Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

You don't hear about black people killing white people because it doesn't equal ratings and racial tension between the lower classes. Placing more importance on racially motivated killings is strange. It makes some lives more important than others. That isn't equality.
This rare occurrence doesn't say anything about white supremacy, unless the killer somehow escapes punishment because he is white. Highly unlikely.You haven't disputed anything in my post. Level the playing field? What does that mean? The stats that I already posted prove that murder rates are disproportionate. So the murder rate is not important, but the motivations behind the murders are. Interesting. What am I deflecting from?

I'll go step by step famb

You don't hear about black people killing white people because it doesn't equal ratings and racial tension between the lower classes

Generally, the media gives credence when

1. It will atract viewers
2. There's a story behind it that can bring in both sides of the coin

This rare occurrence doesn't say anything about white supremacy, unless the killer somehow escapes punishment because he is white.

How does it not? you think white supremacy is only reduced to killing 9 innocent people in a church and getting away with it? nah, famb... the fact that he FELT that black people were tainting and taking his world is what white supremacy is...

you're looking at extremes when its been stated several times that white supremacy is the belief that white is right, black is wrong, and you need to do something about it... it can go as deep and subtle as not turning your nose up at someone... not because of their actions... but because of their color... and feelign just based on the skin complexion that one person is inherently better than the next.


If you think WS is reduced to a white dude mauling 9 elderly folk and getting away with it, then we're stopping before we're even starting.

Level the playing field? What does that mean?

because white supremacy is getting light shined on it... and people are starting to uncover the roots behind it... people are starting to google this.. and tying it back to police officers, politicians, etc... these guys arent going into churches and killing people, but they are affecting millions of black people's lives because they feel that they are better...


so what does jchambers do? instead of actually talking about white supremacy... he posts stats that scream "see see see! black people kill way more than white people!!"... ignoring that white people imprison, deny opportunity, and harm black peoples lives at a MUCH HIGHER rate.

1 black dude kills one white dude... that family is distraught, and the black dude goes to jail... he's donezo, as he should be. you should not kill people.

1 supremacist passes a bill that targets minorities for sagging their pants or some stop and frisk... millions of black people's lives are hammered..

adn the 1 supremacist gets a kick back in stock because he has shares in a publicly traded REIT that specializes in... PRISONS

So the murder rate is not important, but the motivations behind the murders are.

like i said.. it's been WHOLLY established that crime comes from poverty... there are ways to fix crimes dealing with POVERTY...

go find that stats that are associated with class... i have to find the link... but poor white communities kill at the SAME CLIP as poor black communities... there just happens to be a larger makeup of the black pop that's poor.
You don't hear about black people killing white people because it doesn't equal ratings and racial tension between the lower classes. Placing more importance on racially motivated killings is strange. It makes some lives more important than others. That isn't equality.
This rare occurrence doesn't say anything about white supremacy, unless the killer somehow escapes punishment because he is white. Highly unlikely.You haven't disputed anything in my post. Level the playing field? What does that mean? The stats that I already posted prove that murder rates are disproportionate. So the murder rate is not important, but the motivations behind the murders are. Interesting. What am I deflecting from?

I'll go step by step famb

You don't hear about black people killing white people because it doesn't equal ratings and racial tension between the lower classes

Generally, the media gives credence when

1. It will atract viewers
2. There's a story behind it that can bring in both sides of the coin

This rare occurrence doesn't say anything about white supremacy, unless the killer somehow escapes punishment because he is white.

How does it not? you think white supremacy is only reduced to killing 9 innocent people in a church and getting away with it? nah, famb... the fact that he FELT that black people were tainting and taking his world is what white supremacy is...

you're looking at extremes when its been stated several times that white supremacy is the belief that white is right, black is wrong, and you need to do something about it... it can go as deep and subtle as not turning your nose up at someone... not because of their actions... but because of their color... and feelign just based on the skin complexion that one person is inherently better than the next.


If you think WS is reduced to a white dude mauling 9 elderly folk and getting away with it, then we're stopping before we're even starting.

Level the playing field? What does that mean?

because white supremacy is getting light shined on it... and people are starting to uncover the roots behind it... people are starting to google this.. and tying it back to police officers, politicians, etc... these guys arent going into churches and killing people, but they are affecting millions of black people's lives because they feel that they are better...


so what does jchambers do? instead of actually talking about white supremacy... he posts stats that scream "see see see! black people kill way more than white people!!"... ignoring that white people imprison, deny opportunity, and harm black peoples lives at a MUCH HIGHER rate.

