EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

A Chechen man, Ibragim Todashev, 26 (pictured here), with ties to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot and killed by an FBI agent in Orlando early today when the man attacked the agent. Story: http://bo.st/12VD8BD

View media item 422463

Dude was NOT armed.


Islamic group calls for inquiry into shooting of associate of Marathon bombing suspect

The Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations called on the Department of Justice Wednesday to investigate the shooting of an associate of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev by an FBI agent, citing news reports that the man was unarmed when he died.

FBI and Justice Department officials could not immediately comment on whether there will be a separate probe into the shooting, but noted that the Justice Department’s Civil Right’s Division has access to all evidence being collected in the current FBI investigation.

Ibragim Todashev, 27, was killed in his Orlando apartment last Tuesday during an interview with the FBI. The Globe has reported, citing law enforce­ment sources, that ­Todashev was confessing his involve­ment in an unsolved 2011 triple homicide in Waltham when he attacked the FBI agent with a blade.

Friends and family members have insisted that Todashev did not have access to a weapon.

Citing Wednesday reports by the Orlando NBC affiliate WESH and the Washington Post that Todashev was ­unarmed when he was shot by the Boston FBI agent, the council, a Muslim advocacy group, called for the probe in a press conference in Orlando.

Council spokesman Hassan Shibly said there is reason to believe the use of deadly force was unnecessary, adding that Todashev was shot multiple times and that at least one bullet struck the back of his head.

“We have sources telling us he was unarmed and that this shooting was not justified,” Shibly said in a brief telephone interview with the Globe.

Khusen Taramov, a friend of Todashev’s who is coordinating the return of his body to Russia and who washed his body in the traditional Islamic fashion, said Todashev’s body had multiple gunshot wounds, including one in the head and several near the heart.

Officials at the Orange County medical examiner’s office said they have completed an ­autopsy and ruled Todashev’s death a homicide and that the office released the body to ­Todashev’s wife. Officials said they will not release further infor­mation until the completion of the FBI investigation.

FBI officials in Florida and Boston have not confirmed the number of shots fired by the agent or whether Todashev was armed when he was killed.

Two Massachusetts State Troopers were at Todashev’s apartment at the time of shooting, but officials have not said whether they were in the same room.

A Justice Department spokesman did not respond to requests for comment about the calls for a separate probe, ­instead forwarding inquiries to the FBI office in Washington, D.C. An FBI spokesman confirmed Wednesday that investigators from the Justice Department are currently working with the FBI’s Shooting Incident Review Group, which is inves­tigating the case.

“The [group] examines all of the information and determines the reasonableness of the application of deadly force in accordance with the Department of Justice’s Deadly Force Policy and the law,” said Paul Bresson, an FBI spokesman, who added the department can not confirm details of the investigation while it remains active.

“The FBI takes very seriously any shooting incidents involv­ing our agents. and as such we have an effective, time-tested process for addressing them internally,” he said. “The review process is thorough and objective and conducted as ­expeditiously as possible under the circumstances.”
I literally do not care if he was unarmed. He's the one who decided to set off a bomb that killed people, and then evade capture.
sounds fishy.

the link to the Waltham murders is intriguing though. potentially both brothers and this FBI victim were involved.
Shame on me for falling off on this subject because i'm sure there were several important things that went on in the "low months" that have seemed fishy any new developments?
Not trying to grave dig but didn't want to start a new thread. Hoping for a quick concise answer. So new pictures got released of the guy. He is coming out of the boat looks like he has his hands out and there is a sniper dot on his head.

I thought he was shot in the throat....i guess they just shot him as he stood there? Or was he never shot in the throat? Don't really remember the whole story but i could have sworn they said he was shot while in the boat and came out bleeding badly or what not. Or he came out armed and was shot?

Either way...looks to me like they probably just shot him and messed him up when he got out of the boat

View media item 502751
reports were that " his throat area was severely damaged and couldnt speak" 

but there were also reports " that he admitted certain information to officials while in custody" 

either way day 2 of the trial today
How are you gonna confess if your throat is "severly damaged" to the point where you cant speak?

Somebody lyin....
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Just saw the surveillance video....:x

So damn surreal. :smh:

Can't believe its almost been two years.

How are you gonna confess if your throat is "severly damaged" to the point where you cant speak?

Somebody lyin....

It was written while in the boat.


I’m jealous of my brother who

ha [hole] ceived the reward of jannutul Firdaus (inshallah)

before me. I do not mourn because his soul is

very much alive. God has a plan for each person.

Mine was to hide in his boat and shed some

light on our actions I ask Allah to make me a

shahied (iA) to allow me to return to him and

be among all the righteous people in the highest levels

of heaven.

He who Allah guides no one can misguide

A [hole] bar!

I bear witness that there is no God but Allah

and that Muhammad is his

messenger [hole] r actions came

with [hole] a [hole] ssage and that

is [hole] ha Illalah. The U.S.

Government is killing our innocent

civilians but most of you already

know that. As a M[hole] I can’t

stand to see such evil go unpunished,

we Muslims are one body, you hurt

one you hurt us all, well at least that’s

how Muhammad (pbuh) wanted it to be [hole] ever,

the ummah is beginning to rise/awa [hole]

has awoken the mujahideen, know you are

fighting men who look into the barrel of your

gun and see heaven, now how can you compete

with that. We are promised victory and we

will surely get it. Now I don’t like killing

innocent people it is forbidden in Islam

but due to said [hole] it is allowed.

All credit goes to [hole].
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what are the holes from?

perhaps these are the virgins that await his brother, inshallah.

My goodness OP change the title with a date or something. I thought it happened again. I hope that ****** gets raped repeatedly in public before they kill him
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