Eminem's New Video "We Made You" Droppin April 7th

How you about to say that and then get mad when people hate on the music you make....? Something is wrong in ya head, see a shrink or something.
Originally Posted by iHust1e

Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

funny how some dudes are talkin about how bad they think the lead single is, but will buy the album and be blown away as usual

c'mon people, it's eminem. his lead singles usually are poppy/funny songs, but he goes in on his album cuts and 2nd and 3rd singles. it's the same formula. don't hate

Unless yall were just introduced to em for the first time.......i dont understand how you guys dont see the formula em has been using since SSLP.

I thought My Name is...was %%@ and I never consider buying it until I heard the rest of the CD in my friends whip.


Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

How you about to say that and then get mad when people hate on the music you make....? Something is wrong in ya head, see a shrink or something.

when do i get mad? ive beeeeeeeeeeeen learned to take criticism... more people like my +!$# now than ever b4 so i cant b mad at nothin... im sellin more beats than ever b4... im good... i kno everybody aint gone like everything... thats what yall dont seem to understand... i need that stan, the way i am type +!$#... *#$! this goofball music...

Na, I understand, but the goofball music is what he uses to sell the album. Do I agree with it? No. Like you said, anything he puts out is going to sellregardless. But what if he leaves that goofball track off the album and it doesn't sell as well? I know I don't care about album sales but I figure theartist putting out the music would care, no? As long as the rest of the album is solid, I could care less about 1 bad song. How many albums are 100% skip proofanyway?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

The enforcer, looking for more women to torture
Walk up to the cutest girl and ... Charlie Horse her
Sorry Portia, but whats Ellen Degeneres
Have that I don't, are you telling me tenderness?
Well I can be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman
Give me my ventolin inhaaaaler and 2 zenedrin
And I'll invite Sarah Paaaalin out to dinner then
Naaaail her,'Baby say hello to my little friend'
Brit forget K Fed lets cut off the middlemen
Forget him or your gona end up in hospital again
And this time it wont be for the riddlen binge

there is nothing special about that verse at all
maybe not the content you like, but the technical aspect of the writing is above and beyond
It's the same thing with Wayne or Ye on the autotune. You roll your eyes and shake your head. You say to yourself, 'Here we go again..'

That's why everbody was
when they heard 'Ye on Knock You Down, back to normal, the old Ye people said.

Same thing with Em and this rap style/voice, because this is the same stuff he was doing on Encore, 4 years ago and 8.5 out of 10 people would say, was a morethe disappointing album/trash.

Sure, stick to the formula if you want, but don't carry over what everybody for the most part deems as childish and unnecassary in that rap style. He didfine with off the wall first singles in a normal rap flow, why can't he with this? If his flow is so impeccable, it is, there's no need to stoop to theBorat accent.
^ agreed. i RARELY look for content in lyrics. all i really want is a smooth flow and intricate rhyme schemes

its all about the sound to me, rather than the substance.
I definitely look for content, but I also know that em has a track record of corny, pop lead singles.

I also know he's the man who wrote "stan," "the way I am", "cleaning out my closet," soldier", "square dance","rabbit run", "til I collapse", "superman," "sing for the moment"....the list goes on.

He's more than a one-trick pony basically.
not to mention the 6-8 good songs on encore are better than most of the %$** thats put out in rap
smh @ people being swindled and dumbed down by formulaic music. like its okay because dude follows a formula...thats exactly whats wrong with music. theres noart or passion in this. its eminem putting out predictable punches about celebs no one cares about with a decent flow and a nice beat...

at least with wayne you know its comin from him. its real. its creative and its different....there is nothing different about this single, its just as bad asthe garbage on encore.

i really can't take anyone's musical opinion seriously if they can get down with this nonsense...some official "stans" in here co-signingthis record.
at least with wayne you know its comin from him. its real. its creative and its different
I don't know what you was listening to, but 'Lollipop' really wasn't that creative or different. I think you're giving him toomuch credit.

As for this single, am I disappointed? Yes. I was expecting something better. As of now, I enjoy 'Crack A Bottle' more than this. Was I expectingsomething in the line of a pop song for his first single? Yes, but they're usually much better than this. 'My Name Is', 'The Real SlimShady' and 'Without Me' were all dope as @!$! to me. While 'Jus Lose It' was atrocious; one of the worst singles I ever heard.

