Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

What makes me completely irate is how David Stern is able to squash and shut down any questioning of his league and practices via his lawyer-like rhetoric withthe simple premise that Donaghy cheated therefore his word means absolutely nothing when it comes to blowing the whistle on other crooked refs and movers andshakers in the league. If not him, then who?

Certainly no one in Stern's camp is going to and it in no way benefits them from allowing this issue to boil and get out of control so while he furtherdrives the point of Donaghy being just some disgraced ref in with no credibility in the public's eye he also empowers himself through the immunity hereceives in not even being questioned about it.

"Tim Donaghy cheated therefore any questions are null and void". The best thing he can do is distance himself from any wrongdoing by driving forththat idea. Crooked politicians and their lawyers do stuff like that when things get hot.

There needs to be a governing body in the NBA outside of the team owners that vote to keep him in as Commissioner, which places checks on people like Stern andprevents people like him from having absolute power and freedom to do as he pleases. He's a bloodsucker.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Whoa whoa whoa...to ppl who think they knw what theyare talking about.....there is no LAW that says they can take from your income...ppl have actualy beat cases against the IRS...and for the record...the internal revenue code...is not the LAW...smh...as a matter of fact...its a film called freedom to facism by aaron russou...check that out....read up on it b4 u reply.....cnt talk about things u dnt kno about...right? Exactly.....and income tax is not used what u think its used 4....they use it to pay back debt frm the federal reserve....WaWa....come in here and schol these fools.


But there IS a law that states citizens must pay income tax on income between certain levels....as seen by the following:
Who Must Pay Income Tax


Sec. 6012 [1986 Code].

(a) GENERAL RULE. - Returns with respect to income taxes under subtitle A shall be made by the following:

(I)(A) Every individual having for the taxable year gross income which equals or exceeds the exemption amount, except that a return shall not be required of an individual -

(i) who is not married (determined by applying section 7703), is not a surviving spouse (as defined in section 2(a)), is not a head of a household (as defined in section 2(b)), and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual,

(ii) who is a head of a household (as so defined) and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual, . . .

The Internal Revenue Code isn't law. The Supreme Court has ruled that the IRS is a private corporation.

There is no law to pay federal income tax (there are laws for state and local income taxes) because technically the Federal Income Tax is a directunapportioned tax which is prohibited by the constitution. There is no law to file an federal tax either. Again, the IRC is not law.

Call the IRS and ask them to cite you either the Law to file a federal income tax or to pay taxes and they wouldn't be able to. They'll point you tothe IRC. The federal income tax is a failry recent phenomenon. It began in 1913.
I still pay my taxes but technically the Fed Income tax is unconstitutional. Eh, what are you going to do.

Back to the topic.
What makes me completely irate is how David Stern is able to squash and shut down any questioning of his league and practices via his lawyer-like rhetoric with the simple premise that Donaghy cheated therefore his word means absolutely nothing when it comes to blowing the whistle on other crooked refs and movers and shakers in the league. If not him, then who?

The NBA is a government sanctioned monopoly... which means nothign is going to happen because the politicians won't touch the issue. Or they'll makefools of themselves just like they did during the Clemens hearings.
in that kings lakers series the worst unknown foul call in NBA history happened.

doug christie is guarding kobe at the 3 point line, kobe is trying to figure out what way to go left or right he elbows doug christie in the fact the ref blowsthe whistle. the foul was called not on kobe but doug christie. how on earth can a ref call a foul on someone who gets fouled. there is no grey line its eithera no call or a call on kobe. its A or B there is no C.

i said it then i say it over and over again the NBA cheated the kings out of winning that series.
wawaweewa wrote:
LazyJ10 wrote:
jefffort5 wrote:
Whoa whoa whoa...to ppl who think they knw what theyare talking about.....there is no LAW that says they can take from your income...ppl have actualy beat cases against the IRS...and for the record...the internal revenue code...is not the LAW...smh...as a matter of fact...its a film called freedom to facism by aaron russou...check that out....read up on it b4 u reply.....cnt talk about things u dnt kno about...right? Exactly.....and income tax is not used what u think its used 4....they use it to pay back debt frm the federal reserve....WaWa....come in here and schol these fools.


But there IS a law that states citizens must pay income tax on income between certain levels....as seen by the following:
Who Must Pay Income Tax


Sec. 6012 [1986 Code].

