Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

of course dude is telling the truth..you don't make up stuff like that....and for the record...snitches dont lie...their just not trustworthy

Was Jose Conseco telling the truth..uh...YEAH

But of course Stern and the head of the referee's are going to say its false..uh...who in their right mind would tell the truth about that??
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs
so thats why they lost by like 40 points in game 7

It wouldn't have maybe gotten to Game 7 IF what this ref is saying is true.
Rockets took the first two games, then lost the next two, after Cubanstarted complaining.

They did get mopped in Game 7, but the point is, after the first two games, the whole series was called differently.

I dunno what to think of this whole ordeal, but
if it'strue.

Targetting Yao and fixing Game 6 in 02 to get it to 7 games
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

The Lakers/Kings series and the Lakers/TWolves series were two of the worst officiating performances I have ever witnessed in my 2 decades of following the league. The fact that dude is saying one of them was rigged doesn't surprise me in the least. But that also doesnt cofirm to me that it is indeed true. But as I've learned in pro sports scandals if it looks like a rat and smells like a rat.........it usually is.

I would be interested to see ESPN bang on some doors of the actual refs who worked that series and get their comments (can't remember which ones). They obviously are not going to admit to anything but still wouldn't mind their comments and counter arguments....aside from "he's a felon and his word shouldn't be trusted."

It's not obviously directly related but it is still interesting to remind ourselves what kind of people we are dealing with when it comes to NBA refs and making/saving more money:

Joe Crawford, a National Basketball Association referee, was sentenced to six months of house arrest and three years' probation yesterday for Federal income tax fraud.

Crawford was one of eight N.B.A. referees accused of downgrading first-class airline tickets purchased by the league and pocketing the difference without reporting it on his income tax.
In 2000, Ken Mauer was convicted of a felony, three counts of tax evasion and one count of obstruction of justice, and unless an appeal reverses the decision, he will forever be considered a felon.
As of presstime, 10 current or former NBA referees have been charged with filing false income tax returns. All have either resigned their positions or are on leave pending the outcome of their investigations.


WASHINGTON, D.C. - Former NBA referee Leander Jones pleaded guilty to a one-count information charging him with filing a false individual income tax return for 1993, the Justice Department announced.

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

So the only Game that went 7 that year was the Lakers/Kings....that was with the Robert Horry game winner right?

It was pretty obvious by the FT discrepancy in Game 6 what the refs were trying to do.

It can't be that series, since the refs gave game 5 to the kings

watch the last 10 seconds of game 5 and tell me I'm wrong

Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti

Happens in the NCAA as well. Vegas owns sports, thats all there is to it.

If anyone watched Big Brown this past weekend, they saw Vegas pay off Dutrow and the jockey so that they could collect 60 million dollars. Nothing was more obvious in my life than watching that race. This is unfortunately true whether ya'll want to believe it or not. I have said it on this board countless times and I will continue to say that once you start betting you start noticing all the little things the players, refs and coaches do.

It is sad... but definitely true

my pops always told me not to invest too much emotion in sports cause there was always some crooked %*@% going on... he bets every once in awhile, and onceyou learn about the odds and spread, its amazing to see

it gets harder and harder to defend the NBA..
Real talk tho... I wonder how much Donaghay would bet on each game??? and I wonder if he won all his bets???
I mean even if he was trying to rig games himself there's still a good chance it wouldn't go his way.

But yeah I knew the NBA was fixed all along... If you place wagers on sports for a living you see alot of suspect !#%# going on that casual fans don'tsee... Especially the refs and certain situational calls.

I really wanna know now if players are involved tho... Cause that would be horrible.
it gets harder and harder to defend the NBA..

Especially when David Stern has this "Holier than thou" attitude on everything and every question... is there a man that is more condescending?

i thought JVG had a good point on the referee situation, the NBA should be more transparent!
^wanna bet?

All he's gotta do is bet the over, and him calling enough fouls would put teams in the penalty quick, more FTs = more Pts.

Did u not see the highlights of some of the games he called where he had bets?
He had phantom calls, late whistles all kinda @**+ goin on.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

^wanna bet?

All he's gotta do is bet the over, and him calling enough fouls would put teams in the penalty quick, more FTs = more Pts.

