Ever been caught looking at mass or breasts?

plenty!! I be catching others lookin too and usually we end up laughing. Been caught takin pics but ain't nobody sayin !!%
Yeah i do, most of the time i'm completely unaware that i'm doing it.  What can i say, enjoy the things, i hit em with
i remember when i was like 12 at a clothing store with my momz. some chic said something about her thong getting in her nerves. i broke my neck trying to see her adjust it and my mom went and told her.
she gave me a mean look and said "atleast you like the right stuff" or something like that
so embarrassing, but nowadays i get caught and keep staring bcuz im bout dat life
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

All the time.. I just continue to stare.. I don't care if she sees me..
^ This. It's not like I'm gonna jump on them or something
. OP, I hope you answered. I would and would have been dead serious too lol. On second thought after finding out OP is 16, she probably thought it was cute.

LOL, something that just popped in my head, I remember being at a day care center when I was 6 or 7, everbody was sitting around in a circle, and
there was some fine woman in there watching us. And I remember her having one of these real short middle of the thigh skirts on, and she was handing
out some books or something. She handed one of the books to somebody and kinda backed up bent over near me, and I remember thinking in my mind
"MY GAWD, SHE HAS NO PANTIES". That was a glorious sight as an unsuspecting kid, seeing all that booty and a little extra.
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