(a) GENERAL RULE. - Returns with respect to income taxes under subtitle A shall be made by the following:

(I)(A) Every individual having for the taxable year gross income which equals or exceeds the exemption amount, except that a return shall not be required of an individual -

(i) who is not married (determined by applying section 7703), is not a surviving spouse (as defined in section 2(a)), is not a head of a household (as defined in section 2(b)), and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual,

(ii) who is a head of a household (as so defined) and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual, . . .

The Internal Revenue Code isn't law. The Supreme Court has ruled that the IRS is a private corporation.

There is no law to pay federal income tax (there are laws for state and local income taxes) because technically the Federal Income Tax is a direct unapportioned tax which is prohibited by the constitution. There is no law to file an federal tax either. Again, the IRC is not law.

Call the IRS and ask them to cite you either the Law to file a federal income tax or to pay taxes and they wouldn't be able to. They'll point you to the IRC.

I still pay my taxes but technically the Fed Income tax is unconstitutional. Eh, what are you going to do.

Back to the topic.
What makes me completely irate is how David Stern is able to squash and shut down any questioning of his league and practices via his lawyer-like rhetoric with the simple premise that Donaghy cheated therefore his word means absolutely nothing when it comes to blowing the whistle on other crooked refs and movers and shakers in the league. If not him, then who?

The NBA is a government sanctioned monopoly... which means nothign is going to happen because the politicians won't touch the issue. Or they'll make fools of themselves just like they did during the Clemens hearings.

well spoken

but as usual on nt if you try and tell someone somethin out of the norm they hit you wit the

and its usually somethin they know nothin about
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

wawaweewa wrote:
LazyJ10 wrote:
jefffort5 wrote:
Whoa whoa whoa...to ppl who think they knw what theyare talking about.....there is no LAW that says they can take from your income...ppl have actualy beat cases against the IRS...and for the record...the internal revenue code...is not the LAW...smh...as a matter of fact...its a film called freedom to facism by aaron russou...check that out....read up on it b4 u reply.....cnt talk about things u dnt kno about...right? Exactly.....and income tax is not used what u think its used 4....they use it to pay back debt frm the federal reserve....WaWa....come in here and schol these fools.


But there IS a law that states citizens must pay income tax on income between certain levels....as seen by the following:
Who Must Pay Income Tax


Sec. 6012 [1986 Code].

(a) GENERAL RULE. - Returns with respect to income taxes under subtitle A shall be made by the following:

(I)(A) Every individual having for the taxable year gross income which equals or exceeds the exemption amount, except that a return shall not be required of an individual -

(i) who is not married (determined by applying section 7703), is not a surviving spouse (as defined in section 2(a)), is not a head of a household (as defined in section 2(b)), and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual,

(ii) who is a head of a household (as so defined) and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual, . . .

The Internal Revenue Code isn't law. The Supreme Court has ruled that the IRS is a private corporation.

There is no law to pay federal income tax (there are laws for state and local income taxes) because technically the Federal Income Tax is a direct unapportioned tax which is prohibited by the constitution. There is no law to file an federal tax either. Again, the IRC is not law.

Call the IRS and ask them to cite you either the Law to file a federal income tax or to pay taxes and they wouldn't be able to. They'll point you to the IRC.

I still pay my taxes but technically the Fed Income tax is unconstitutional. Eh, what are you going to do.

Back to the topic.
What makes me completely irate is how David Stern is able to squash and shut down any questioning of his league and practices via his lawyer-like rhetoric with the simple premise that Donaghy cheated therefore his word means absolutely nothing when it comes to blowing the whistle on other crooked refs and movers and shakers in the league. If not him, then who?

The NBA is a government sanctioned monopoly... which means nothign is going to happen because the politicians won't touch the issue. Or they'll make fools of themselves just like they did during the Clemens hearings.

well spoken

but as usual on nt if you try and tell someone somethin out of the norm they hit you wit the

and its usually somethin they know nothin about

�That's the country we live in today.

This filmmaker spoke to an IRS commish himself and he couldn't get a definitive answer. i mean , come on...
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs
so thats why they lost by like 40 points in game 7

he said they wanted to "extend" teh series. the refs won the mavs game 4 and 5. if they reffed it right, there wouldn't be a game 7. no excuses for the rockets sucking in game 7, but monaghy admitted the point of them rigging those series was to EXTEND them. so the team that should have won earlier didn't.

point in blank - the refs didn't not this out of bounds in game 5 on michael finley who wasn't ON the line, which would make it a lil ok b/c it's split second. but htis dude was 5-7 ft out of bounds.

that play changed the entire complexity of the last 3 minutes of the game.

