Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

He is nowhere near big bear I know for sure..place is like North Pole this time of year I'm pretty sure he is using someone else's identity and laying low.
he's probably 10 steps ahead of the police. crazy smart to be eluding tons of cops for this long... they trained him well.
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They're probably going to find his body in the snow. No way he survives if he's still outdoors somewhere. Might take a couple of days though.

Dude got military training, he prob chillin' somewhere

He remotely blew up that truck as a distraction... son most likey no where

Near those woods...probably headed to Mexico by now.

I honestly don't think he is/would flee anywhere.

His pride and Integrity I don't think would let him.

He's in LA somewhere just waiting to make his next move.
my pops bet me a stack they wont find this dude. hes convinced hes no where near big bear.

im with the ppl sayin this story will fade into bolivian until he strikes again... they embarrased
He is nowhere near big bear I know for sure..place is like North Pole this time of year I'm pretty sure he is using someone else's identity and laying low.

Plus you don't think those people up there wouldn't have noticed a HUGE black man running around :lol: It's not like he can blend in.

Dude isn't there, probably in mexico or half-way across the country by now.
LAPD gonna see any reprecussions from shooting up those two asian ladies thinking it was Dorner's truck?

LAPD gonna see any reprecussions from shooting up those two asian ladies thinking it was Dorner's truck?


Of course there was repercussions

they are on paid leave..... and probably be back on the streets soon. LAPD pays officers to act stupidly. Probably the reason why the requirements for hiring are simply a clean record and a high school diploma
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LAPD gonna see any reprecussions from shooting up those two asian ladies thinking it was Dorner's truck?


Of course there was repercussions

they are on paid leave..... and probably be back on the streets soon. LAPD pays officers to act stupidly. Probably the reason why the requirements for hiring are simply a clean record and a high school diploma
Lets not forget getting promoted
Racists from stormfront sticking up for a black dude, is this real life ?
At the risk of breaking the consensus that is mostly agreed upon in this subreddit I fear I'm going to have to argue in the favor of this man.
I've read his manifesto - This is a case of a good cop doing all that he can to be good and eventually he loses his job because of it. This isn't blind murder or psychopathy and I hope that the result of his actions will result in sweeping changes.
The guy even addresses racial issues in his manifesto, decrying every race he worked alongside. There's no, "white police bringing me down taking my job" or "them whites above me are just rayciss" No. Nothing like that at all. He is very critical of the blacks, asians, hispanics and whites that he works alongside and though this is /r/******* I think that should speak in his credit.
The LAPD and even by extension just about all police agencies cannot continue to function the way they do. The lack of training, lack of respect, disdain for those they're supposed to server and protect is approaching a boiling point, one where we may just live in an age where cop killing will be considered a noble endeavor. Even now in their hunt to find him they've nearly murdered two innocent women driving a car who they mistook to be him. This is the car those women were driving. They're not out to arrest this man - they want him dead.
Corruption ruined this man's life. His attempts to expose that corruption ultimately destroyed him. He's being hunted because he's the only cop who had the balls to do the right thing whenever he could.
Black or not, this guy is a ******g hero.
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I bet he's got hide outs under ground like those people from doomsday preppers in the mountains.
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Yeah I imagine he is in a room somewhere full of food and medicine and guns just waiting until stuff calms down. Then he'll start blasting the pigs again.
While I dont condone the killing, I can understand what set him off. Losing your career/life unjustly (allegedly) while trying to live your life as the best employee/person you can mess up your head. His manifesto revealling such things as his frustration about those idiots in the NRA and anger towards the disrespect to Pres. Obama, and of course his own injustices...its understandable but not acceptable.
I feel like a bad person

for not wanting this to end so soon.

why don't you acknowledge the injustice of a department instead of a man who is fighting for righteousness in his heart.


Pretty sure everyone has acknowledged the LAPD is crooked as hell. Doesn't change the fact that two innocent people are DEAD, reportedly at the hands of this dude "fighting for righteousness."

