:::::: ENTOURAGE: "SECURITY BRIEFS" 10:30pm ET ::::::

heads up boys, although most people are watching the VMAs
HBO is stupid for this one they skip last sunday and air it tonightknowing everyone and their little brother is watching the VMA's oh well thats what on demand is for
Well that episode sucked. Best part was Lloyd finally growing a pair.
I knew this stalker storyline was stupid. Shoulda went with the sextape.
Lloyd finally mannin up (||)

other than that, E shoulda been
dropped that broad, I say this
every week.
episode was weak. Spoliers: I thought tht Ashley had sumthn to do with the stalking and knew Lloyd was gonna crash the benz. I didn't see the sororityprank coming at all though cuz it was never really foreshadowed. There's not much to look forward to for next wk but oh well imma still chek it out.
I was actually happy ith the episode this week. one of the better ones of this season. drama walking around with that make up was cracking me up.

who watches the vma's?
Obviously most of the people who watch entourage here. This post is barely 3 pages deep.
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