ESPN Films: The Fab 5: 3/13 9PM EST/6PM PST ON ESPN HD

It would have been nice to see his insight on the documentary, but I'm sure he knows they would have gotten to the money scandal which is something he probably wants to avoid by all means
The thing with sports Documentaries is all you need are the interviews, the footage and the story you are telling has to be good. Two Escobars definitely had the first two but the story was so unbelievable and crazy that it makes it number 1. I liked Fab 5 more than The U. Once Brothers, Run Ricky Run and the SMU and Duree ones were up there as well. Fab 5 was great because I knew the basic stories but the lead up to the team coming together and all of the aftermath info really brought it home. The U focused on a broader scope because it was mid 80s-early 90s football team so that is a lot of players and you can't really get to everything. Obviously no fault of the guy who made it I just prefer docs with a narrower scope.
The thing with sports Documentaries is all you need are the interviews, the footage and the story you are telling has to be good. Two Escobars definitely had the first two but the story was so unbelievable and crazy that it makes it number 1. I liked Fab 5 more than The U. Once Brothers, Run Ricky Run and the SMU and Duree ones were up there as well. Fab 5 was great because I knew the basic stories but the lead up to the team coming together and all of the aftermath info really brought it home. The U focused on a broader scope because it was mid 80s-early 90s football team so that is a lot of players and you can't really get to everything. Obviously no fault of the guy who made it I just prefer docs with a narrower scope.


via jose3o3o
AMAZING documentary....

Two things stuck out to me (the most)

1. Dude on the sideline who was signaling for Webber to call a TO vs. UNC.

2. Mitch Albom putting a different spin on the alleged 200-300k that Webber got from Ed Martin. Something in that story just doesn't add up. At all. A picture was painted of a kid who was struggling to buy things like pizza (remember, he asked Albom for some $), but then it all made sense when Ed Martin came in the picture and started to give payments to some of the players...however, where was the money going that Webber supposedly got? College kids are dumb...if he had all that money, he would have most likely flaunted some of it in some fashion.
AMAZING documentary....

Two things stuck out to me (the most)

1. Dude on the sideline who was signaling for Webber to call a TO vs. UNC.

2. Mitch Albom putting a different spin on the alleged 200-300k that Webber got from Ed Martin. Something in that story just doesn't add up. At all. A picture was painted of a kid who was struggling to buy things like pizza (remember, he asked Albom for some $), but then it all made sense when Ed Martin came in the picture and started to give payments to some of the players...however, where was the money going that Webber supposedly got? College kids are dumb...if he had all that money, he would have most likely flaunted some of it in some fashion.
Great documentary and I have to give props to ESPN, I have never seen a bad documentary from them..

But I will say Duke
Great documentary and I have to give props to ESPN, I have never seen a bad documentary from them..

But I will say Duke
Glad to hear its getting good reviews, couldnt watch it last night but saved it on the dvr. Will check it out today.
Glad to hear its getting good reviews, couldnt watch it last night but saved it on the dvr. Will check it out today.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?

the UNLV one debuted last Saturday, it should beOn Demand now but the next time it airs on HBO is tonight at 7

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?

the UNLV one debuted last Saturday, it should beOn Demand now but the next time it airs on HBO is tonight at 7

Originally Posted by p charm

i really liked it, but i feel that ed martin was obviously just another corrupt booster, yea I'm sure he helped a lot of non prospect players out too but come on Jalen actin like he was just a nice guy who liked to by kids shoes, and no college players should not be paid, as if full rides aren't enough.

What is so hard to believe about it? There are dudes in my neighborhood TODAY that look out for kids that have nothing. Buy them this, buy them that. So what is making you think Jalen is lying?

As a supplement to this documentary, I suggest everyone listen to Jalen Rose's interview on Bill Simmons BS Report. Good stuff. -
Originally Posted by p charm

i really liked it, but i feel that ed martin was obviously just another corrupt booster, yea I'm sure he helped a lot of non prospect players out too but come on Jalen actin like he was just a nice guy who liked to by kids shoes, and no college players should not be paid, as if full rides aren't enough.

What is so hard to believe about it? There are dudes in my neighborhood TODAY that look out for kids that have nothing. Buy them this, buy them that. So what is making you think Jalen is lying?

