Ex...another man's child...she got at me over the weekend.


Jul 10, 2011
What's good NT fam?

I usually don't even hit up the board with anything female related...we have too many similar posts that are already out here. But my ex who I was with for eight years got pregnant by another dude once we split up back in May of 09...and in just six months time she was pregant by this dude.

So it takes me a while to get over it...but in the meantime I'm out here doing me and hitting any and everything that moves because it's the only way I felt like I could get over the breakup. It was that serious ya'll.

Fast forward three years later and I get an email, then a text, and finally the phone call over the weekend. She's telling me how she messed up and all that, but a part of me is feeling a way that a few messages and phone conversations will not fix. She's reached out before via email but I never paid it any mind. She even brought up the spots we use to kick it, and I'm talking about where the smashing sessions that took place.

It's probably best if you keep her cut off. You're gonna open a whole can of worms if yall link up down the road. Kid in the picture 1000000% complicates things. It's not worth the potential headache to be weak-minded. Keep doing you and leave her in your past. That chapter is closed.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

It's probably best if you keep her cut off. You're gonna open a whole can of worms if yall link up down the road. Kid in the picture 1000000% complicates things. It's not worth the potential headache to be weak-minded. Keep doing you and leave her in your past. That chapter is closed.
Yep, keep it pushing and don't look back. Only will lead to more confusion 
Why yall break up in the first place?And are u fine with the dad being in the picture for the next 15 years?
if you're a jerk.. you'd use it to your benefit and take advantage of the situation
if you're a good guy... let her down easy and tell her there's no going back (if you feel that way)
I felt even weaker by talking to her in the first place on the phone...like why did I even entertain the conversation?

She started bringing up all the times we %!!@@!...and of course I'm just thinking like yeah the p was good but all the extra %!!! that came with it is not even worth it in the long run.

Sent me a text this morning talking bout have a great day at work...come on. This was the chick that had me simping all over the place, and I was the poster boy for being a simp back then. No lie.

The dude that knocked her up is a major d boy out here in the streets, and I'm not about that life.

As far as how I feel...I'm in lust right now. All I'm thinking about is the p honestly...so I gotta be stronger than that.
Like many others have said already... Keep it moving Fam. She disrespected you by getting pregnant by another dude in only 6 months after you were with her for 8yrs. Currently being in a relationship of my own of 8yrs and knowing how much it would hurt if this was to happen to me I wouldnt do it.
Dont do it fambs
She threw away 8 years and got knocked up by another dude 6 months later
No dambs given
Now she just realizing how she messed up, too late for that
Plus its a possibility every time you see the kids you gon get mad
is she still with dude?
has she changed?
why did yaw split?
do u feel u can do better?

all these need to be answered before you do anything. For most situations like these it seems like she missed out on what she had and wants it back, but sometimes people like this are too late. But if you feel like you want to go back down that road more power to you OP

EDIT: if she just hitting you up talkin about sex and what not you need to dead that. Shes not worried about you at all shes worried about the D and you falling for it. Dont let that cloud your mind bruh. smh at these females.
Whatever you do, DO NOT nut in the P. Period. Even with the jimmy hat on. Don't fall back in love with the P.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

My pride wouldn't let me go back to someone who had a kid after me.
THIS. Especially in that window period OP mentioned.
Run. Fast.
Man no lie I know of some old heads that got back together it worked out but the child never gave him any respect.
yooo. fap and right after fapping think about what you're gonna do. it will help trust.
She knows you're tender behind the zipper if she brings up spots and times when/where ya'll had sex but not times when ya'll actually held each other down.

That's your fault.
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