Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Media ordered to not film the area via helicopter--cabin is fully intact.

Media blackout lifted--cabin is on fire.


Wouldn't be surprised if they blew up the hostages along with him

If they allowed the same media as Vietnam had, we wouldn't be in Afghanistan

Anyone want 100 grand to say "I don't know" ?
They can't just put out the fire now? Are we going to have to wait for the cabin to burn out before we get some news?
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Last cabin review:

Great little spot, but safety an issue

By Chris, 2/13/13

Sadly there were no smoke detectors. How was I supposed to know if this place catches fire? Is it too much to ask to install them with and make sure the have a working battery?

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Wouldn't be surprised if they blew up the hostages along with him

If they allowed the same media as Vietnam had, we wouldn't be in Afghanistan

Anyone want 100 grand to say "I don't know" ?

what hostages? The only people he took "hostage" was that couple whose truck he stole. He left them behind, they got free, and they called the cops.
Drone was used

reason why they didn't allow media before cabin was on fire... I think its over folks
So he was "pushed" back into the cabin with gunshots while it was ablaze. What happened to taking him alive letting it go to the justice system?
The cops said that they were gonna let him burn. I don't know why, but that seems dirty.
Only in theory. What if I said YOU killed a cop. It's okay to not give you due process?

He could have surrendered and been given due process. But he didn't. He chose to go out this way. Not really the actions of an innocent man.
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