Entourage this week?

Apr 20, 2005
Sorry if it's been asked, I just looked at the first page and didn't see anything, but I didn't see Entourage on the guide of my cable, so I wasjust wondering if they weren't airing an episode this week.
It comes back next week.

I'm mad.
Memorial day weekend break.

Crank probably in the process of making next week's thread as you post this though.
eh, that's kinda a dumb reason...it aint like Labor Day is a major holiday...but thanks nonetheless
Originally Posted by avitale8

eh, that's kinda a dumb reason...it aint like Labor Day is a major holiday...but thanks nonetheless

A LOT of people travel on Memorial Day and don't really care about Entourage on their three day weekend...
Originally Posted by sn00pee

take this opportunity to catch up on hung

It's taking some time to get into but...I think this could be a show that I could watch on a regular basis. I only saw 4 episodes, it's moving a bitslow.
I was told it was because of the season finale's of Hung and True Blood
, both shows were extended to an hour.
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