This isn't that bad though. I like the delivery, beat and chorus. It'll probably grow on me. I just feel that the entire 'dissing differentcelebrities' thing is getting old. And unlike his first three singles, the 'bashing' on this one seems forced. I wish he realizes that hedoesn't have to do this every time to sell records. He sells records because of his name, not because of his bullying. Regardless, I'm extremelyanxious to listen to this album. I try not to hype up albums anymore, but I can't help it with this one. Eminem got me into Hip Hop back in the 6th gradeand I'm just happy to see he's back. I'm hoping he doesn't disappointment. I won't be listening to any other songs until the albumreleases.

i really can't take anyone's musical opinion seriously if they can get down with this nonsense.
I hate when people talk like this
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

at least with wayne you know its comin from him. its real. its creative and its different
I don't know what you was listening to, but 'Lollipop' really wasn't that creative or different. I think you're giving him too much credit.
i really can't take anyone's musical opinion seriously if they can get down with this nonsense.
I hate when people talk like this

lollipop wasn't different or creative? its the reason why wayne lost a lot of fans...it was a bit too different for the mixtape fans. by allmeans, there is nothing great about lollipop but its definitely different from the norm...its closer to a rock record than a pop record.

really though..you got into eminem in grade 6 right? so you're about 20-22 right. listen to that new em single..its tailored for grade 6-7ers. this songis as cheesy as those "Epic Movie" type jawns...its tailored for simpletons and tweeners..
I find it funny how no one wants to bring up the fact this song is lyrically consistent with any other content he made within the past 10 years
Upon second listen. Em's flow and delivery are RIDICULOUS.

But just because he's not rapping ignorantly about guns he doesn't shoot or drugs he doesn't sell, NT calls it wack and pops back in an OJ DaJuiceman album.
WHY are people talking about formulas and ##!+. This thread is about We Made You and bottomline its trash. Make a Em's wack 1st single then good albumappreciation post if you like that so much. DISCUSS the song. Someone break down the lyrics for me please, maybe im missing something.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

not to mention the 6-8 good songs on encore are better than most of the %$** thats put out in rap

dudes are forgetting that encore had a few bangers, not gonna like though by EMINEM STANDARDS he put out a dud, but still had some tracks that I bump to thisday.
BrOwNiN187 wrote:

at least with wayne you know its comin from him. its real. its creative and its different....there is nothing different about this single, its just as bad as the garbage on encore.

i really can't take anyone's musical opinion seriously if they can get down with this nonsense...some official "stans" in here co-signing this record.
let me get this straight....someone who is pro-wayne can't take anyones musical opinion seriously? creative.....i guess....different....attimes....... but not everything that is creative and different is necessarily good EXAMPLE: T-PAIN and his stupid autotune garbage. and look at who else hasgone the same route as t-pain after seeing peoples reaction to it.....hmm... lil wayne? yeah thats real creative. hes smart for capitilizing on the stupidityof the people who listen to the junk but hes not as creative as you think. EXAMPLE: fashion....seems as if he came on here saw 1 picture of some kid withtight jeans and a neon shirt and went with that look.....thats not creative anyone can do that. and he's just as formulaic- any new sh!tty song that comesout HES ON.

yeah eminems new song blows as does crack a bottle and all those other goofy songs he puts out but put those songs up against lil waynes song with keriwhatever her name is or let it rock and all that other $#@!. the difference between eminem and lil wayne IS stan, mosh, role model, way i am, etc. becausethose are classics. thats real music, creative and different (the good version). a deranged and obsessed fan who kills himself and his wife over eminem is apretty good idea but only he could execute in the way he did which was genious. the lyrics were perfect, the sequence of events, and obviously his flow is asgood as it gets, but he had to verbally act it out too....hes creative he just uses those stupid songs to promote and sell the cd.....so his real stuff can beheard.

i shouldnt of even went off about lil wayne either, hes made it easy for me now, all i have to say is Prom Queen.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Upon second listen. Em's flow and delivery are RIDICULOUS.

But just because he's not rapping ignorantly about guns he doesn't shoot or drugs he doesn't sell, NT calls it wack and pops back in an OJ Da Juiceman album.

So wat is he talking about on here that we should be vibing........ dude talking about kim k jessica simpson and alba while talking like borat smh
gun/drug talk >>>>> tmz topics
Dr. Carter of C3 > Anything off Encore

I'm not saying Wayne is better than Em, but I know a lot of people thought C3 was trash. All I'm saying is, while Wayne is drugged up, at least hesteps out the box, for better or for worse. If anything for Wayne's downfall, if you feel that way, it's obviously the drugs.

What's Em's excuse for this single (the way he raps it)? His other singles aren't like this. Why did he carry it over from Encore? Then you listento the trash songs on Encore, and you have to wonder what Em was really trying to accomplish, if anything.

I'm not saying Relapse is gonna be a disappointment, as I'm holding Em goes back to the old Em. Dude doesn't even have to go back to the Slim ShadyEm for me. Just go back to the Eminem Show Em.

I just get mixed feelings and am tempering my expectations now because of this first single.

Like I said, it's like Wayne and 'Ye doing autotune. You rather have em go back to their oldself.

I just don't think it's a good sign he carried over the same type of stuff from Encore to this first single.

Dude has has 4 years to come up with something, and this is how he comes back?

Originally Posted by franchise3

Dr. Carter of C3 > Anything off Encore

... like i understand its your opinion but you dontseriously believe that ... probably one of the dumbest things ive ever seen posted on NT in my e-life ...

like toy soldiers, yellow brick road, never enough, mockingbird, crazy in love, mosh > all of C3

and im a die hard wayne fan ...
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