Ex-referee Tim Donaghy blows whistle on NBA dirty secrets

wow, SMH at that play, Kobe acting like he in the octagon

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I like how not one person on ESPN says they believe any of it. Yet I turn to Headline News, and the first thing the sports guy says is
As a long time fan of the NBA, I believe him.

Jemele Hill has a great article up right now about the whole thing... and while I don't think she ever says that she believes it outright, shebasically explains how the NBA isn't making it hard to believe him.


Jemele Hill Article
Yea okay, Wesley Snipes tried to use that as a defense and he is facing a jail term on tax evasion

Yea thats it, Paying your taxes is optional and everyone just chooses to do so.
Go ask Bill Gates or any millionaire if they would pay taxes if he didnt have to

If I didnt know any better I would swear People on NT knew what the $!%$ they were talkin about...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yea okay, Wesley Snipes tried to use that as a defense and he is facing a jail term on tax evasion

Yea thats it, Paying your taxes is optional and everyone just chooses to do so.
Go ask Bill Gates or any millionaire if they would pay taxes if he didnt have to

If I didnt know any better I would swear People on NT knew what the $!%$ they were talkin about...

I know huh. Please let us know how income tax fraud is legal because I know a dozen or so enrolled agents including myself that would love to hear thisexplanation.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

The Lakers/Kings series and the Lakers/TWolves series were two of the worst officiating performances I have ever witnessed in my 2 decades of following the league.

Let's add the 1993 Western Conference Finals into the mix, when Phoenix shot 64 free throws in Game 7.
Originally Posted by queensfinest2002

Such a shame how the Kings were robbed, and I remember people saying Kings fans were "crying" for complaining.

Glad people are opening their eyes now

Yep. Some of the smug Laker fans now have to deal with people forever tainting their title.
So many people were laughing and chirping "QUEENS!" back then. And some of those same fans were quick to laugh and discredit the Heat's title.Well now, here's karma. And she has a sister named asterisk:

lawdog1 wrote:
dland24 wrote:
Ive read through 3 pages of this thread, and I am done. I cant believe you guys are "disgusted" or shaking your heads or saying "i feel cheated."
Why is it that I feel like I am in the extreme minority by feeling like dude is lying? How are so many of you all here on NT taking this fool's word as gospel? He is trying to deflect blame from himself to the league. Come on yall. Dude is lying.

I agree with you. I'm not saying the reffing in the NBA isn't bad sometimes and that it doesn't tend to favor the top teams and players; I just don't think its intentional and done at the direction of league upper management. As long as the game has been around the best teams and marquee players have gotten benefit of more calls from the refs than everyone else. I know I've heard old-school players talk about how the Celtics in the 1960s got all the calls. I don't think there's been a conspiracy going on for 50 years. (If there was, it certainly didn't help in the 1970s when the league was pretty much in the toilet).

Co-sign. There's nothing wrong with that though. Once you've "earned" your way in the L, I don't think there'sanything wrong with a ref giving you the benefit of the doubt over a rookie.

Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Plaschke. "Everybody knows the Lakers weren't the best team that series. Die-hard Lakers fans won't admit it publicly, but deep down, they know something was very wrong with that game."

Even LA's biggest homer admits it.

Mister916 wrote:
dr funk 13 wrote:
NikeTalker23 wrote:
This was called on Bibby





Yep. Some of the smug Laker fans now have to deal with people forever tainting their title.
So many people were laughing and chirping "QUEENS!" back then. And some of those same fans were quick to laugh and discredit the Heat's title. Well now, here's karma. And she has a sister named asterisk:

I honestly think they don't care. I mean, its not the Lakers fault the refs did that, they are on the court playing the game. I honestlyfeel stuff like this goes on in every single sport.

Does it upset me? Sure it does, I don't like what happened to Dallas, PHX, Kings, etc......but what can you do about it? The fans are still going to watchthe games.
Nah, I know it's not the Lakers fault. Someone said it earlier in the thread that the Lakers just took advantage of a situation given to them. Same withthe Heat.

I just hated how so many people were quick to say the Heat "stole" a title when essentially their own team benefitted from a similar situation.
Originally Posted by Girl thats Jules

Originally Posted by RyGuy45


what he said about income tax is true

I signed in just to dispell this stuff.

[h1]Internal Revenue Code Citations
Requiring Payment of Income Tax
(Code excerpts, provided by CCH - Standard Federal Tax Reports, as of 1995)

Note: Internal Revenue regulations governing practices of the IRS agents are created by the IRS itself. But the Internal Revenue Code is different; it is a law of the federal government - passed by Congress, like any other federal law. Anyone who says that there is no law requiring the payment of income tax is ignoring the fact that the Internal Revenue Code is a law passed by Congress.

It is also incorrect to believe that the income tax code applies only to selected people or to selected geographical areas of the United States - or that income isn't defined in federal law. All these topics are covered in the Internal Revenue Code, a federal law passed by Congress and amended nearly every year.

You might decide to refuse to pay tax as a protest; that's your decision. But if you refuse to file or pay because you believe there is no law requiring you to do so, you're sadly mistaken.

