Euphoria HBO & A24's series | Starring Zendaya| RIP Angus Cloud

just binge watched with shorty... other than the ungodly amount of unwarranted peens flashes(that no one else seems to mention) this show is something id watch. it has a lil bit of everything going on right now. fav character is def fez & ashtrey ... & im feelin kat arc of the dumbass thats gonna burn horribly thinking she gettin over on everybody else but really is giving dudes what they want :pimp:
just binge watched with shorty... other than the ungodly amount of unwarranted peens flashes(that no one else seems to mention) this show is something id watch. it has a lil bit of everything going on right now. fav character is def fez & ashtrey ... & im feelin kat arc of the dumbass thats gonna burn horribly thinking she gettin over on everybody else but really is giving dudes what they want :pimp:

Why do new people in this thread keep saying this?

It's episode four. Are we supposed to have long discussions about it every episode? It is what it is at this point.
just binge watched with shorty... other than the ungodly amount of unwarranted peens flashes(that no one else seems to mention) this show is something id watch. it has a lil bit of everything going on right now. fav character is def fez & ashtrey ... & im feelin kat arc of the dumbass thats gonna burn horribly thinking she gettin over on everybody else but really is giving dudes what they want :pimp:
Lol, if you dont watch this with a shorty it's a wild watch... lol
Why do new people in this thread keep saying this?

It's episode four. Are we supposed to have long discussions about it every episode? It is what it is at this point.
Nah. Ppl In person who recommended the show and the online rumblings... no one gave a warning of any kind about that **** at all lol. I get that all the new higher tier movies/tv shows have both male n female nudity but this **** was def a lil gratuitous b
Guys we get it, you're straight and you can't
Why do new people in this thread keep saying this?

It's episode four. Are we supposed to have long discussions about it every episode? It is what it is at this point.

Dudes acting brand new like they never seen pen before. It's corny at this point
Why do new people in this thread keep saying this?

It's episode four. Are we supposed to have long discussions about it every episode? It is what it is at this point.
Imagine me just finishing an ep and posting a paragraph(s) about the multiple penises on camera instead of the actual story :lol:

That would be so suspect.

Unless its some wild flagrant it isnt worth mentioning and given the pace they flash penis on this show its desensitizing most of to where it'll have to be something egregious for us to about it.

They kinda did the with GoT talking about GRRM loved to put penises in to the story. I dont even recall it being excessive.
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Is Rue truly in love with Jules, or is it that Jules is her new addiction so she thinks that she is? Would this make her pansexual? She doesn't seem to have any interest in boys, or girls.
This episode was pretty wild.

Cassie is nice.

“Go home and dress like a person” :rofl:

Wasn’t expecting the convo between Nate and Jules to go left like that.
Is Rue truly in love with Jules, or is it that Jules is her new addiction so she thinks that she is? Would this make her pansexual? She doesn't seem to have any interest in boys, or girls.

Yeah, I was saying that earlier. This is their introduction to pansexuality to the American public. Because most people only know of it through Captain Kirk and what they did to Lando Calrissian. :smh:
Is Rue truly in love with Jules, or is it that Jules is her new addiction so she thinks that she is? Would this make her pansexual? She doesn't seem to have any interest in boys, or girls.
Kinda hard to say Jules is Rue addiction. If that were the case she'd always be with Jules. It's just that new friend/new relationship infatuation that can be love.

Yeah, I was saying that earlier. This is their introduction to pansexuality to the American public. Because most people only know of it through Captain Kirk and what they did to Lando Calrissian. :smh:
Wait what? :nerd:
You didn't see Solo with Donald Glover?

And Lando and the robot?

They made Lando pansexual. I know Billy Dee had to be. :smh:
You know I saw Solo but I barely remember much of it other than plot points and when you said Lando I naturally only think of Billy Dee so I'm like Billy Dee was never on some pansexual steez :lol:

Now that you bring it up, I do recall them mentioning Lando being way more open sexually and it was in space so all of that is more common and accepted.
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Master Zik Master Zik

I know y’all saw that damn long take from last week’s episode. When Fez opened up the pretzel shop window that introduced the audience to the fair. Amazing.

Last episode was like a fever dream while they were at the carnival. With that haunting as music playing the entire time, too.

They just keep outdoing themselves with the technical stuff, man.

And one time for my little thotiana :evil:
finally all caught up.

- This show gives me the 'Kids' vibe
- Them white boys at the store are my favorite characters
- It was dead obvious Rue loved Jules from since she's first seen her
- Cassie on that carousel horse :evil:
- Maddy with that outfit :evil:
- ummm, like father like son I guess. Glad to see Nate's dad go down in the next episodes :pimp:
- the penis envy in this thread. Insecure much? :lol:
Cassie’s orgasm on the carousel was glorious. :evil:

And thing 1, thing 2 pissed me off with the disrespect to Zenbaeya. Little disrespectful bastards.

Tonight is the thotiana based ep. Fingers crossed to Maddy feeding the streets.
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