:::::: ENTOURAGE: "RUNNIN' ON E" 10:30pm ET ::::::

^ its called character growth or evolution. Would you still be watching this show if it was just Vince smashing, Turtle smoking, Drama sulking, and E being thewhipping boy like it was after the first 3 seasons. Aside from like Seinfeld name a popular show that hasn't had some sort of evolution? The charactersneeded to grow. While it may not be what you like, it was necessary to change. They also signed on for a 7th season so they must be doing something right.
Originally Posted by nyczbrian

its pretty obvious Andrew is gonna get dropped and E is gonna replace him.

"You're a suit, you just don't know it yet"

Word, I was thinking same theing.
LOL Walsh's words are gonna come true
Seems like Ari & E have the bond now. talkin on the phone in the middle of the night
da hell

Ari might feel E is ready esp since he went with the "Race" issue to the TV execs about Charlie
E and Ari are definitely becoming more tight. Maybe it is because things are going so well with Vince. I think this show is changing for the better. I meanpretty much the entire show the main storyline was E and Vince and Ari doing what they needed to do to get Vince a movie/make it successful. Now since Gatsbythe show is turning into something different and the storylines are not revolving around a certain movie. In fact so far the movies are rarely mentioned andthe issues with them are not really even talked about much less shown. A lot of people don't like that much less the fact that the characters are growingand things are changing. This is the sixth season, things cannot stay the same forever.
did any of you laugh out loud while watching this episode? be honest now.

how the hell does an episode that is supposed to be centered around drama end up SO BAD. The episode wasn't funny at all. You can talk about characterdevelopment all you want but the show needs to remain FUNNY, which is not what's happening.
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

dland24 wrote:
What part of torturing Lloyd, lying to his wife, chewing out Andrew in the beginning of the episode, and big leaguing the junior agent when she tried to talk to him gives you the impression that Ari has gotten too nice?
He always lied to his wife. But even when you look at this situation that was not even a big deal

He didn't chew out andrew though, Ari from season 4 would of ripped into dude. Ari didn't even get his point across obviously because Andrew "took his advice"

As for the Jr. agent that is what was the worst. The old Ari would have cussed her out for even coming to his office or fired her for opening her mouth

if you think im reaching I would refer you to the time he fired the twin that got his wife slept with by his brother cause he made more mony. Also the day he fried the guy with the eye problems or the day he fried the mail boy cause he thought he repped James Camron.

Ari is a person who was talking shop at a mans funeral (Allen G) and who worked on the holy Jewish holiday. He is a beast and the fact that they have him trying to be buddy buddy with trutle a man he wouldnt even talk to before or put up with all of this nonsence from Andrew and some blow off Jr. agent is sick.

You stay saying the stupidest %%!% in these threads. I swear you come in here just to stir up %%!%
Andrew storyline needs to end soon,

E & Ashley need to end soon,

Good episode though, i don't nitpick too much
AKA King Arthur if you complain after every single episode maybe this show just isnt for you. You always got something negative to say. Why dont you just chilland accept the fact that no matter how many times you complain this is the direction the show is heading and you cant do anything about it.

I dunno for me i have yet to watch to a bad episode in six seasons so far. IMO, all the episodes range from decent to great, but not one is bad. You cantexpect every episode to be a classic though
I wanna know how a little 12 year old girl gets to be the boss of a jewelry business in Hollywood?

Also, was it weird to anyone else hearing good ole' Ross Gellar say, "I really wanted to @+!$ that girl?"

"I didn't know you could find style in the husky section."

Next week's episode is on the golf course. Man I hope it's the one that Lloyd caddies for Ari (the one shown in the season preview). Lookshilarious. Also, the get-up that Drama was in (knickers and a beret) already has me
Andrew storyline needs to end soon
I actually like Andrew. I hope they continue to use him and implement him into some other storylines

E & Ashley need to end soon
Co-Sign, although him pursuing other woman needs tocontinue throughout the season even though Sloan is #1
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I wanna know how a little 12 year old girl gets to be the boss of a jewelry business in Hollywood?
Was wondering the same thing last night when I was watchin. Granted shes not really 12, but I just didnt get the "vibe" that she ownedher own business. She seemed more of a "I work at Best Buy, but ima' groupie" kinda chick. Especially how thirsty she was to go to the premier.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I wanna know how a little 12 year old girl gets to be the boss of a jewelry business in Hollywood?
Was wondering the same thing last night when I was watchin. Granted shes not really 12, but I just didnt get the "vibe" that she owned her own business. She seemed more of a "I work at Best Buy, but ima' groupie" kinda chick. Especially how thirsty she was to go to the premier.

maybe her parents have $$$$$$$$$$
Ashley is nasty, hopefully they 86 here soon. The episode was ok for the most part, but I do see why some people are disappointed with the direction of theshow.
entourage is still the best half hour on tv right now. I don't care what yall have to say.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

dland24 wrote:
What part of torturing Lloyd, lying to his wife, chewing out Andrew in the beginning of the episode, and big leaguing the junior agent when she tried to talk to him gives you the impression that Ari has gotten too nice?
He always lied to his wife. But even when you look at this situation that was not even a big deal

He didn't chew out andrew though, Ari from season 4 would of ripped into dude. Ari didn't even get his point across obviously because Andrew "took his advice"

As for the Jr. agent that is what was the worst. The old Ari would have cussed her out for even coming to his office or fired her for opening her mouth

if you think im reaching I would refer you to the time he fired the twin that got his wife slept with by his brother cause he made more mony. Also the day he fried the guy with the eye problems or the day he fried the mail boy cause he thought he repped James Camron.

Ari is a person who was talking shop at a mans funeral (Allen G) and who worked on the holy Jewish holiday. He is a beast and the fact that they have him trying to be buddy buddy with trutle a man he wouldnt even talk to before or put up with all of this nonsence from Andrew and some blow off Jr. agent is sick.

You stay saying the stupidest %%!% in these threads. I swear you come in here just to stir up %%!%

Give me a break. At least the guy writes out a detailed reason. What do you post? A smiley face?
To the people complaining about Entourage, but yet watch it every @%%%#*$ week and come in here and stir up trouble - if you hate it so much STOP watching.

Episode gave me some good laughs
Originally Posted by bright nikes

To the people complaining about Entourage, but yet watch it every @%%%#*$ week and come in here and stir up trouble - if you hate it so much STOP watching.

Episode gave me some good laughs

did people stop watching the sopranos after the first three seasons when it fell off? NO. People who were fans from the beginning obviously want to see whathappens to the characters in a show that they already invested time in. Plus some fans (like me and most likely aka arthur) hope the season will pick up orturn around. I got optimistic after last weeks episode because I thought it was great but this episode was the worst one I've seen all season.

If the sopranos and the wire aren't above criticism then entourage damn sure isn't either.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Anybody else notice how Jamie Lynn got Turtle walkin' round lookin' like Lloyd?

But i also did notice Turtle is definitely slimmer then Lloyd now a days.
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