Entourage Spoiler...

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I don't care who he's representing, I'm just happy there's gonna be a season five for sure.

Exactly!!! The boys are back in town!!!!!
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Wow, why did I read the comments in here, thanks for blowing up the"guest" %$%%+%+ %+!$#
i miss this show, i gotta watch all four seasons again to get ready for season 5
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I don't care who he's representing, I'm just happy there's gonna be a season five for sure.

there was always gonna be a season 5, the writer's strike just delayed the season. I miss this show tho I can't wait till it's back.
YO! ^ Pretty sure, Kevin was interviewed and mentioned that there was at least some doubt. DF!!!
One of them needs to have like some sort of life threating situation or near death or something.

Yes, I know that was random...why do you think I'm here writing instead of on the show.
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