This is why I just can buy into the "fix" theory. So the refs gave the Mavs a series in '05 and then just a year later took one from them? That makes sense. Also, if you believe that the NBA is all about the $$$, the league has alot more incentive to see the Rockets go deep in the playoffs than the Mavs because of the Yao factor. Yao already has one of the biggest fanbases of anyone in the league; him getting in the finals would only magnify it. If the league is going to fix games to extend series, why wouldn't they fix games to extend the playoff run of the better drawing team?

there's no way you can try to guess their motives... maybe they just had money on the Mavs that year, and money on the Heat the next year. and one of the articles said that a league executive had correspondence with Mark Cuban during that series. so maybe they had a falling out.

but just because YOU can't understand it doesn't mean it can't be true. we have no idea exactly what went on behind the scenes.

again, i said they rigged the games to EXTEND the series. i'm sure they want houston to advance moreso than dallas, but we all saw what happened in game7. dallas was too deep and eventually won.

but back to the point. i now remember another call that would have EASILY changed the outcome of the game. in the last 5 minutes, dirk fouled yao pointblank. instead, the refs gave the call to josh howard, who was nowhere near the play (after regrouping mind you with obvious replays) the foul so dirk couldstay in the game. things like that don't need explanation.

JVG made those comments during this series. games 4-5 was rigged so dallas could stay in the series.
Anyone read Stven A. Smith's article on the matter?
What a tool of the NBA, literally.

He further cements the notion that he's a fraud and only goes after people that are easy to take on while playing kiss @#* to anyone of importance.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Anyone read Stven A. Smith's article on the matter?
What a tool of the NBA, literally.

He further cements the notion that he's a fraud and only goes after people that are easy to take on while playing kiss @#* to anyone of importance.
Nah, I didn't read it, but I saw him on 1st and 10 this morning talking about it and he disappointed the **** out of me. That's my dude, but Ilost a lil respect for him.
You knew he was gonna come weak on the topic.

He works for ESPN, so far the only full time ESPN employee who isnt brushing off Donaghy's story is Michael Wilbon.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Anyone read Stven A. Smith's article on the matter?
What a tool of the NBA, literally.

He further cements the notion that he's a fraud and only goes after people that are easy to take on while playing kiss @#* to anyone of importance.

Yea, hes changed. Cant believe hes such a kobe stan now either
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

You knew he was gonna come weak on the topic.

He works for ESPN, so far the only full time ESPN employee who isnt brushing off Donaghy's story is Michael Wilbon.

True Story
I'm sitting there like Steven A, what the hell are you talking about

He's my dude too but I just couldn't roll with that nonsense flapping from his gums. He does work for ESPN so that makes since. I mean after all itis a business. Everybody working there is shooting this story down faster than the government did with 9/11 conspiracy theories

Wilbon is the only one bringing it
Dude seems heated every time mentioning it
A blind man can see the NBA is fixed. It starts at the top with that stinkin dog David Stern and trickles down.
Did anyone just see the ESPN bottom line ticker?

said an ex official said " the League never told us we need this team or that team to be in the finals," but before a game a High Ranking leagueofficial came in and told them to "watch a certain guy, we dont want him doing this or that"
He said it was like planting a seed in your head ...


Maybe the quote is on ESPN.com by now, I dunno
What's with every major media outlet calling Donaghy "disgraced"?
They're acting like he raped a woman or molested a child.
I really feel that it's rather convenient that Donaghy chose to mention two games that were already highly scrutinized....IMO it's almost like an"after the fact" kinda thing.

I don't really know what happened, but I do know that many people believe in conspiracy theories so they are eating this thing right up.

Donaghy's counsel, however, described the scenario of the 2005 first-round series in which former Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy said he had been told by an NBA executive that officials would be watching for moving screens. Van Gundy was fined $100,000 for not revealing the source of his information.
What exactly is wrong with this scenario? I imagine that the "nba executive" was probably a friend of JVG. So Cuban made an officialcomplaint (that more than likely was assisted by video taped evidence) that Yao was getting away with illegal screens. Now the situation has been brought up toleague's attention and from here on out they deliberately looking at Yao and will call all instances of illegal screens. IMO it's the same thing asPhil Jackson complaining about the amount of fouls not being called against the Lakers, and the very next game his team goes to the line 40+ times. BTW, Idon't even get the "fix" aspect of that Houston series because all Donaghy said was that they were targeting Yao for illegal screens. So thatalone cost them the game? Yeah right...

