ESPN Films: The Fab 5: 3/13 9PM EST/6PM PST ON ESPN HD

SV....The whole Webber/Martin thing just doesn't add up. Where is Webber's incentive for NOT paying back the money? Another thing, why did he take the loan in the first place KNOWING he was coming into millions in a few short months after the tourney? Usually these dudes get an agents advance and in some instances, endorsement money prior to the draft. If I'm not mistaken, Webber was with Nike at the time. I'm not doubting Webber taking some cash, but I wonder how much he really took? His teammates (like Rose) were taking enough here and there to cover the cost of eating a meal, dates, etc....why would Webber be so greedy as to take hundereds of thousands of dollars AFTER his playing days were over. Webber seems like a smart man, but something just isn't right about the whole scenario....Like I said, I'd love to hear more of this story....but from Webber's POV. We heard a bunch of different sides...sides that made Webber look really bad. As I said before, I wonder how the movie would have turned out had Webber been on board from the jump.

*How are Webber/Rose today? They cool?

Wasn't Webber the most well off of the Fab 5. He was getting recruited by Duke at the time and would have probably fit in better there due to his background. If he was so well off, why would he take the loan just a few months before he was going to get drafted and make the big bucks? He went 2 years without any money and then a couple months before the draft he all of a sudden needs the loan?

Exactly....**$$ just doesn't add up. 
Wasn't Webber the most well off of the Fab 5. He was getting recruited by Duke at the time and would have probably fit in better there due to his background. If he was so well off, why would he take the loan just a few months before he was going to get drafted and make the big bucks? He went 2 years without any money and then a couple months before the draft he all of a sudden needs the loan?
SV....The whole Webber/Martin thing just doesn't add up. Where is Webber's incentive for NOT paying back the money? Another thing, why did he take the loan in the first place KNOWING he was coming into millions in a few short months after the tourney? Usually these dudes get an agents advance and in some instances, endorsement money prior to the draft. If I'm not mistaken, Webber was with Nike at the time. I'm not doubting Webber taking some cash, but I wonder how much he really took? His teammates (like Rose) were taking enough here and there to cover the cost of eating a meal, dates, etc....why would Webber be so greedy as to take hundereds of thousands of dollars AFTER his playing days were over. Webber seems like a smart man, but something just isn't right about the whole scenario....Like I said, I'd love to hear more of this story....but from Webber's POV. We heard a bunch of different sides...sides that made Webber look really bad. As I said before, I wonder how the movie would have turned out had Webber been on board from the jump.

*How are Webber/Rose today? They cool?

Wasn't Webber the most well off of the Fab 5. He was getting recruited by Duke at the time and would have probably fit in better there due to his background. If he was so well off, why would he take the loan just a few months before he was going to get drafted and make the big bucks? He went 2 years without any money and then a couple months before the draft he all of a sudden needs the loan?

Exactly....**$$ just doesn't add up. 
Wasn't Webber the most well off of the Fab 5. He was getting recruited by Duke at the time and would have probably fit in better there due to his background. If he was so well off, why would he take the loan just a few months before he was going to get drafted and make the big bucks? He went 2 years without any money and then a couple months before the draft he all of a sudden needs the loan?
A "response" (If you want to call it that)

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This past weekend was a blessing sent from the basketball gods. If you're heavy into hoop history then you were treated to the televised Revolutions documenting Michigan's "Fab 5" and their blueprint, the UNLV Runnin' Rebels. Considering the huge impact they made in basketball culture and society overall, I felt compelled to chronicle the four turning points that transcended basketball in the last 30 years. Thirty years sounds like a random number but it denotes the foundation of the NBA's "Neo" era birthed by Magic Johnson and Larry Bird ("Neo NBA" meaning the age of cable rights, national TV games/highlights, sold out stadiums, etc.) If the Christian calendar recognizes the first year of Jesus' birth as "Anno Domini" or "A.D.", then 1979 should be the NBA's version of "A.D."—“After Drafted Bird and Magic.
A "response" (If you want to call it that)

