EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

I know exactly how I sound...ignorant is far from it though, Harsh/vengeful perhaps, but is my stand...who are you to try and sway me? I do for others as they do for me, someone treats me good I'll bend over backwards for them, someone is not a good person to me, I won't be to them, someone walks up in my house, rapes my wife and murders my mother, I will probably want to stick a shotgun up his backside and let it off a couple of times....guess you are a better man than I am....if someone inflicts pain upon me or someone I love, I feel they deserve the same and not a painless death with a banging last meal.

well unfortunately the fact that this country doesn't operate based on your own personal moral standard is just something you're gonna have to deal with.

Explain why he should have his rights

You can't have institutions designed to violate constitutional rights on a case by case basis. It kind of defeats the purpose of having constitutional rights in the first place. Your rights are set forth, on paper, as inviolable to protect you from the corruption and tyranny of individuals in power and the state as a whole.
I know exactly how I sound...ignorant is far from it though, Harsh/vengeful perhaps, but is my stand...who are you to try and sway me? I do for others as they do for me, someone treats me good I'll bend over backwards for them, someone is not a good person to me, I won't be to them, someone walks up in my house, rapes my wife and murders my mother, I will probably want to stick a shotgun up his backside and let it off a couple of times....guess you are a better man than I am....if someone inflicts pain upon me or someone I love, I feel they deserve the same and not a painless death with a banging last meal.

well unfortunately the fact that this country doesn't operate based on your own personal moral standard is just something you're gonna have to deal with.

Explain why he should have his rights

You can't have institutions designed to violate constitutional rights on a case by case basis. It kind of defeats the purpose of having constitutional rights in the first place. Your rights are set forth, on paper, as inviolable to protect you from the corruption and tyranny of individuals in power and the state as a whole.

So explain Guantanamo Bay
I believe in the amendments of the constitution because of the reason they exist and how they pertain to our government's operation.... I'm not merely saying they are right just because its written on an old document.

if you have something against them maybe you should explain why, or fall back... because you are looking just as ignorant and clueless as ksteezy

lol you do understand I don't want this dude to be given the lethal injection?....I want him to spend the rest of his long life confined to a box.

What cracks me up is the way a death sentence is carried out....why is it so important that someone who is gonna be executed goes out under medical observation, painless and given any meal they desire before they go...what is the point in all that?...to SEEM humane? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me, just take that fool out back and put a bullet through his head....the end.
I believe in the amendments of the constitution because of the reason they exist and how they pertain to our government's operation.... I'm not merely saying they are right just because its written on an old document.

if you have something against them maybe you should explain why, or fall back... because you are looking just as ignorant and clueless as ksteezy

lol you do understand I don't want this dude to be given the lethal injection?....I want him to spend the rest of his long life confined to a box.

What cracks me up is the way a death sentence is carried out....why is it so important that someone who is gonna be executed goes out under medical observation, painless and given any meal they desire before they go...what is the point in all that?...to SEEM humane? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me, just take that fool out back and put a bullet through his head....the end.

That's not unconstitutional either. there was a guy die of firing squad a couple years ago
well unfortunately the fact that this country doesn't operate based on your own personal moral standard is just something you're gonna have to deal with.
You can't have institutions designed to violate constitutional rights on a case by case basis. It kind of defeats the purpose of having constitutional rights in the first place. Your rights are set forth, on paper, as inviolable to protect you from the corruption and tyranny of individuals in power and the state as a whole.

Well DUH! Just how I don't like how the middle class is butchered while the lower/upper class flourishes, or getting more than a third of my check taken away in taxes, these are things we may not like but we have to deal with, I'm not protesting in front of the White House, I'm voicing my opinion on this matter on a sneaker forum, like I said earlier, put your cape back in the closet bro.
[quote name="a55a5in11" url="/t/533174/explosion-boston-marathon/4560#post_2]

So explain Guantanamo Bay[/quote]

From my understanding that was not for us citizens protected under the constitution. all the spying and wiretapping capabilities Edward Snowden leaked, we're being used on non-citizens for the most part. citizens had more protection even within a top secret "illegal" spying program because of the constitution.

But that's the danger in letting the govt set up these type of programs and institutions. They CAN be used against anyone to consolidate political or economic power and quell disent. Even if you completely trust your government and elected officials today, 20, 30, 40 years from now you may not be able to trust the people running these programs.
well unfortunately the fact that this country doesn't operate based on your own personal moral standard is just something you're gonna have to deal with.
You can't have institutions designed to violate constitutional rights on a case by case basis. It kind of defeats the purpose of having constitutional rights in the first place. Your rights are set forth, on paper, as inviolable to protect you from the corruption and tyranny of individuals in power and the state as a whole.

