Ever fought one of your parents???

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Hit my mom? My brain can't even comprehend, yet even imagine doing something like that. Like that's insanity.

THIS. I was reading the thread title like, "O_0 thread title fail..should say 'Ever fought your dad?' 
Even so..im not bout that life. 
 @ yall
I KO'd my pops twice, dude was acting reckless, I'm 6'5 230 like come at me bro and watch what will happen!

I love my parents I wouldn't dare do such a thing
Mom = Never

Biological father = I'd put him in the ICU with no hesitation.
I know I will come under heavy fire for this but I'm still gonna share it.
When I was 11 or 12 my mom and I were having a conversation about grades (I'm was a solid B student by the way [its not great but its not terrible]).  After I stated that she was being condescending because I wasn't the student of her dreams (which is to say study like a stereotypical Asian).  She continued behaving in this manner (to be honest she was being condescending, in fact she's always condescending) and she was getting worse and worse about it.  I just got up to leave in frustration while she was yelling obscenities in my because it felt like she wasn't talking to me like I was a human anymore, but like a dog.  She pulls me down because in her words "She's not !%!$@$% finished." At this point I'm really heated and I shove (yeah, I'm not sugarcoating it) her hand off me and try to walk away in an attempt to avoid an ugly situation.  In retaliation, she pulls my shirt by the collar (she fights and has hands like a man) yelling, "You think you're a man now, huh?" and I tug myself out of her grip again (although with increasing force I might add).  She then yells, "You think you're a man now, huh?" and starts pulling and pushing me back and forth in an attempt to shake me (which is working well I might add) and I'm so upset at this point that I push her with as much force as a 11/12 year old can muster and she goes stumbling into my book case (we were in my room during this conversation turned argument turned almost full blown fight).  She's clearly hurting but I'm still enraged so I don't feel remorse.  She also really vex at this point comes at me with punches and shoves all at once and as I try to escape the wrath luckily my step-father intervenes (my biological dad is in my life, my parents are just divorced).  He's real Jamaican so of course he saddles me with most of the blame (although it was partially my fault for not keeping cool) and in front of my mom he chews me out and she feels vindicated for a while.

Come only a few weeks later THEY are fighting for the exact same reason I lost my cool with her: she was being condescending, rude, and just had that attitude of I don't give a *%!* because I've made a lot of money.  It got physical between them and I actually hesitated to stop him because I still remembered how she had done me the exact same way.

I felt guilt (and always do after we fight/argue) for hesitating but it never stays for long as she does everyone (even she and my grandmother fight. My mom legit told her mom, "If you don't like it [my behavior] you can always go back to Jamaica.") dirty and then passes her blame on everyone else.

EDIT: Both my dad and step-dad are good men but my mom really drives people over the edge.
Never fought my father, but I had to put him in a bear hug as he tried to attack my uncle. Filipino parties,tons of alcohol and petty quarrels, you know how it gets.
One time i reckon i saw my momma with a man after i left my garage i was looking in the house window i reckon i didnt know he was her lover i thought he was having his way with her. so i go in the house after grabbing my kaiser blade then i killed him with the kaiser blade and got him off my momma. after killing him i reckon momma being mad and screaming at me for killing her lover.
i reckon thats when i realized he wasnt havin his way with her. So i reckon i killed her to.

A couple years ago.
Well I didn't actually fight him but I decked him.

My parents were having serious problems and one day he laid hands on my mom, I heard her yelling for help and I ran in the room and he had her in a choke hold, my first instinct was to try to pry his arms off, but I didn't think and in a moment of weakness I swung and hit him dead center in the face.
He let her ago and fell and just looked at me in pure disbelief, I felt like %%+*, but he laid hands on my mom.

They went through a small separation for a couple months, I ended up apologizing to him and told him I shouldn't have swung, my siblings didn't talk to him but I kept contact with up until we all sat down and talked everything out.

We're good now, haven't had any problems since.
You heard of not biting the hand that feeds you right?

Pathetic even thinking of swinging on EITHER your mom or dad.
I think that the people who couldn't fathom the idea of hitting a parent come from a pretty normal upbringing where the parents were pretty traditional and decent. Before you judge anyone, there are some terrible parents out there. Wildly abusive and take out their frustrations on the child. Eminem would be a good example.
Originally Posted by Gordonson

Originally Posted by toughmoney

I swung at my moms and bruised her arm when I was about 12. I got tired of getting hit with just about everything over stupid stuff. My mom can't control her anger or loud voice. When she can't have her way.....all hell breaks lose. Ever since then I haven't fought with her, but came really close a few times.

This is exactly how my mom is. It takes nothing to get her riled up and very little from there to get her physical. It's annoying as hell.

Cosign. My mom is spoiled and can't control her anger when she can't get her way. She never got too physical but the constant screaming over the smallest things was beyond annoying and takes a toll on a child emotionally. I'm damn near positive she's bipolar, but she's in denial about it. Now that I'm grown, we have a better relationship (if I hear a glimpse of that screaming, I'm hanging up in her face early) but I'm still a bit distant from her. My grandmother is the same way and they both were jealous of how close I was with my godmother, who was very calm.
yeah... ive gotten physical with both my parents.... dont talk to my father anymore.... and i would always try to avoid confrontations with my mom, which was the main reason i was living on the streets for so long. shed always come back for more. come back for more, and yes come back for more. even when the arguement was done shed come back to my room and say some +*@+*% up thing. to the point where i just didnt come home for months. its gotten a little better, we havent gotten physical in a long time, and i am grateful for that.
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