F yall Dressing Better cats...name a better...

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

 You "mature" folk out there can have this holier than thou attitude toward the rest of us who prefer a more comfortable style of dress and wear your boat shoes out to IHOP and the movies...I'll stick to the uniform and be "immature". 

This is such BS. It goes both ways, you saying "do this" and "do that" is also coming off like you're the authority in this @#!@. Get off your high-horse for %#!@# sake. You are %!#@+#@$ on people for wearing boat shoes to Ihop or movies? You're talking as if dude wants to wear a tux to do laundry, it's a goddamn boat shoes, @#!@ is as casual as it can get. 
Your whole thread is BS.  You yourself are nothing but B.S. All you do is play a coy NTer yet you show off and never like to answer questions that are directly correlated to your showing off. If anyone is on a high horse..its your suspect, metrosexual ***. 
Boat shoes, as of late, is a TREND and if you're wearing them to casual places chances are you're being TRENDY. "dressing better" is now a TREND because all of a sudden NTers who use to wear Jordan and Dunks are rocking boat shoes and Marry Poppin boots.

The thread title is directed at you. So F' your opinion
 This thread got serious. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If you are just sitting around the house, I don't see how a v neck is the first thing you wear. I would tend to wear things that I would NOT wear in the public scene.
its a v neck, theres nothing fancy about it. i have a drawer full of random plain v necks and tees, i sleep in them sometimes. 
I don't believe in V-necks so maybe that is why I view them as something folks only wear in public. I never saw them before the craze for them, Whenever that started.
Homie said he doesn't believe in v-necks....on some paranormal activity steez

but seriously...sometimes I'll wear v-necks w. b-ball shorts... mind = blown

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

If you are just sitting around the house, I don't see how a v neck is the first thing you wear. I would tend to wear things that I would NOT wear in the public scene.
its a v neck, theres nothing fancy about it. i have a drawer full of random plain v necks and tees, i sleep in them sometimes. 
I don't believe in V-necks so maybe that is why I view them as something folks only wear in public. I never saw them before the craze for them, Whenever that started.
Homie said he doesn't believe in v-necks....on some paranormal activity steez

but seriously...sometimes I'll wear v-necks w. b-ball shorts... mind = blown

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't believe in V-necks so maybe that is why I view them as something folks only wear in public. I never saw them before the craze for them, Whenever that started.
Homie said he doesn't believe in v-necks....on some paranormal activity steez
only on NT
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't believe in V-necks so maybe that is why I view them as something folks only wear in public. I never saw them before the craze for them, Whenever that started.
Homie said he doesn't believe in v-necks....on some paranormal activity steez
only on NT
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

This is such BS. It goes both ways, you saying "do this" and "do that" is also coming off like you're the authority in this @#!@. Get off your high-horse for %#!@# sake. You are %!#@+#@$ on people for wearing boat shoes to Ihop or movies? You're talking as if dude wants to wear a tux to do laundry, it's a goddamn boat shoes, @#!@ is as casual as it can get. 
Your whole thread is BS.  You yourself are nothing but B.S. All you do is play a coy NTer yet you show off and never like to answer questions that are directly correlated to your showing off. If anyone is on a high horse..its your suspect, metrosexual ***. 
Boat shoes, as of late, is a TREND and if you're wearing them to casual places chances are you're being TRENDY. "dressing better" is now a TREND because all of a sudden NTers who use to wear Jordan and Dunks are rocking boat shoes and Marry Poppin boots.

The thread title is directed at you. So F' your opinion

First it's not my thread and second what questions don't I answer? What I do for a living? It's my goddamn business. You mad because of that? 
How the hell am I showing off? Because I post my pick-ups on the high-end thread? I don't post most of those things in that "dressing better" thread because that is not what that thread is about. I don't even post my pick-ups in the "recent pick-ups" thread. SO stop pulling *$$% out of your ***.

And no, I don't own boat shoes or has ever posted a pic of me wearinf one. I have sneaker boat shoes but that is about it, not evevn close to a real boat shoes. 

"Dressing better" is a trend? @@% are you talking about? How is wearing well fitting clothes a trend? It's the medium between the extremes that have been fads and trends like the super skin tight and baggy clothes. It's the classic look and you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

This thread is directed at me? Why? Because I don't go out wearing B-ball shorts, tees and flip-flops? That is a bad thing? That is the most ridiculous thing ever. 