Well DUH! Just how I don't like how the middle class is butchered while the lower/upper class flourishes, or getting more than a third of my check taken away in taxes, these are things we may not like but we have to deal with, I'm not protesting in front of the White House, I'm voicing my opinion on this matter on a sneaker forum, like I said earlier, put your cape back in the closet bro.

Honestly, and I mean this in the most respectful and graciously humbling sense possible, what you don't like is based on a very narrow understanding of political and economic theory. you don't understand why things are the way they are not because they don't make sense, but because you are uneducated. You can't see the forest because of the trees.
Honestly, and I mean this in the most respectful and graciously humbling sense possible, what you don't like is based on a very narrow understanding of political and economic theory. you don't understand why things are the way they are not because they don't make sense, but because you are uneducated. You can't see the forest because of the trees.
you aint have to call em uneducated but yeah definitely lacking the big picture perspective. well said. have a rep.
I'm really conflicted about the death penalty. On one hand, I dont think people should be killed as a punishment for killing. At the same time, I also know it cost 30k plus a year to keep a prisoner. Over 20 years you're already looking at over half a mil spent to keep someone who is never gonna get out.

Really wish there was a better solution.
I'm really conflicted about the death penalty. On one hand, I dont think people should be killed as a punishment for killing. At the same time, I also know it cost 30k plus a year to keep a prisoner. Over 20 years you're already looking at over half a mil spent to keep someone who is never gonna get out.

Really wish there was a better solution.
associated costs of the death penalty actually costs more than life in prison.
IDC what happens to that filth. Don't even waste that 30k a year should've killed him right after the trial. But that ***** in a alley and set a bomb off.
Honestly, and I mean this in the most respectful and graciously humbling sense possible, what you don't like is based on a very narrow understanding of political and economic theory. you don't understand why things are the way they are not because they don't make sense, but because you are uneducated. You can't see the forest because of the trees.

we may all lack perspective on something or education as you may call it, thats cool...i never took a politics class or even economics or educated myself on the matter, my feelings do come from a rather shallow perspective, regardless im not voicing my opinion as fact, never did....simply put i dont see the point of glamorizing the death of a heartless criminal that destroyed multiple families.....yeah civil rights are put in place to protect us from the government, i get it, i understand it. However i am human and feel rage and want this scum to suffer.....this is separate from the way the government decides to handle things....i have no control over that, nor want to change anything.
Honestly, and I mean this in the most respectful and graciously humbling sense possible, what you don't like is based on a very narrow understanding of political and economic theory. you don't understand why things are the way they are not because they don't make sense, but because you are uneducated. You can't see the forest because of the trees.
we may all lack perspective on something or education as you may call it, thats cool...i never took a politics class or even economics or educated myself on the matter, my feelings do come from a rather shallow perspective, regardless im not voicing my opinion as fact, never did....simply put i dont see the point of glamorizing the death of a heartless criminal that destroyed multiple families.....yeah civil rights are put in place to protect us from the government, i get it, i understand it. However i am human and feel rage and want this scum to suffer.....this is separate from the way the government decides to handle things....i have no control over that, nor want to change anything.
Ever stop and think that maybe this isn't about you?
sounds like terrorist logic

Oh rly?....so if I kick down your door, rape all the women you love then kill them while you helplessly watch, you would sit down and pray with with me after?...You not capable of wanting someone to suffer under given circumstances?...are you even human?
Ever stop and think that maybe this isn't about you?
Bruh what is it with you guys?....when did I say it was about me?

I'm I the only one to state my opinion in this entire thread?
I just don't understand your mentality.  You want to see him tortured because it will make you feel better, even though this has nothing to do with you.  It's also funny how you're calling out other posters on being "wrapped up in their feels," yet you're taking the most hysterically emotional position out of anyone when it comes to this issue.

You're entitled to an opinion.  No one is arguing that.  It's just that everyone else is entitled to think that it's a dumb opinion and challenge you on it.  
Meh, call me what you want but I want his hands, feet and tongue cut off and acid thrown on his face. Strap him to a chair, out a gun o his head and tell him he's about to die. Then when he's done urinating, deificating and vomiting on himself out of fear pull the trigger to reveal the gun is just a toy. Throw him in a box and do it again in about a day or two.

**** him
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