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This past weekend was a blessing sent from the basketball gods. If you're heavy into hoop history then you were treated to the televised Revolutions documenting Michigan's "Fab 5" and their blueprint, the UNLV Runnin' Rebels. Considering the huge impact they made in basketball culture and society overall, I felt compelled to chronicle the four turning points that transcended basketball in the last 30 years. Thirty years sounds like a random number but it denotes the foundation of the NBA's "Neo" era birthed by Magic Johnson and Larry Bird ("Neo NBA" meaning the age of cable rights, national TV games/highlights, sold out stadiums, etc.) If the Christian calendar recognizes the first year of Jesus' birth as "Anno Domini" or "A.D.", then 1979 should be the NBA's version of "A.D."—“After Drafted Bird and Magic.
Let's put it this way: If Webber were involved in the making of the documentary then it never sees the light of day or wouldn't be nearly as good as it is.  Omitting his side of the story actually adds to the mystique of it all and leaves you wondering, thinking, and guessing (as everyone has been doing the last couple of pages).

You also get the sense that Webber doesn't do well with taking responsibility and owning up to his mistakes.  He clearly doesn't take adversity head on and just deal with !@$# like Jalen did so I don't see him ever coming out and telling his side and apologizing, unless it's in his favor.  I'm still in awe how alienated he is in this whole situation and never thought that he was revered as the "bad guy" at the end of the day.

With Chris and Jalen still working with the NBA I'm sure they cross paths all the time and I wonder what their relationship is like.  I DAMN SURE know Chris gotta be none too happy after watching that last night 
Let's put it this way: If Webber were involved in the making of the documentary then it never sees the light of day or wouldn't be nearly as good as it is.  Omitting his side of the story actually adds to the mystique of it all and leaves you wondering, thinking, and guessing (as everyone has been doing the last couple of pages).

You also get the sense that Webber doesn't do well with taking responsibility and owning up to his mistakes.  He clearly doesn't take adversity head on and just deal with !@$# like Jalen did so I don't see him ever coming out and telling his side and apologizing, unless it's in his favor.  I'm still in awe how alienated he is in this whole situation and never thought that he was revered as the "bad guy" at the end of the day.

With Chris and Jalen still working with the NBA I'm sure they cross paths all the time and I wonder what their relationship is like.  I DAMN SURE know Chris gotta be none too happy after watching that last night 
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Let's put it this way: If Webber were involved in the making of the documentary then it never sees the light of day or wouldn't be nearly as good as it is.  Omitting his side of the story actually adds to the mystique of it all and leaves you wondering, thinking, and guessing (as everyone has been doing the last couple of pages).

You also get the sense that Webber doesn't do well with taking responsibility and owning up to his mistakes.  He clearly doesn't take adversity head on and just deal with !@$# like Jalen did so I don't see him ever coming out and telling his side and apologizing, unless it's in his favor.  I'm still in awe how alienated he is in this whole situation and never thought that he was revered as the "bad guy" at the end of the day.

With Chris and Jalen still working with the NBA I'm sure they cross paths all the time and I wonder what their relationship is like.  I DAMN SURE know Chris gotta be none too happy after watching that last night 

And w. Jalen being the executive producer of the documentary....

I never thought of it that way, Malta.....Chris IS the "bad guy" after all these years.  You got some real hood !!$ dudes on the team, and the one dude (Webber) who was "different."  IMO, he did everything he could to prove himself differently from his upbringing.  Over the years, folks grew to love Rose, King, Jackson, & Howard...but there is still a lot of resintment towards Webber.  Seems to be a broken relationship that will never be fixed and he was, and always will be the outsider.  My .02 
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Let's put it this way: If Webber were involved in the making of the documentary then it never sees the light of day or wouldn't be nearly as good as it is.  Omitting his side of the story actually adds to the mystique of it all and leaves you wondering, thinking, and guessing (as everyone has been doing the last couple of pages).

You also get the sense that Webber doesn't do well with taking responsibility and owning up to his mistakes.  He clearly doesn't take adversity head on and just deal with !@$# like Jalen did so I don't see him ever coming out and telling his side and apologizing, unless it's in his favor.  I'm still in awe how alienated he is in this whole situation and never thought that he was revered as the "bad guy" at the end of the day.

With Chris and Jalen still working with the NBA I'm sure they cross paths all the time and I wonder what their relationship is like.  I DAMN SURE know Chris gotta be none too happy after watching that last night 

And w. Jalen being the executive producer of the documentary....

