Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY


What do you guys think?

Case head or case of a deranged/stalker ex-gf?

Also crazy how just all of a sudden there is a case of him having "history" of breakdowns while on the job. Why not come out with this on the first day? LAPD could have easily came out with this to their advantage and mentioned it but I guess they "forgot".

Its about to get ugly (smear campaign) especially when ex gf are being used.

Dontdatehimgirl.com, Really?!!

see the thing is, we all know LAPD previous record as well

Just like judges look at the records of their criminals, people are looking at the LAPD and saying "yep, they always do **** like that"

With all that said I don't agree with what dude did, especially going after family members. But still, LAPD is just :x
He gave it to the only people he could, he already tried to go the route you're suggesting, his own attorney sold him out.

So you are basically co-signing what he's doing and believe he was out of options because he had a crooked union rep and lost his appeal? Is that accurate?
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What do you guys think?

Case head or case of a deranged/stalker ex-gf?

Also crazy how just all of a sudden there is a case of him having "history" of breakdowns while on the job. Why not come out with this on the first day? LAPD could have easily came out with this to their advantage and mentioned it but I guess they "forgot".

Its about to get ugly (smear campaign) especially when ex gf are being used.

Dontdatehimgirl.com, Really?!!

Just seems like a smear campaign, not saying dude should be made out to look like a hero but yeah its a little weird how these details are just now coming out

What do you guys think?

Case head or case of a deranged/stalker ex-gf?

Also crazy how just all of a sudden there is a case of him having "history" of breakdowns while on the job. Why not come out with this on the first day? LAPD could have easily came out with this to their advantage and mentioned it but I guess they "forgot".

Its about to get ugly (smear campaign) especially when ex gf are being used.

Dontdatehimgirl.com, Really?!!

from that article:
Court and police files show that Dorner once began weeping while on duty in a patrol car, awkwardly flashed his police badge on a first date and told a girlfriend he kept his emotions bottled up.
That's the best they could find? Sounds like 99% of guys have done "worse."

That said, it will be extremely disappointing if it turns out the details in his manifesto are incorrect. There is something to be said for distorted memories, especially when severe emotional distress is involved.

I want to believe him 100% at his word. It's the same way we all want to believe in conspiracy theories and Scientology and superheroes and Santa Claus.

But given the Kony 2012 guy, the Te'o scandal, and other cases of people lying and twisting the truth to validate themselves, I wouldn't be surprised to find that he's just another disillusioned serial killer, ready to troll NT religion and conspiracy threads in another life.
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If he didn't kill them, he can turn himself in. As his manifesto stated, he doesn't care about dying anymore so if the police do kill him, he is now a martyr and represents something important. But you believe his manifesto 100% so he made his intentions clear by stating he would do harm to those who have wronged him. And yes, Cooper did receive the package about one week ago. But of course the media has to do their due diligence as well. As soon as they receive the package, they are not going to publish it as fact without investigating his claims. Because they received it on lets say January 29, 2013, the same day Maria Sansone was on and the same day that she stated she believed the package was delivered, you expect them to air it immediately without any prior research? If they do air it and it is accurate, then they win. But if they air it and it turns out the information is incorrect, Cooper has lost all credibility.

And nowhere did I mention that what the police did to the two Hispanic women was justified. I stated that certain members justify the killing of Quan and Lawrence because it was "street justice" yet state that the police attempted murder was inexcusable. Their attempted murder was "street justice" as well, but now it is wrong? There is no logical reasoning where one can pick and choose which horrible act was justified. Both are wrong.
I wish there was a way we can help him get away.


Im sure he got people helping him already..... like I said he is probably somewhere in south central

its a large urban area and some cops don't even go over certain neighborhoods.

Im sure he got people helping him already..... like I said he is probably somewhere in south central

its a large urban area and some cops don't even go over certain neighborhoods.

He has to have people helping him. Its funny how their still mentioning big bear on the news. He's probably chilling in someone's crib on Hoover playing madden right now as we speak.

I underestimated Anonymous.
What happened. 
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