terrorist groups for over a hundred years. The masonic Klu Klux Klan first terrorized and murdered thousands of blacks after the civil war.

Churches have always been a target.

Real black leaders are always a target, as was this State Senator Pickney. He was assassinated by the state using their racist proxy.

There are thousands in organized, heavily armed white supremacist proxy groups and militias which are supervised and controlled by the FBI, in the same way the CIA controls AL Qaeda.

TPTB will use these groups to carry out their objectives.

A black uncle Tom President and Political Correctness does not change the fact that the elites , the real elites, not the frontmen, are deeply racist, and HATE black people. This is the truth that almost nobody wants to address.
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