Like others have said, I don't even doubt Dorner's claims. Thousands of people could have backed his claims had he went about it the right way, even after being shunned during his first attempt.

People need to start co-signing his cause, not him or his actions.

Pretty sure everyone has acknowledged the LAPD is crooked as hell. Doesn't change the fact that two innocent people are DEAD, reportedly at the hands of this dude "fighting for righteousness."

Like others have said, I don't even doubt Dorner's claims. Thousands of people could have backed his claims had he went about it the right way, even after being shunned during his first attempt.

People need to start co-signing his cause, not him or his actions.

and it doesn't change the fact that 2 people got shot at because cops were 'threatened' by a car that look nothing like the description. it doesn't change the fact that they don't want this guy put on trial, it's obvious they want him dead. why ? to silence him because he is exposing the department. this was the only way he could do it because he's reputation was forever tarnished.

his cause needs actions, and this is the only way IMO that he can get it out. he tried to do it before and nothing happened. it's called aggressive negotiation. in order to capture the brutality of these cops, you have to treat them the same

Pretty sure everyone has acknowledged the LAPD is crooked as hell. Doesn't change the fact that two innocent people are DEAD, reportedly at the hands of this dude "fighting for righteousness."

Like others have said, I don't even doubt Dorner's claims. Thousands of people could have backed his claims had he went about it the right way, even after being shunned during his first attempt.

People need to start co-signing his cause, not him or his actions.

Name one thing that has changed without bloodshed.
Racists from stormfront sticking up for a black dude, is this real life ?
At the risk of breaking the consensus that is mostly agreed upon in this subreddit I fear I'm going to have to argue in the favor of this man.
I've read his manifesto - This is a case of a good cop doing all that he can to be good and eventually he loses his job because of it. This isn't blind murder or psychopathy and I hope that the result of his actions will result in sweeping changes.
The guy even addresses racial issues in his manifesto, decrying every race he worked alongside. There's no, "white police bringing me down taking my job" or "them whites above me are just rayciss" No. Nothing like that at all. He is very critical of the blacks, asians, hispanics and whites that he works alongside and though this is /r/******* I think that should speak in his credit.
The LAPD and even by extension just about all police agencies cannot continue to function the way they do. The lack of training, lack of respect, disdain for those they're supposed to server and protect is approaching a boiling point, one where we may just live in an age where cop killing will be considered a noble endeavor. Even now in their hunt to find him they've nearly murdered two innocent women driving a car who they mistook to be him. This is the car those women were driving. They're not out to arrest this man - they want him dead.
Corruption ruined this man's life. His attempts to expose that corruption ultimately destroyed him. He's being hunted because he's the only cop who had the balls to do the right thing whenever he could.
Black or not, this guy is a ******g hero.
Murder an asian woman and her black fiancee and calling out black superiors for belittling white men below them.

They aint eem mad
Why do some insist that his only option was to go murder two innocent people? He couldn't send evidence proving his wrongful termination and the corruption of the LAPD to media outlets? Oh wait, he did do that (the package he sent to Anderson Cooper) but he also chose to go and kill people. And don't give the excuse that the media wouldn't want to pick up his story on police corruption. You are now telling me they wouldn't want breaking news to increase their viewership. And he could have sued the LAPD for wrongful termination. No, Dorner chose to do harm to society yet you still believe it was his only option and somehow his actions are justified and you stand by him.

Additionally, some of you feel outraged that the cops attempt to kill anyone in a truck or who could resemble Dorner for their sensless acts of "street justice" but feel that Dorner's "street justice" of killing Monica Quan and Keith Lawrence is justified. You can't pick and choose which harmful act is justified and which is not; both are clearly wrong. And some even feel obligated to mention that Monica Quan could be assumed to be partly responsible for Dorner's firing. What kind of logic and rationale is behind such thinking? You already assume she is guilty and give her no presumption of innocence. If that was the case, than you would see much more people in jail and prison because there is no more innocence until proven guilty. You are assumed to have done a wrongful action and so you are guilty of such.
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