Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Dumbass black lives matter chick climbed and took down the flag...only to get arrested and the flag to get put back up LOL CHECKERS

These George Soros funded ****** are stupid

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I'm pretty sure she qnd the dude who helped her knew they were gonna be arrested I think that was their aim
Dumbass black lives matter chick climbed and took down the flag...only to get arrested and the flag to get put back up LOL CHECKERS

These George Soros funded ****** are stupid

Attention ******
 she reppin NC. i'm cool wit it.
so isee all the hipsters that were holiding hands  with black people for IG photo ops are now on to the next cool issue, gay marriage.

"phew, that was getting too real, i like this movement better, its more up my alley."

now they can resume their lives of clutching their purses when a black man walks by.
Ni**as don't know how to wage war properly :smh:

All this forgiving and peaceful protest and **** only emboldens whites because they see us as docile.

let me restate my stance....I don't mind the quick forgiving (that's your right)  BUT I'd rather my people keep it private instead of constantly doing it in front of a camera .......same with the "black people need to do better" crowd that jumps in front of a camera to condemn their own. 

I literally just watched a family NOT forgive the boston bomber 2 years later......negros magically forgive their white killer in 2 business days ....African Americans have been conditioned to be submissive as hell because "it'll make massa have remorse and not whip me again".  
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Guess we're done with this. On to the next event. Just some commentary on the situation, my local newspaper highlighted the fact that the city I reside in has a confederate tribute statue located downtown. Says the statue was erected in part through donations from minstrel shows however city officials feel that the statue is not offensive and is a symbol of heritage. I couldn't do anything but :rofl:

I'm seriously questioning whether or not I'm one of the few individuals actually thinking, actually processing all of this evil being forced into my existence. Within the comments of the article a white commenter says "exhausted by all the offended people, needing a break". Just reading that statement left me in awe at the arrogance and entitlement of whites. I'm recognizing that their psychopathy completely defies logic and can only be combated through physical force/domination. My only hope for the situation is that my people wake up. Get the hell out of these churches & this pacifistic brainwash and do what is truly right for all persons of color on this planet.
This seems to have been forgotten about almost as quickly as that dude was forgiven. Thread is all but gone and the news stations don't mention it at all. Not sure what there is to say on the news but didn't think an act like this would go away so soon. 

Was rereading Black Wall Street and came across this quote, "Standing up for yourself and community does not guarantee justice. However, not doing so guarantees injustice." 100% agree. Where there is no resistance there will be no change. 
It's just frustrating that black focus is now on the flag. It's like ****** can't multitask so im just kinda w/e now.
He got arrested and will probably be in jail for the rest of his life

What else are we suppose to discuss about this particular event? :stoneface:
The flag coming down should happen. Shouldn't have been up in the first place. It's a start but I do agree more needs to happen...
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KKK rally being held over the confederate flag coming down..


When asked for his opinion on the charges facing Roof, Spears said, “I feel sorry for the boy because of his age and I think he picked the wrong target. A better target for him would have been these gang-bangers, running around rapping, raping and stealing.”

Yeah like he would have really shot at anyone who would shoot back. He is just as soft as the KKK clowns who inspired him
I don't work in the criminal justice system but I will say that black on white crimes are probably mostly "crimes of opportunity." In other words, the perp is going to commit a crime anyway, the victim just happened to be white. It could have easily been a black or an Asian person were they in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or they saw that white person as a means to an end (rich white person with a nice car, I'll rob them and steal it).

You rarely ever hear about blacks attacking whites because they are white as the motive. They only people who talk that nonsense are storm fronters. Same idiots talking about muslim trying to implement sharia (sp.) law in the U.S to replace the constitution.
I'm sure most of the black on white crime is armed robbery/robbery which is just as much as an issue in black on black crime......negros is poor and always scheming for a quick come up 
 .....There's nowhere in the world where impoverished people won't rob you for a quick come up.....that's just what you get when people are that oppressed.  

blacks ain't out here slaughtering whites because they're white, calling in fake 911 calls, grown folks aint talking nasty to white kids, and black cops ain't trigger happy on unarmed white folks.

Now if you want to compare working class and middle class black vs white stats.......we'll see who living well and still wanting to do hard drugs and commit crimes 
"Probably mostly..."

"I'm sure..."


How about just research FBI hate crime statistics instead of speculating.
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