1 black dude kills one white dude... that family is distraught, and the black dude goes to jail... he's donezo, as he should be. you should not kill people.

1 supremacist passes a bill that targets minorities for sagging their pants or some stop and frisk... millions of black people's lives are hammered..

adn the 1 supremacist gets a kick back in stock because he has shares in a publicly traded REIT that specializes in... PRISONS

So the murder rate is not important, but the motivations behind the murders are.

like i said.. it's been WHOLLY established that crime comes from poverty... there are ways to fix crimes dealing with POVERTY...

go find that stats that are associated with class... i have to find the link... but poor white communities kill at the SAME CLIP as poor black communities... there just happens to be a larger makeup of the black pop that's poor.

I posted the stats to show that this type of killing isn't common. It isn't. White on black crime is heavily covered by the national mainstream media.As far as this thing being caused by some type of white supremacy or institutionalized racism, that could be the case, or it could be that the shooter is a murderous drugged up psycho.
White on black crime is heavily covered recently because of the outrage, protest and rioting.

The media just doesn't run out and try to paint a picture to upset black folk.

Black folk get upset, and then the media covers it.
I posted the stats to show that this type of killing isn't common. It isn't. White on black crime is heavily covered by the national mainstream media.As far as this thing being caused by some type of white supremacy or institutionalized racism, that could be the case, or it could be that the shooter is a murderous drugged up psycho.

His words...

“N- - - - rs are stupid and violent,” Dylann Roof, 21, wrote on his personal Web site, titled “The Last Rhodesian.”

“Negroes have lower Iqs, lower impulse control, and higher testosterone levels in generals,” Roof said. “These three things alone are a recipe for violent behavior . . . I have no choice . . . But by no means should we wait any longer to take drastic action.”

“I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country,” he said. “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”

“He just said ‘I have to do it.’ He said, ‘You rape our women, and you’re taking over our country, and you have to go,’”

Yeah, it had nothing to do with white supremacy. Maybe he was drugged up lol.

Sit down fam you not making any sense at all.
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Media like Fox News, Stormfront and TheBlaze have blood on their hands.

He said out his own mouth that he got the idea after the Trayvon Martin incident. Now you tell me, who was putting static out there that Trayvon was a violent thug who deserved it? And that this was an example of black on white crime? That's where he got his rhetoric from.

But I guess he's some crazy drugged up psycho huh? Smh
Exactly! Dylann Roof was a scorned and jealous SOB :lol:

He was born a coward

The irony in his "take our country back" jargon is, that the "country" afforded him the same impoverished conditions of those negros he hates. He was poor, a dropout, and couldn't get ahead in life so he resorted to killing. What a lousy human being he is. His own great nation didn't care if he starved or fell off the map :lol:
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Is there any memorials for the lynchings and enslavement of black people?

I guess since nobody really gav3 a crap about black folk back then they didnt really keep track of how many of em were murdered, the slave owners probably just slaughtered their slaves when the confederacy lost the war.
Obama gonna have dog avy, conservative twitter, conservative facebook. yahoo comments, youtube comments, stormfront, "what about black on black crime", police unions, and inbred folks angry 

edit: forgot about the 4 sws horsemen on this site too 
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Obama done lifted the **** outta Don Lemon 

edit: wow Don rustling colleagues 
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Kinda ironic that he sang Amazing Grace after I watched that video mentioning how racist the author was...
Yea I saw Ann Coulter mention that :lol: don't ask why I was on her Twitter timeline


No need to explain. It is either you're researching the enemy, or trying to see if see got a Queen of Spades tatt :nerd:

I stay on Stromfront for the lulz and to see what talking points the racist right be using.

I gotta log outta Google now, or go incognito doe. The ads I get and the **** that be in my news feed be :x :smh:
Obama gonna have dog avy, conservative twitter, conservative facebook. yahoo comments, youtube comments, stormfront, "what about black on black crime", police unions, and inbred folks angry :lol:  

edit: forgot about the 4 sws horsemen on this site too 

I always burst out laughing when people refer to "dog avy twitter" because everybody with a dog in their avy on twitter usually is racist as **** :lol:. i don't even know why it's such a given
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