Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Alright so what's the latest update

[Updated at 9:14 p.m. ET] Earlier, we reported that U.S. Marshals Service district chief Kurt Ellingson told us a suspect tried to get out the back door of the cabin at some point today and was pushed back inside. But there are now conflicting reports about whether the suspect ever emerged.

Ellingson says authorities are not sure whether the suspect came out.

Basically these numbskulls have no idea.
According to reports he went about it the right for a number of years and had his life ruined for it.
no not according to reports.  according to something he wrote right before he went off.  HE did it to himself.  HE whistle blew.  HE choked a dude out for saying ******.  HE decided taking innocent victims lives was something important he needed to do.  Personal responsibility bro.  he wanted to take innocent life, he did that.  he wanted to go out in a blaze of 'glory', he did that too.  did it to himself.  is the lapd dirty?  duh.  did he maybe get done wrong for doing right?  maybe.  does that warrant all this ******** he brought down on himself?  NOPE.
no not according to reports. according to something he wrote right before he went off. HE did it to himself. HE whistle blew.

So you've not read the court documents and police reports? Might want to take a look before presuming to know what you are talking about.

He did it to himself by whistleblowing? Lol. Are you a coward?

Is anyone still covering this or is everyone on the Prez?
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no not according to reports.  according to something he wrote right before he went off.  HE did it to himself.  HE whistle blew.  HE choked a dude out for saying ******.  HE decided taking innocent victims lives was something important he needed to do.  Personal responsibility bro.  he wanted to take innocent life, he did that.  he wanted to go out in a blaze of 'glory', he did that too.  did it to himself.  is the lapd dirty?  duh.  did he maybe get done wrong for doing right?  maybe.  does that warrant all this ******** he brought down on himself?  NOPE.

according to himself? the media even said there was a trial in which this happened. dude you're from east coast. ****
according to himself? the media even said there was a trial in which this happened. dude you're from east coast. ****
like i said before you don't have to live in LA to get LA news bruh bruh.  try to keep up.  it's 2013.  now go away, grown ups are talking and i'm sure it's about time for you to get tucked in, drink some water and get a story read to you while your thumb's in your mouth.  **** indeed.
no not according to reports.  according to something he wrote right before he went off.  HE did it to himself.  HE whistle blew.  HE choked a dude out for saying ******.  HE decided taking innocent victims lives was something important he needed to do.  Personal responsibility bro.  he wanted to take innocent life, he did that.  he wanted to go out in a blaze of 'glory', he did that too.  did it to himself.  is the lapd dirty?  duh.  did he maybe get done wrong for doing right?  maybe.  does that warrant all this ******** he brought down on himself?  NOPE.

100% correct
sure i've seen it.  and yet with all that he's 'forgotten' he couldn't think of a single way to clear his name AND do it the right way right?  
According to reports he went about it the right for a number of years and had his life ruined for it.

Since your so insightful, what would you have done to clear your name?
But you're only excusing Dorner if he DIDN'T kill those two civilians right? 
like i said before you don't have to live in LA to get LA news bruh bruh.  try to keep up.  it's 2013.  now go away, grown ups are talking and i'm sure it's about time for you to get tucked in, drink some water and get a story read to you while your thumb's in your mouth.  **** indeed.

So you've not read the court documents and police reports? Might want to take a look before presuming to know what you are talking about.

He did it to himself by whistleblowing? Lol. Are you a coward?
did you know you can't video/audio tape someone in california without them knowing?
what does that have to do with anything lol?  nothing.  if his case was as airtight as you've been trumpeting in this entire ******g thread, then there's no reason he couldn't take it, I DON'T KNOW, PERHAPS TO ANYONE OTHER THAN SOMEONE WHO WORKED FOR THE GUYS HE WAS CALLING CORRUPT it might have worked more in his favor. 
like i said before you don't have to live in LA to get LA news bruh bruh.  try to keep up.  it's 2013.  now go away, grown ups are talking and i'm sure it's about time for you to get tucked in, drink some water and get a story read to you while your thumb's in your mouth.  **** indeed.

you probably didn't even know this happened until it aired on your local news. it's like an english man talking american politics. you may think you know what's going on but you have never even step foot here. bed time for me? it's 6pm bro. 9am where you're at, let's see who goes to sleep first
Looks like it's over. Theyre just waiting for the fire to die out then go in and identify the body.
what does that have to do with anything lol?  nothing.  if his case was as airtight as you've been trumpeting in this entire ******g thread, then there's no reason he couldn't take it, I DON'T KNOW, PERHAPS TO ANYONE OTHER THAN SOMEONE WHO WORKED FOR THE GUYS HE WAS CALLING CORRUPT it might have worked more in his favor. 

i remember you saying that he should have audio taped a conversation of the corruption but you can't. this is spiraling into the same topic. you are saying he could have done more, and i'm saying he did do what he could. one man can only do so much to expose an entire department who is knee deep in corruption is backed up by the entire judicial system
But you're only excusing Dorner if he DIDN'T kill those two civilians right? 
Are you only excusing the cops if they DIDN'T just shot 3 innocent people without warning or request? Oh wait, they did.
I'm not excusing the cops or Dorner. Who said I was? I think they all deserve a slow death.

Now you said you were excusing Dorner. I'm asking you a simple question: You're only excusing Dorner if he didn't kill those two civilians right?
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