EWD's Tech Start-Up Company Vol...Iono

Nt gunna be nt 

@ElderWatsonDiggs  Are there anymore details like you were saying would follow? Actually interested in this and I hope you do well with it fam.
Sure plenty of people have $3500 just sitting around to buy a "toy". Even if plenty of people did have the money they wouldn't waste it on something that's not going to make money for them...except for the hard-core hobbyist.

You best believe i have researched and planned this out thoroughly. I wanted to share with my NT peeps that i have started a UAV based business, but I cannot divulge my plans in detail over the WWW to maintain my competitive advantage.

I absolutely love when I hear people say stuff like "what's so special you have what everyone else has". That just shows the lack of entrepreneurial knowledge/wisdom/aptitude. Some of the best entrepreneurial ventures are the ones where people say "I could have/should have thought of that". Well guess what...you didn't

So please commence with the .gifs and the roastings, because I'm getting bored in my own thread here
can you take me through the thought process on why you dropped 3.5k on an inspire rather than spending just 1.3k on a phantom 3 which has the same camera quality, longer flight time and easier mobility? 
3.5 isn't really that much.

Holla at me when you're taking the company public though

[COLOR=#red]Not much huh? Well that's definitely relative. Tell you what, put your money where your mouth is. Go spend $3500 in the next few days on anything, then show the receipt with amount and date. You can blur out the actual details. If you cannot do that then $3500 is a lot and you're talking out you a#$ :rofl:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Of course I have a website, but there's no way in heck that I would post it on NT. Don't get it twisted, there are some malicious dudes on NT who would love nothing better than to mess things up. I would never do that to anybody, but then again there's definitely a few in this very thread that would if they could. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Not much huh? Well that's definitely relative. Tell you what, put your money where your mouth is. Go spend $3500 in the next few days on anything, then show the receipt with amount and date. You can blur out the actual details. If you cannot do that then $3500 is a lot and you're talking out you a#$ :rofl:[/COLOR]

Post YOUR receipt.
can you take me through the thought process on why you dropped 3.5k on an inspire rather than spending just 1.3k on a phantom 3 which has the same camera quality, longer flight time and easier mobility? 

[COLOR=#red]Sure. If I was doing this for hobby I'd go with a Phantom 3. As a matter of fact I learned to fly with a Phantom 2 Vision Plus. But since this is for professional reasons I went with the Inspire 1 and here's why.

1. It's faster
2. It stands up to higher gusts of wind, in which the Phantom 3 cannot handle.
3. Looks more professional which helps when dealing with clients
4. The landing gear allows it to have a full 360 degree use of the camera without the legs getting in the way.
5. I have the upgraded batteries which have increased flight time so that's not an issue.
6. The modular camera allows for me to change it out for customized solutions...and yes my UAV vendor sells customized cameras for the Inspire 1 in which I will buy.[/COLOR]
Post YOUR receipt.

[COLOR=#red]I'm not the one frontin like $3500 is nothing. Since you are acting like it's nothing go blow $3500 real quick homie lol. Show us the results since you obviously got it like that.

Yeah didn't think so :lol: But if you do show the proof then I stand corrected. [/COLOR]
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What happens when they ban drones?

What happens if your drone is confiscated during a job?

What if a bird flies into your drone? Will you post the death of the bird?
[COLOR=#red]I'm not the one frontin like $3500 is nothing. Since you are acting like it's nothing go blow $3500 real quick homie lol. Show us the results since you obviously got it like that.

Yeah didn't think so :lol: But if you do show the proof then I stand corrected. [/COLOR]

I never said that...nice deflection though.
What happens when they ban drones?

What happens if your drone is confiscated during a job?

What if a bird flies into your drone? Will you post the death of the bird?

[COLOR=#red]UAV insurance bro.

I'll worry about stuff like that if it happens.

Thanks for your concern though.[/COLOR]
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