EWD's Tech Start-Up Company Vol...Iono

[COLOR=#red]Don't expect me to report anyone in here. There's no need to. Can't say I truly dislike anyone in here. Some of you might think you wouldn't deal with me in person, but I highly doubt that. I have very very very few if any enemies.[/COLOR]

What would you report? Nothing in here has broken any rules.
The Hitler video made me lose it at work. I can't even explain this thread to my co-workers so I'm over here looking like I just came back from the dentist getting pumped with laughing gas. :smh:

That's the toughest part about all this lmao
Still want to see the website to the company 
He can't tell us due to law #3 of the 48 laws of power, conceal your intentions.

That or he's just flexing his new drone.
I still love that he said he "self invested" in everything in the pic. As if he built some major company all self funded. In reality he just had a car and a radio control toy, something plenty of people have :lol:
[COLOR=#red]I see that your .gif creating skills are clearly better than your reading comprehension skills :lol: . You simply repeated what I said bro.[/COLOR]

You're missing the point. I'm asking why would anyone "expect you to report anyone in here"? No one would expect that because no one's done anything wrong.
i bet this guy was at a family picnic or gathering at the park. thats why he used the bbq rubbermaid table and borrowed one of his relatives car and thought it would look fresh
I was about to invest $150 dollars into his business but his refusal to share his business plan has made me retract my offer.

Waitin for a business plan like it was a meek verse..

If EWD acts now he can be at least one step ahead of meek or wait and let the gifs bury him ..
[COLOR=#red]Sure plenty of people have $3500 just sitting around to buy a "toy". Even if plenty of people did have the money they wouldn't waste it on something that's not going to make money for them...except for the hard-core hobbyist.

You best believe i have researched and planned this out thoroughly. I wanted to share with my NT peeps that i have started a UAV based business, but I cannot divulge my plans in detail over the WWW to maintain my competitive advantage.

I absolutely love when I hear people say stuff like "what's so special you have what everyone else has". That just shows the lack of entrepreneurial knowledge/wisdom/aptitude. Some of the best entrepreneurial ventures are the ones where people say "I could have/should have thought of that". Well guess what...you didn't :rofl:

So please commence with the .gifs and the roastings, because I'm getting bored in my own thread here :lol:[/COLOR]
so... what exactly does your company dude?

and socal isn't a city.

He doesn't have any answers Sway.

Nobody is asking to divulge the details of a business plan, just simply what are you going to do in general. Drones are pretty accessible for the common person to obtain, got a homie that bought one last month and is selling the prints from the shots he gets.

Funniest thread in years , I genuinely haven't laughed as hard in a long long longgg time as I did when I got to the OGBobbyJohnson vids
He's cornered the family reunion table, other person's SUVv market for sure though.
Lol through these 20 pages, i didnt even notice that he didnt divulge in what he was doing with his tech startup. Telling us what you do is gonna kill your competitve advantage?

alright blood....
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