Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

They might say he is dead.

Just to prove to the nay-sayers that the media lies to us, I hope they say he is dead, and then he shows up like the Undertaker during the NBA Finals or something.
I too agree that this seems a little fishy. I honestly thought he was smarter than getting pinned down in a cabin in an area he was already thought to be in.
lol and that's some of y'all's problems right there.  takin the ravings of one letter from a dude and attributing all sorts of intelligence to him when he did everything he could to look dumb as ****.  police constantly right behind him.  takin hostages and them escaping when he got caught up with by police.  staying in the area during a big storm when he coulda got out under cover.  holing up in a cabin after a firefight with other cops.  
  face it guys, your hero wasn't that bright as evidenced the the situations he continually put himself in.
Of course they're going to say that. It always looks better when the suspect takes the cowardly way out, right?

There's a reason the media was blacked out. They'll say it was so Dorner couldn't watch TV and gain intelligence. But it was confirmed that the empty cabin didn't have power, meaning no internet, phone, TV.

They took dude out. Plain and simple. I'm not saying it wasn't justified, but I wish they'd stop acting like any person with half a brain couldn't figure that out.
i totally agree with you. i was just posting the latest that msnbc was reporting, that's all.

i'm sure i'm not alone though, when i say that i hope dude is still alive. it'll be crazy to see this story take a whole new twist from here. i'm not ruling out that possibility yet.

if dude dies, he goes out how we wanted. i'd rather see him put on trial, even though the chances of that happening are rather slim at this point.
i hope he pulled some houdini type steez cause thatd be dope LOL this is closest reality will get to a hollywood action/thriller/drama flick *que the michael jackson eating popcorn in the theatre gif*
lol and that's some of y'all's problems right there.  takin the ravings of one letter from a dude and attributing all sorts of intelligence to him when he did everything he could to look dumb as ****.  police constantly right behind him.  takin hostages and them escaping when he got caught up with by police.  staying in the area during a big storm when he coulda got out under cover.  holing up in a cabin after a firefight with other cops.  

  face it guys, your hero wasn't that bright as evidenced the the situations he continually put himself in.
Who even knows if that's the true sequence of events though. I don't know Dorner, only from what I read in his manifesto. But he seemed like he knew what he was talking about. And I do know for a fact that the LAPD is corrupt. So I tend to believe that the LAPD and the media can misconstrue the story in the direction they want, so if the only evidence you have for his stupidity is what you just heard on the news, then chill, man. And let me end it on this note: I can get with the idea behind what he did, the execution is what bothers me. Killing those people who had nothing to do with is not only foolish with this point kept in mind, but also sad and unjustified.
what if this guy left some bomb in the basement and set it off once they step in, all while he is getting info that feds about to step in the basement =o
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As I stated a few pages ago, I used to go to Black Bear quite often.....

They get cell phone service up there.
so, this whole thing was bs?  every one of these people are in on it?  and he's really in mexico or something?  
 that would certainly be interesting.

supposedly they tossed in tear gas through the windows then told him through the PA to surrender.

he didnt come out then they came with something called a bearcat and tore down the walls..when they came to the final wall the fire started...

then they heard a final gunshot.

So he shot himself AND burned the place?

So what? Just in case he was impervious to bullets he burned the cabin down?

They either murked that boy or that's not his body. Best way to get rid of evidence it to burn it. Nobody is going to be able to identify a burnt body but forensics, if it even get there. They can put pics on the web and people are going to believe it because they said it but, no ones REALLY gonna know if that's his body.
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lol and that's some of y'all's problems right there.  takin the ravings of one letter from a dude and attributing all sorts of intelligence to him when he did everything he could to look dumb as ****.  police constantly right behind him.  takin hostages and them escaping when he got caught up with by police.  staying in the area during a big storm when he coulda got out under cover.  holing up in a cabin after a firefight with other cops.  

  face it guys, your hero wasn't that bright as evidenced the the situations he continually put himself in.

Have you not seen his resume? 10 to 1 he's forgotten more than you'll ever know.
What about cell phones?
True, true.  

I still find it sketchy that when the media blackout is lifted, the cabin is billowing black smoke.  Surely there is video somewhere with all the dashcams that law enforcement vehicles have, right?  I'm guessing we never see those videos.  We'll just have to take their word for it.    
sure i've seen it.  and yet with all that he's 'forgotten' he couldn't think of a single way to clear his name AND do it the right way right?  

According to reports he went about it the right for a number of years and had his life ruined for it. :rolleyes What can you do within the system when you have an entire department willing to perjure themselves to cover up crimes?

Since your so insightful, what would you have done to clear your name?
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history is written by the victor. cops will get the praise and chris will be painted as a monster. the cycle will continue
I would have liked to have seen him get due process, but he brought all of this on himself. On top of it all, dude went about trying to make his "point" the complete wrong way. In the end he was no better than the people he despised in his manifesto. It is what it is tho...he's no hero, and people need to stop putting him on a pedestal.

how did he go about the wrong way if he went through the courts? he did almost everything he could. not sure if serious
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