I never thought of it that way, Malta.....Chris IS the "bad guy" after all these years.  You got some real hood !!$ dudes on the team, and the one dude (Webber) who was "different."  IMO, he did everything he could to prove himself differently from his upbringing.  Over the years, folks grew to love Rose, King, Jackson, & Howard...but there is still a lot of resintment towards Webber.  Seems to be a broken relationship that will never be fixed and he was, and always will be the outsider.  My .02 
Originally Posted by dukeben18

Wasn't Webber the most well off of the Fab 5. He was getting recruited by Duke at the time and would have probably fit in better there due to his background. If he was so well off, why would he take the loan just a few months before he was going to get drafted and make the big bucks? He went 2 years without any money and then a couple months before the draft he all of a sudden needs the loan?

Highly unlikely he went 2 years without taking not 1 dollar of illegal money. More than likely, he took money in small amounts throughout his career like Rose and all the other players and as the writer said once he declared he basically just took a huge lump sums at that point. It does make you wonder what he did with that much money.
Originally Posted by dukeben18

Wasn't Webber the most well off of the Fab 5. He was getting recruited by Duke at the time and would have probably fit in better there due to his background. If he was so well off, why would he take the loan just a few months before he was going to get drafted and make the big bucks? He went 2 years without any money and then a couple months before the draft he all of a sudden needs the loan?

Highly unlikely he went 2 years without taking not 1 dollar of illegal money. More than likely, he took money in small amounts throughout his career like Rose and all the other players and as the writer said once he declared he basically just took a huge lump sums at that point. It does make you wonder what he did with that much money.
I doubt Webber ever tells his side of the story............why would he and what incentive would he have to do so.   Something that struck me during the documentary was how they said Webber grew up in a decent neighborhood and how the assistant coach said that Webber "tried" to prove that he can be a setting with kids from a poor neighborhood or something to that effect but didn't think he was quite comfortable.  Also, the way Rose made it abundantly clear that they had no more timeouts after the last one was called.......pretty much throwing a shot at Webber.
I doubt Webber ever tells his side of the story............why would he and what incentive would he have to do so.   Something that struck me during the documentary was how they said Webber grew up in a decent neighborhood and how the assistant coach said that Webber "tried" to prove that he can be a setting with kids from a poor neighborhood or something to that effect but didn't think he was quite comfortable.  Also, the way Rose made it abundantly clear that they had no more timeouts after the last one was called.......pretty much throwing a shot at Webber.
I thought the Webber being a Huxtable angle was kind of overblown from reading the book previously. Jimmy King grew up in a well-to-do family/neighborhood but you wouldn't have known it watching last night.
I thought the Webber being a Huxtable angle was kind of overblown from reading the book previously. Jimmy King grew up in a well-to-do family/neighborhood but you wouldn't have known it watching last night.
One of the more important things we learned after watching last night is that Dugan Fife is alive and well. Long live The Dugs.
One of the more important things we learned after watching last night is that Dugan Fife is alive and well. Long live The Dugs.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I doubt Webber ever tells his side of the story............why would he and what incentive would he have to do so.   Something that struck me during the documentary was how they said Webber grew up in a decent neighborhood and how the assistant coach said that Webber "tried" to prove that he can be a setting with kids from a poor neighborhood or something to that effect but didn't think he was quite comfortable.  Also, the way Rose made it abundantly clear that they had no more timeouts after the last one was called.......pretty much throwing a shot at Webber.

as far as the timeout incident, it was a lot of confusion going on. im pretty sure some players thought they had a timeout left. chris travelled and panicked and dribbled himself into trouble, his natural reaction was to call a timeout. most people have gotten over that, but not chris, obviously, since he has NEVER talked about it. what i want from chris is his involvement with ed martin.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

I doubt Webber ever tells his side of the story............why would he and what incentive would he have to do so.   Something that struck me during the documentary was how they said Webber grew up in a decent neighborhood and how the assistant coach said that Webber "tried" to prove that he can be a setting with kids from a poor neighborhood or something to that effect but didn't think he was quite comfortable.  Also, the way Rose made it abundantly clear that they had no more timeouts after the last one was called.......pretty much throwing a shot at Webber.

as far as the timeout incident, it was a lot of confusion going on. im pretty sure some players thought they had a timeout left. chris travelled and panicked and dribbled himself into trouble, his natural reaction was to call a timeout. most people have gotten over that, but not chris, obviously, since he has NEVER talked about it. what i want from chris is his involvement with ed martin.
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