Ever wish you could go back in time and slap yourself?

Apr 6, 2004
You know what I mean.

I look back at some of the #@%* I'd wear to try to be "cool" like way back freshman year of HS and man was I an herb. I wish I could go back andslap the #@%* out myself. Also being a panzy when it came to the ladies. Wish I could have told myself "Damn son women are not worth that time andkissing up to them if they aint feeling you. Keep it movin, better yet be an +!*$+%* to them, they love that."

If I met my former self I'd slap that %%%!+ so hard that I'd feel it now.
I think about this all the time. But look at it this way. If you didn't make any mistakes, how would you learn? Would you be the same person you are today?
You dont have to go back in time to slap yourself...just do it now...theres no expiration date
Originally Posted by King Lincey

I think about this all the time. But look at it this way. If you didn't make any mistakes, how would you learn? Would you be the same person you are today?

[Game]If I had to start from scratch, I wouldn't change !!%+...[/Game]

It's just embarrassing to know if I saw me I'd punk the !!%+ out of me.
If I met my former self I'd slap that %%%!+ so hard that I'd feel it now.
something about that was just damn funny.

But I feel you man, hell, I still feel like that about #!%+ I do now(as recently as yesterday).

hindsight is 20/20 and sometimes I wish I could go back and slap that #!%+ in my head so my foresight could be 20/20 as well. It's not like I don'tknow what to do, I know exactly what to do/how #!%+ will end up playing out/what would happen if I varied off track and took an alternative route to thesituation, I just fall under pressure, word to T-Mac in the playoffs
yup. many times...there's a lot of things back then i kinda wonder..why the *%%% did i do that..because of how stupid it was.
I asked this in the google thread but...Acid where'd you go to school?

I went to Saint Francis in Mtn. View
i went to homestead in cupertino, didn't check that google thread after i posted a couple times in there haha. i know some ppl who went to st. francis(just acquaintances though).
Sure. HS years were the best times of my life. I wish I could have gotten more swag as well as trying harder to get into a better college despite being verygood academically.
Wish i woulda told a girl I had feelings for her back as a freshman in Highschool. Ever since then I always open my mouth and ask em to chill, cuz I learned mylesson the hard way. I can just imagine me being 20years old 6'1 190lbs and slappin my 14, 5'7 135lbs self back in the day. I think i mighta accidentlykilled myself therefore creating a paradox
. Word to Dr. Emmit Brown
No. I'm a pansy and don't liked to be slapped. I would probably go back and say "Dude, don't spend so much money on shoes, put all your moneyinto a high interest bank account, so when you become me we'll have extra money to reinvest into some stocks." Something like that.
Yes, but I feel my mistakes have made me a better person today. "Everything I'm not, made me everything I am" - Kanye West
Yea I can agree that I wouldn't be the same person I am today... I'm not all that great though. I would Nancy Kerrigan my%#+% so I would focus onschool more in high school. nba haha..
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