:::::: ENTOURAGE: "RUNNIN' ON E" 10:30pm ET ::::::

Where is the poor ol woman gonna work now since E closed down the biz
you guys can say what you will about me but i would compare entourage to JB

when it was not as popular it was the best bar none

now its all hyped up and not as good

yet you guys still follow it mindlessly like trolls afraid to comment on its short comings

i have answered every statement made in detail in every weeks thread and will continue to answer replies

there is not an episode i have not seen or remember well. It is still my favorite show and I have hope it will get better

but untill it does i, like all of you, will voice my opinions good or bad

I will remind you this is not an Appreciation thread its an Entourage Thread
How many episodes is this season? 22?

If that's the case, then I see it really picking up some steam in the classic Entourage fashion in another three episodes. Right now it seems likethey're just mapping out the storylines, and while it's cool and different, I want to see more of the business side of this show. I'm lookingforward to Ferrari and at least now they're starting to build some hype about it by dropping little tidbits here and there like Derbont directing.Hopefully he's in the last half of the season, similar to Cameron in Aquaman.
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

^ its called character growth or evolution. Would you still be watching this show if it was just Vince smashing, Turtle smoking, Drama sulking, and E being the whipping boy like it was after the first 3 seasons. Aside from like Seinfeld name a popular show that hasn't had some sort of evolution? The characters needed to grow. While it may not be what you like, it was necessary to change. They also signed on for a 7th season so they must be doing something right.
I understand character evolution. But they are changing too quickly with basically no transition period. Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, andKing of Queens....all hit shows all with minor changes. Friends had long transistion periods before they made changes and still managed to keep the dynamic ofthe show. And Entourage signed for 7th based off merit and past history, not because this season is such a knockout. This season does not deliver. Fishing forexamples to call it "evolution" isn't going to change anything.

-The Juice
This season has been a failure so far. Last episode was the icing on the failcake.
YO! I, too, found it strange that Ashley owns her own successful business.

But the music this episode was on point. "I Got It Made", "Easin' In", & "Something About Us".

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I'm looking forward to Ferrari and at least now they're starting to build some hype about it by dropping little tidbits here and there like Derbont directing.
Didn't they say it was pushed back twelve weeks? Not that it matters for t.v. purposes, but who knows how much Ferrari development we willtruly see this season.
Originally Posted by Crumbs

wackest "boob" scene in entourage history
Agreed. Not only were they pretty small, they just weren't that nice either. However, good enough for the amount of effort Vince had to putin.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I wanna know how a little 12 year old girl gets to be the boss of a jewelry business in Hollywood?

Also, was it weird to anyone else hearing good ole' Ross Gellar say, "I really wanted to @+!$ that girl?"

"I didn't know you could find style in the husky section."

Next week's episode is on the golf course. Man I hope it's the one that Lloyd caddies for Ari (the one shown in the season preview). Looks hilarious. Also, the get-up that Drama was in (knickers and a beret) already has me
Seriously. She looks like she should be making lemonade at Hot Dog On a Stick or something or, at most, a cashier at Banana Republic. I justkeep thinking more Ashley = less Sloane.
ive been a fan of the show since episode 1 and i'd have to agree this has fallen off. Really i think the show shines when vinces career is in the crapperlol. Far as story line i'd like to see another situation with ari's kids school, the way he handles regular people is funny as hell. i'd like tosee turtle maybe try to do his hoemobile thing and have problems with his bimbo drivers crashing ferraris and porches all over town
. other than that i dontreally know, next episode might be funny, i wanan see more of that writer that always says' 'is that something you would be interested in!?' thatdude was funny as hell.
i just got into entourage. and i must say it is great. y r showtime and hbo shows better than regular network shows
Originally Posted by Crumbs

wackest "boob" scene in entourage history

I mean what do you expect, they kept it real
vince picked up that watress about 3 seconds after laying eyes on her, so we wasnt really picky

This season is win so far, cant wait to see Ari go OFF on klien next episode, I swear if klein is slacking at the job ari needs to fire his $!@ asap
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

dland24 wrote:
What part of torturing Lloyd, lying to his wife, chewing out Andrew in the beginning of the episode, and big leaguing the junior agent when she tried to talk to him gives you the impression that Ari has gotten too nice?
He always lied to his wife. But even when you look at this situation that was not even a big deal

He didn't chew out andrew though, Ari from season 4 would of ripped into dude. Ari didn't even get his point across obviously because Andrew "took his advice"

As for the Jr. agent that is what was the worst. The old Ari would have cussed her out for even coming to his office or fired her for opening her mouth

if you think im reaching I would refer you to the time he fired the twin that got his wife slept with by his brother cause he made more mony. Also the day he fried the guy with the eye problems or the day he fried the mail boy cause he thought he repped James Camron.

Ari is a person who was talking shop at a mans funeral (Allen G) and who worked on the holy Jewish holiday. He is a beast and the fact that they have him trying to be buddy buddy with trutle a man he wouldnt even talk to before or put up with all of this nonsence from Andrew and some blow off Jr. agent is sick.

You stay saying the stupidest %%!% in these threads. I swear you come in here just to stir up %%!%
Give me a break. At least the guy writes out a detailed reason. What do you post? A smiley face?

I've definitely been sayin' Ari was soft---even since that scene where E called after he called ol' girl a racist and Arisaid...he....was....proud??? And let's not discuss him actually entertaining Turtle with the time of day

Ari has definitely gotten SOFT.
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