Did u not see the highlights of some of the games he called where he had bets?
He had phantom calls, late whistles all kinda @**+ goin on.

Betting a total makes sense... That would be an easier bet to win.

Imagine putting Shaq at the line at the end of the game to get you points on an over tho... That would be funny as hell.
Such a shame how the Kings were robbed, and I remember people saying Kings fans were "crying" for complaining.

Glad people are opening their eyes now, this shhh probably occurs in every sport (NBA, NFL, MLB< NHL, you name it).
im still laughing at the fact that the NBA put out a statement saying that a foul should've been called on Fisher in game 4 against the Spurs. the questionis are we going to be getting public statements like this every time a crucial call is missed??? of course not, but now people are going to be expecting it.

perception has become reality.
What a shame. I hate David Stern. Referees in all professional sports should be federal employees held to the strictest of guidelines.
reminds me of the ncaa selection committee. why take a GOOD team that has no history or following over a ARIZONA team with history and that allure? they saythey dont look at that when selecting teams, but you gotta believe money is changing hands and choices are made to make the tournament exciting. i know theyhave said publicly that they dont want too many non BCS schools in there, in fear of it affecting ratings. so you arent really getting the best 64 teams. 20 ofthose potential teams seem to be based on ratings potential.

just as with the nba, they try to plan out the best possibly outcome $$$$$ wise
its one thing to have a single ref try to bet on games he is reffing

but david stern putting the fix in probably will crush the NBA. stern better hope no one else comes through and back up donaghy's claims
Don't pull the game 5 card when you ignore game 4 btw. Must be nice to make shots after the buzzer.
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs
so thats why they lost by like 40 points in game 7

he said they wanted to "extend" teh series. the refs won the mavs game 4 and 5. if they reffed it right, there wouldn't be a game 7. noexcuses for the rockets sucking in game 7, but monaghy admitted the point of them rigging those series was to EXTEND them. so the team that should have wonearlier didn't.

point in blank - the refs didn't not this out of bounds in game 5 on michael finley who wasn't ON the line, which would make it a lil ok b/cit's split second. but htis dude was 5-7 ft out of bounds.

that play changed the entire complexity of the last 3 minutes of the game.
Originally Posted by queensfinest2002

Such a shame how the Kings were robbed, and I remember people saying Kings fans were "crying" for complaining.

Glad people are opening their eyes now, this shhh probably occurs in every sport (NBA, NFL, MLB< NHL, you name it).

The NHL would be the most difficult to fix using the refs. There aren't many penalties. When there are, it's obvious. MLB is hard to fix too. Sure,there are close plays and close pitches, but guys still have to put the bat on the ball. The NFL is definitely easier than the MLB and NHL, but even that seemshard to fix. The point is that the NBA is so easy to do it in. The refs have such a big impact on how the game proceeds.
Originally Posted by dland24

Ive read through 3 pages of this thread, and I am done. I cant believe you guys are "disgusted" or shaking your heads or saying "i feel cheated."
Why is it that I feel like I am in the extreme minority by feeling like dude is lying? How are so many of you all here on NT taking this fool's word as gospel? He is trying to deflect blame from himself to the league. Come on yall. Dude is lying.

What makes the NBA any more believable? The fact that they write their denials on expensive NBA letterhead and dress in suits?

What makes Donaghy such a bad person? That he bet on games? Oh no. He's so horrible.
Is he immune from telling the truth now?

If you actually read what Donaghy said he that NBA officials influnced referees to officiate in a certain way. Wedidn't need Donaghy to know that. He already plead guilty.

At the beginning of certain playoff games it's virtually 100% certain that the odds for each team are not always 50/50.

Anyone else feel like ESPN had been trying to kill this story and discredit Donaghy as much as possible while they were hyping the Steroids and Walsh NFLstories?
It's pretty telling where there allegiance lays on this story.

On Sportcenter today they referred to him as the "disgraced official".
at people casting stones at Miami

If the NBA truly is fixed, then Im glad Stern found it in his heart to send a Championship to South Beach

But regardless of the fact, even without the free throws, Wade beasted on Dallas during that series
the finals are on ABC/ESPN. theres no way they would cast stones at themselves right now.. terrible timing. infact, i doubt they would ever do such a thing. itmay be up to other sources to do that
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