Enormous crater in Guatemala..

that hole look way to "clean" to be from a landslide

i'll wait til the truth comes out. thank you
Originally Posted by BlackSheep08

That explanation seems pretty reasonable but I'm not buying it until there are real deal scientific facts shown. There are too many, "accidents" going down for my liking and not enough real emphasis being placed on the origin or real solutions.

Tropical storm causes rapidly moving groundwater which erodes the foundation of that spot underneath at an accelerated rate. If there's nothing to hold up the topsoil or concrete that's been laid, the soil will depress.

Think about how a building would react after having the first few actual floors blown up. The entire structure would come down almost instantly. Almost the same concept here.
Originally Posted by IYE2

the amount of rainfall and poor drainage is the cause of the sinkhole. Its not uncommon and in fact the article says a similar hole opened up previously near by.

Yeah, water is pretty powerful. To the man who mentioned the poor engineering, I doubt they
have any engineering standards like we do in America.
Originally Posted by KingRamey

that hole look way to "clean" to be from a landslide

i'll wait til the truth comes out. thank you

This is basically what I mean. I know what can happen, I just don't know if it did happen.
its not photoshopped....pic is from the cnn website

i put the link up in the first page

its real
[h1]The Gates of Hell Just Opened In Guatemala[/h1]
"This can't be real" was my first thought. Then I checked the source: The Guatemalan government. This sinkhole appeared last sunday in a street intersection of Ciudad de Guatemala. Just looking at the photo gives me vertigo.

Click on the images to see the high resolution version.

A sinkhole is a natural depression caused by the removal of underground soil by water. Usually, it happens when the substrate is formed by limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds or any other rock that is easily eroded by water streams. The process could be slow, but sometimes the land just cracks open without notice. In this case, it happened suddenly, swallowing an entire house. The cause: Massive underground water torrents created by tropical storm Agatha.

Sinkholes' size ranges from low terrain depressions to hundred of meters. Unlike the similar sinkhole that killed two teens in 2007, there seems to be no victims. At least one local newspaper is reporting one person dead, but the authorities have not confirmed it. Some neighbors claim that a whole three-story building and a house fell into the hole
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

more pics.


Did no one else notice that the city block in these photos looks nothing like in the first photo?  These pics are real, but they're of the sinkhole that occured in 2007.
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