Did anyone just see the ESPN bottom line ticker?

said an ex official said " the League never told us we need this team or that team to be in the finals," but before a game a High Ranking league official came in and told them to "watch a certain guy, we dont want him doing this or that"
He said it was like planting a seed in your head ...
Gunna, you're a Sixer's guy right? So is that any different from a league official going to them and saying "watch Iverson, wedon't want him palming the ball" when indeed that move is illegal? I think people are using this to support their own beliefs and theories, but Ihaven't seen any concrete evidence either way.
Originally Posted by grittyman20

I really feel that it's rather convenient that Donaghy chose to mention two games that were already highly scrutinized....IMO it's almost like an "after the fact" kinda thing.

I don't really know what happened, but I do know that many people believe in conspiracy theories so they are eating this thing right up.

Donaghy's counsel, however, described the scenario of the 2005 first-round series in which former Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy said he had been told by an NBA executive that officials would be watching for moving screens. Van Gundy was fined $100,000 for not revealing the source of his information.
What exactly is wrong with this scenario? I imagine that the "nba executive" was probably a friend of JVG. So Cuban made an official complaint (that more than likely was assisted by video taped evidence) that Yao was getting away with illegal screens. Now the situation has been brought up to league's attention and from here on out they deliberately looking at Yao and will call all instances of illegal screens. IMO it's the same thing as Phil Jackson complaining about the amount of fouls not being called against the Lakers, and the very next game his team goes to the line 40+ times. BTW, I don't even get the "fix" aspect of that Houston series because all Donaghy said was that they were targeting Yao for illegal screens. So that alone cost them the game? Yeah right...

Did anyone just see the ESPN bottom line ticker?

said an ex official said " the League never told us we need this team or that team to be in the finals," but before a game a High Ranking league official came in and told them to "watch a certain guy, we dont want him doing this or that"
He said it was like planting a seed in your head ...

Yes, that does constitute "fixing" a game because if for all of the games up to that point a player was allowed to play a certain game and thanin the span of 1 game the Refs change how they enforce the rules than that in effect creates an advantage for the other team. It's 1 thing to enforce therules in an inconsistent manner, this however is not inconsistency but outright selective enforcement as it suits the NBA. These directives are coming from NBAofficials so then one ahs to ask what are the motives?

Either enforce it across the board or do not. When NBA officials start to pick and choose when they do enforce and when they do not that is tampering withthe game. This has been going on for a while (in every sport) but the more money that's involved the more often this is bound to occur.
As for the taxes-issue, I didnt post the ref tax evasion to get into an argument whether taxes are legal or whatever. The reason for the quotes was to showthat upwards of 12 refs were found guilty of crimes, some of which are officially convicted felons. You can take that however you want it.

I do find it ironic that Stern says we are not to believe Donaghy because he is a "convicted felon" yet Stern continues to employ a "convictedfelon" as one of his top officials....Ken Mauer.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

As for the taxes-issue, I didnt post the ref tax evasion to get into an argument whether taxes are legal or whatever. The reason for the quotes was to show that upwards of 12 refs were found guilty of crimes, some of which are officially convicted felons. You can take that however you want it.

I do find it ironic that Stern says we are not to believe Donaghy because he is a "convicted felon" yet Stern continues to employ a "convicted felon" as one of his top officials....Ken Mauer.


That's why I find it highly suspicious how most of the media is referring to Donaghy as "disgraced". They're trying to brush him off likehe's a habitual liar.

The NBA doesn't want to open pandora's box because then people will realize that lottery picks and trades are influenced from high up too.
59 Piffy
"one day i can say i was right, $tern will be behind bars, and you all will know that your idol (his initials are M and J) wasnt all he was cracked up tobe"

you must be smoking crack to think that the era mj and the rest of the fifty nba greats played was rigged. there was not one boring team in that time. everyteam had a bonafide superstar and had a gimmick to make them exciting in their own right. now i can honestly say that after most of those guys retired yes theleague got boring and watered down so im not surprised that they fixed games to make the league more watchable. but to say that mike and the bulls won chipsbased on games being fixed you straight buggin. cuz if i recall correctly mike and the bulls went to the playoffs every year since mike was drafted and gotthere @@*!! beat by teams like the bucks, pistons, and celtics. so stop trying to fish for something that isnt there.
I found this pic at a Kings board. A lot of talk about the 2002 WCF.

In the newspaper the other day, former Kings Pollard mentioned that he hopes this fixed series isnt true, he doesn't want it to be true because it wouldreally hurt. Magic Johnson and Bill Walton think Tim Donaghy is a liar.
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