EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

Just finished Homeland season 1 thinking this is just a serie!

Now this :nerd:


Prayers for the the victims.
i wasnt here for 911 but im here for this now......

EVERYONE CAHLM DOWN!!!!!! if theres one thing i learned from my pops its that in a chaotic situation u need to keep ur cahlm

Boston stand up. EVERYONE stand up
Heard this as soon as I got done with work..:rolleyes..

Prayers go out to the people in Boston and the injured/deceased..

It's a real shame that people continue to do this in today's world..real messed up people out there..
Dude's leg...

Something has to be done.
Bound to happen.

Very sad. The killing just never stops.

- We interfere and kill

- They attack for revenge

- We interfere and kill

- They attack for revenge
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the **** that pisses me off about this is these dip****s with their cameras filming and crying, "oh my god."

put the ******g camera down and go help. stop standing around. help out or get the **** out...you're just in the way

im referring to non news crews, but even them. **** your story...go help

I've had similar thoughts about what a cameraman/journalist should be doing in a situation such as this
We are far from being civilized.

I wonder if people are going to try to ban bombs now...o wait. People still found a way to kill people because if people wanna kill people they will kill people. Guns, bombs, knives, ect. Don't kill people. People kill people. Which is why I hate people.
I'm not even surprised by these events ... I've been saying this for a while though :smh: .. I was talking to my homie about the Newton, CT massacre the other day and I told him give it another 3 weeks to a month before another EXTREME event happens, well here we are!

Sad we have to witness our world crumble apart right in front of our eyes! My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families.
the **** that pisses me off about this is these dips**** with their cameras filming and crying, "oh my god."

put the ******g camera down and go help. stop standing around. help out or get the **** out...you're just in the way

im referring to non news crews, but even them. **** your story...go help

Journalist can serve a purpose in helping solve these kinds of tragedies. Also, journalism can help write the history of these tragedies.

the **** that pisses me off about this is these dips**** with their cameras filming and crying, "oh my god."

put the ******g camera down and go help. stop standing around. help out or get the **** out...you're just in the way

im referring to non news crews, but even them. **** your story...go help

Ok, hero. Yeah, people with zero medical experience and zero training should just jump right into a bomb site. That's going to do a lot of good.
Jeff Greenfield, Y! News: So...NO explosion at JFK LIbrary?...it was a mechanical fire, library folks say. Police Commissioner said it was an explosion...this is classically what can happen in events like this...
Those pics are... :frown:

We'll get another round of Islamophobic behavior now :smh:
the **** that pisses me off about this is these dips**** with their cameras filming and crying, "oh my god."

put the ******g camera down and go help. stop standing around. help out or get the **** out...you're just in the way

im referring to non news crews, but even them. **** your story...go help

Journalist can serve a purpose in helping solve these kinds of tragedies. Also, journalism can help write the history of these tragedies.

for sure, that's why i had my last point down there. but the amateur filming. that's more what i was referring to.

the **** that pisses me off about this is these dips**** with their cameras filming and crying, "oh my god."

put the ******g camera down and go help. stop standing around. help out or get the **** out...you're just in the way

im referring to non news crews, but even them. **** your story...go help

Ok, hero. Yeah, people with zero medical experience and zero training should just jump right into a bomb site. That's going to do a lot of good.

you're right...people without medical experience shouldn't be moving barriers and clearing areas to help make space for medical responders. it's too complicated >D
Ok, hero. Yeah, people with zero medical experience and zero training should just jump right into a bomb site. That's going to do a lot of good.

?? It would.. Its common sense to "stop the bleeding". You dont need training to take your shirt off and apply pressure.. Dudes right.
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I kind of hope all major sporting events are cancelled for the day. Any large number of people congregated in a contained area... :frown:
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