Ever got caught out there by the opposite sex? Vol. That aint mines its my boys....

Feb 17, 2006
I recently have been getting caught out there by the opposite sex. The funny part is that im not really lying, just not telling them the  whole story.  Well post your times of getting exposed by these super sleuths whether you were caught in the act or the put the pieces together like voltron and make all evidence point to your guilt. 
- When girl was in my truck she found a receipt (from 7/11) on the floor from me being out of town. She asked me how my week was and i told pretty boring. She then waved the receipt in my face.

- Gave girl a book bag to hold her stuff (plan was to go on a  motorcycle ride). Let her hold the bag once i dropped her off. Come the following day she says i should do better to hide my tracks. She said i had a pair of my drawls and multiple packs of jimmy hats all in the bag.


Said girls above know that i refuse to be in a relationship and i DOES what i want.

I just need to make sure to sleep with one eye peeled.
This is what I thought about when reading this thread:

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Vanessa: Look, I know I'm being neurotic, but I can't shake off this suspicious feeling about Miss Fagina. I don't want to sound paranoid, but I've had some bad relationships in the past, and I have been known to be jealous. I'm sorry.
Austin Powers: No, don't be sorry, baby. You're right to be suspicious. I shagged her.
Vanessa: What?
Austin Powers: I shagged her rotten, baby, yeah!
Vanessa: Did you used protection ?
Austin Powers: Of course. I had my 9mm automatic.
Vanessa: You know I meant, did you use a condom?
Austin Powers: No, only sailors wear condoms baby.
Vanessa: Not in the '90s Austin.
Austin Powers: Well they should, those filthy buggers. They go from port to port.
Originally Posted by egaroc1

I recently have been getting caught out there by the opposite sex. The funny part is that im not really lying, just not telling them the  whole story.  Well post your times of getting exposed by these super sleuths whether you were caught in the act or the put the pieces together like voltron and make all evidence point to your guilt. 
- When girl was in my truck she found a receipt (from 7/11) on the floor from me being out of town. She asked me how my week was and i told pretty boring. She then waved the receipt in my face.

- Gave girl a book bag to hold her stuff (plan was to go on a  motorcycle ride). Let her hold the bag once i dropped her off. Come the following day she says i should do better to hide my tracks. She said i had a pair of my drawls and multiple packs of jimmy hats all in the bag.


Said girls above know that i refuse to be in a relationship and i DOES what i want.

I just need to make sure to sleep with one eye peeled.

   you my man are playing with fire
 forget sleeping with a eye open. you better sleep during the day and stay awake at night
Originally Posted by SouthCarolina23

Got caught cheating at the movies the day b4 Valentine's 09. It was om some cheaters type steez BIG Time altercation. I would explain the details but I'm on my droid.

We want details now!
Originally Posted by play2much2004

Originally Posted by egaroc1

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i wanna see too

@ Play2much the pot calling the kettle black.

Why dont you contribute?????


Pics or
this thread aint about me bruh.

you still fronting bout your times.

Remember the time you used me as a crutch???

As i wrote the thread title and thought bout you!!
Girl 1 I was smashing left her lingerie in my closet...Girl 2 comes over to chill...she had to be in my dorm for about 2 hours and I never even noticed the lingerie in the closet...soon as she is about to leave she sees the lingerie...got caught red handed lol
when i was moving out of my apartment last year i found some jewelry. texted a pic of it to my girl saying "look what i found." got a text back saying "thats not mine"..
Originally Posted by bjamez20

when i was moving out of my apartment last year i found some jewelry. texted a pic of it to my girl saying "look what i found." got a text back saying "thats not mine"..

Originally Posted by bjamez20

when i was moving out of my apartment last year i found some jewelry. texted a pic of it to my girl saying "look what i found." got a text back saying "thats not mine"..


Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by bjamez20

when i was moving out of my apartment last year i found some jewelry. texted a pic of it to my girl saying "look what i found." got a text back saying "thats not mine"..


You got, got bruhbruh!  
Was driving a chick i had met home, told her i wasn't seeing anyone, trying to beat draws, I run into the gas stations, come out and she's waving a receipt from a restaurant in my face. I tell her " i always go out to eat alone, just some me time" she hits me with the "N****, i aint stupid, aint no N**** eating 60 dollars of food alone on a saturday night. I just looked at her with the cant say +$$! face...
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