What follows are relevant passages from the Internal Revenue Code spelling out who must pay, how income is defined, what must be paid, and what the penalties are for failure to do so.
People that are so outraged and convinced that the league is corrupt really need to look at the big picture here. All I keep reading about is the Lakers in2002 and the Heat 2006. If you take those two championships out of the mix, can you really say that, over that last 20 or so years in the NBA, that the teamsthat got to the finals and won the title did not deserve it?

In my opinion, since I've been watching the NBA (starting in about '85), the best teams in each conference generally have gotten to the finals and wonthe title. If that's the case, how fixed can the league really be?
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Nah, I know it's not the Lakers fault. Someone said it earlier in the thread that the Lakers just took advantage of a situation given to them. Same with the Heat.

I just hated how so many people were quick to say the Heat "stole" a title when essentially their own team benefitted from a similar situation.

Also...I do agree it's highly likely the refs/NBA are fixing games and I see it a lot of times. A lot of times there are so many calls at the end of gamesthat seem very fishy and questionable that seemingly decide a game in a certain favor.
I do have a problem with people who use that to say that was the reason they lost, but don't think it really happened when they won. Hypocrisy to thefinest. It doesn't matter if it's YOUR team or not, it still makes the game a little tainted.

But yeah, basketball is too exciting a sport to be completely ruined by a scandal like this though to me.

I know that there's a 95% chance that EVEN if more stuff comes out, I'll still watch it when my team starts playing again in November.
As I said, it's too good of a sport. I guess if Stern really knows all this and is caught, he's gotta be out and hopefully some new commish withsuper-strict policies and new rules can regulate the sport a whole lot better without mysterious stuff going on.
Let's not turn this into a Kobe bashing thread, because it isn't. We're just disgruntled fans trying to situate this mess.
Also, something I dont think many people, if any have said yet. I think the NBA is probably the toughest sport to officiate just based on the nature and speedof the game. I dont think it is coincidence that it seems like NBA refs are the WORST officials of any sport. The game is just fast, and some of the fouls andviolations happen so quickly, its almost impossible to be perfect.

With that being said, NBA refs favor veteran players. But this is nothing new.
Whoa whoa whoa...to ppl who think they knw what theyare talking about.....there is no LAW that says they can take from your income...ppl have actualy beatcases against the IRS...and for the record...the internal revenue code...is not the LAW...smh...as a matter of fact...its a film called freedom to facism byaaron russou...check that out....read up on it b4 u reply.....cnt talk about things u dnt kno about...right? Exactly.....and income tax is not used what uthink its used 4....they use it to pay back debt frm the federal reserve....WaWa....come in here and schol these fools.
Originally Posted by nyk buc

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

damn my boy tmac should have gotten past the first round then

the refs destroyed the rockets in the 04-05 series v. the mavs
so thats why they lost by like 40 points in game 7

he said they wanted to "extend" teh series. the refs won the mavs game 4 and 5. if they reffed it right, there wouldn't be a game 7. no excuses for the rockets sucking in game 7, but monaghy admitted the point of them rigging those series was to EXTEND them. so the team that should have won earlier didn't.

point in blank - the refs didn't not this out of bounds in game 5 on michael finley who wasn't ON the line, which would make it a lil ok b/c it's split second. but htis dude was 5-7 ft out of bounds.

that play changed the entire complexity of the last 3 minutes of the game.

This is why I just can buy into the "fix" theory. So the refs gave the Mavs a series in '05 and then just a year later took one from them? That makes sense. Also, if you believe that the NBA is all about the $$$, the league has alot more incentive to see the Rockets go deep in the playoffs thanthe Mavs because of the Yao factor. Yao already has one of the biggest fanbases of anyone in the league; him getting in the finals would only magnify it. Ifthe league is going to fix games to extend series, why wouldn't they fix games to extend the playoff run of the better drawing team?
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Whoa whoa whoa...to ppl who think they knw what theyare talking about.....there is no LAW that says they can take from your income...ppl have actualy beat cases against the IRS...and for the record...the internal revenue code...is not the LAW...smh...as a matter of fact...its a film called freedom to facism by aaron russou...check that out....read up on it b4 u reply.....cnt talk about things u dnt kno about...right? Exactly.....and income tax is not used what u think its used 4....they use it to pay back debt frm the federal reserve....WaWa....come in here and schol these fools.


But there IS a law that states citizens must pay income tax on income between certain levels....as seen by the following:
Who Must Pay Income Tax


Sec. 6012 [1986 Code].

(a) GENERAL RULE. - Returns with respect to income taxes under subtitle A shall be made by the following:

(I)(A) Every individual having for the taxable year gross income which equals or exceeds the exemption amount, except that a return shall not be required of an individual -

(i) who is not married (determined by applying section 7703), is not a surviving spouse (as defined in section 2(a)), is not a head of a household (as defined in section 2(b)), and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual,

(ii) who is a head of a household (as so defined) and for the taxable year has gross income of less than the sum of the exemption amount plus the basic standard deduction applicable to such an individual, . . .
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