As a supplement to this documentary, I suggest everyone listen to Jalen Rose's interview on Bill Simmons BS Report. Good stuff. -
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Originally Posted by Fresh Prince of Nowhere

Originally Posted by Durden7

Give all student athletes the same allowance.

Pay them just like a regular student would get paid for working in the bookstore/cafe/library.

Pay them for practice hours/game hours/etc.

It's enough money for meals out, weekends, random small purchases but not enough to flaunt a new car.
I agree with this. When you have to practice and play all these games you have no time to work so it only seems fair. Pay them minimum wage for like 10-15 hours a week. That's enough for them to have some pocket change, which is what every college students wants to have fun.

I mean, I agree, but the average college athlete isn't that dumb. They know they're not the average student working for the school. The discussion isn't going to end with them getting paid like a kid working at the front desk of a school library.
Im not saying they wont know.  The idea isnt to hide that fact.

The idea is to provide ALL college athletes with a small amount of extra income so that they can have some pocket change to go out on the weekend, etc.

This solution ends a LOT of the discussion over paying athletes.  It's not sport based, it's not gender bades.  It's not even skill based and it keeps them on the same level as other students.  Theres always going to be the knuckleheads that feel as though theyre above everyone else and wants to be paid like a professional athlete.  That will never change.

The only major problem I see with it is the smaller schools might not be able to afford paying that many athletes, but theres certainly ways to fix that.
Originally Posted by SaintVitus07

Originally Posted by Fresh Prince of Nowhere

Originally Posted by Durden7

Give all student athletes the same allowance.

Pay them just like a regular student would get paid for working in the bookstore/cafe/library.

Pay them for practice hours/game hours/etc.

It's enough money for meals out, weekends, random small purchases but not enough to flaunt a new car.
I agree with this. When you have to practice and play all these games you have no time to work so it only seems fair. Pay them minimum wage for like 10-15 hours a week. That's enough for them to have some pocket change, which is what every college students wants to have fun.

I mean, I agree, but the average college athlete isn't that dumb. They know they're not the average student working for the school. The discussion isn't going to end with them getting paid like a kid working at the front desk of a school library.
Im not saying they wont know.  The idea isnt to hide that fact.

The idea is to provide ALL college athletes with a small amount of extra income so that they can have some pocket change to go out on the weekend, etc.

This solution ends a LOT of the discussion over paying athletes.  It's not sport based, it's not gender bades.  It's not even skill based and it keeps them on the same level as other students.  Theres always going to be the knuckleheads that feel as though theyre above everyone else and wants to be paid like a professional athlete.  That will never change.

The only major problem I see with it is the smaller schools might not be able to afford paying that many athletes, but theres certainly ways to fix that.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?

Good wasn't a foregone conclusion they would've won had the timeout not happened.

I thought it was interesting too that they seemed to think they'd walk all over UNC in the final.  They beat the same UNC squad in the Rainbow Classic earlier that season by one, on a last second shot by Jalen.  I honestly thought they weren't going to get past Kentucky and Monster Mash.

Again, great doc.  I wish ESPN had done the UNLV one.  As a kid that was the team that really got me watching college basketball. 
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?

Good wasn't a foregone conclusion they would've won had the timeout not happened.

I thought it was interesting too that they seemed to think they'd walk all over UNC in the final.  They beat the same UNC squad in the Rainbow Classic earlier that season by one, on a last second shot by Jalen.  I honestly thought they weren't going to get past Kentucky and Monster Mash.

Again, great doc.  I wish ESPN had done the UNLV one.  As a kid that was the team that really got me watching college basketball. 
AirAnt23 wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?


great point.. I think people in general don't realise that. and say  what if too much
AirAnt23 wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- watching the 'timeout' incident still hurts to this day. i have to turn away....i cant even look at it.

The thing about that is...

Michigan was DOWN by 2 points. There was absolutely no guarantee they'd score... Not to mention the missed travel call.
My Heels WON that game.

That said... I LOVED this doc. I haven't seen Two Escobars (always miss it) but The U was probably my favorite. But does anybody know when HBO's doc on UNLV airs?


great point.. I think people in general don't realise that. and say  what if too much
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