Eminem's New Video "We Made You" Droppin April 7th

Flow is dope but WHY IS DUDE STILL USING THIS STUPID VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man EM is stuck on using this voice. If you listen, the lyrics are nice but....

that voice is horrible...and Em is too old to still be on this %!+%.

You know thats going to #1 by next week tho, sounds as catchy as all them other silly singles he's ever dropped...
it's your typical eminem 1st single off a new album. it's playfull, radio friendly, funny song and video. you know his next singles won't be likethat. just look at the past, his first video was "hi my name is" then i think he came out with guilty conscious. his next album he came out with"with out me" then he had stan.
Damn Dudes really like this *!%+...I don't even like the video...This act is so tired to me...
at anyone expecting anything different from Em for his firstsingle/video. This is what he ALWAYS does. And honestly, if you're feeling any of his first singles with the exception of "My Name Is", killyourself. I'll give "My Name Is" a pass because that was his debut and I can't recall many people who weren't talking about that new,white rapper guy.

They're meant strictly to get people talking and to garner radio play. That's the business and why dude has been very successful.

That said, the song sucks but the video is entertaining, as expected.
its the usual radio friendly eminem track u can expect... flow is on point but that voice he doin gotta stop....
I don't love it but I think it's better than all of his previous first singles. It's what the old TRL and current generation of TRL fans (whateverthe equivalent is these days, I heard it's canceled) will be all over. I say it will do well.

How can ppl enjoy this?

This shouldnt even be on MTV or the radio.

If a reg rapper made this it wouldnt see any type of airplay.

And this guys still using that voice?

Song is kinda what I expected....

A goofy and catchy song that features Eminem acting like an idiot. The song will work magic on the teenie boppers across the country and will help sales...

But as far as what I think, the song's corny, and I'll wait for the album..hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Originally Posted by ShoEPimP702

it grew on me.
This is the first single I like from him from the get go. All his other silly singles took a while for meto tolerate. I hoping this ablum is on the level of MMLP

**Puts on MMLP on iPod**

This $%%% sucks to me..Sounds just like every other Em "radio-let me talk about famous ppl" track..Never liked them. Waited years for this? Albumbetter be heat.
His voice is maaad annoying on the verses

Video is

His celebrity bashin singles is played thou
whos the broad that plays kim kardashian wow. and they got the porn star lisa ann to be palin its amazing.
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