How about you just worry about your damn self and let other live their own life? No one is forcing you to wear anything, do you and what makes you happy and let others do the same.
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

This is such BS. It goes both ways, you saying "do this" and "do that" is also coming off like you're the authority in this @#!@. Get off your high-horse for %#!@# sake. You are %!#@+#@$ on people for wearing boat shoes to Ihop or movies? You're talking as if dude wants to wear a tux to do laundry, it's a goddamn boat shoes, @#!@ is as casual as it can get. 
Your whole thread is BS.  You yourself are nothing but B.S. All you do is play a coy NTer yet you show off and never like to answer questions that are directly correlated to your showing off. If anyone is on a high horse..its your suspect, metrosexual ***. 
Boat shoes, as of late, is a TREND and if you're wearing them to casual places chances are you're being TRENDY. "dressing better" is now a TREND because all of a sudden NTers who use to wear Jordan and Dunks are rocking boat shoes and Marry Poppin boots.

The thread title is directed at you. So F' your opinion

First it's not my thread and second what questions don't I answer? What I do for a living? It's my goddamn business. You mad because of that? 
How the hell am I showing off? Because I post my pick-ups on the high-end thread? I don't post most of those things in that "dressing better" thread because that is not what that thread is about. I don't even post my pick-ups in the "recent pick-ups" thread. SO stop pulling *$$% out of your ***.

And no, I don't own boat shoes or has ever posted a pic of me wearinf one. I have sneaker boat shoes but that is about it, not evevn close to a real boat shoes. 

"Dressing better" is a trend? @@% are you talking about? How is wearing well fitting clothes a trend? It's the medium between the extremes that have been fads and trends like the super skin tight and baggy clothes. It's the classic look and you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

This thread is directed at me? Why? Because I don't go out wearing B-ball shorts, tees and flip-flops? That is a bad thing? That is the most ridiculous thing ever. 

How about you just worry about your damn self and let other live their own life? No one is forcing you to wear anything, do you and what makes you happy and let others do the same.
at people on both sides consumed with anger and disapproval over what other people choose to wear.

Some of y'all could really benefit from some fresh air and interaction with the female sex (or whatever your preference is).
at people on both sides consumed with anger and disapproval over what other people choose to wear.

Some of y'all could really benefit from some fresh air and interaction with the female sex (or whatever your preference is).
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

Originally Posted by RFX45

This is such BS. It goes both ways, you saying "do this" and "do that" is also coming off like you're the authority in this @#!@. Get off your high-horse for %#!@# sake. You are %!#@+#@$ on people for wearing boat shoes to Ihop or movies? You're talking as if dude wants to wear a tux to do laundry, it's a goddamn boat shoes, @#!@ is as casual as it can get. 
Your whole thread is BS.  You yourself are nothing but B.S. All you do is play a coy NTer yet you show off and never like to answer questions that are directly correlated to your showing off. If anyone is on a high horse..its your suspect, metrosexual ***. 
Boat shoes, as of late, is a TREND and if you're wearing them to casual places chances are you're being TRENDY. "dressing better" is now a TREND because all of a sudden NTers who use to wear Jordan and Dunks are rocking boat shoes and Marry Poppin boots.

The thread title is directed at you. So F' your opinion

First it's not my thread and second what questions don't I answer? What I do for a living? It's my goddamn business. You mad because of that? 
How the hell am I showing off? Because I post my pick-ups on the high-end thread? I don't post most of those things in that "dressing better" thread because that is not what that thread is about. I don't even post my pick-ups in the "recent pick-ups" thread. SO stop pulling *$$% out of your ***.

And no, I don't own boat shoes or has ever posted a pic of me wearinf one. I have sneaker boat shoes but that is about it, not evevn close to a real boat shoes. 

"Dressing better" is a trend? @@% are you talking about? How is wearing well fitting clothes a trend? It's the medium between the extremes that have been fads and trends like the super skin tight and baggy clothes. It's the classic look and you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

This thread is directed at me? Why? Because I don't go out wearing B-ball shorts, tees and flip-flops? That is a bad thing? That is the most ridiculous thing ever. 

How about you just worry about your damn self and let other live their own life? No one is forcing you to wear anything, do you and what makes you happy and let others do the same.
You came at me first, princess. You go wear your Extra Small shirts and size 27 Chinos. 
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

Originally Posted by RFX45

This is such BS. It goes both ways, you saying "do this" and "do that" is also coming off like you're the authority in this @#!@. Get off your high-horse for %#!@# sake. You are %!#@+#@$ on people for wearing boat shoes to Ihop or movies? You're talking as if dude wants to wear a tux to do laundry, it's a goddamn boat shoes, @#!@ is as casual as it can get. 
Your whole thread is BS.  You yourself are nothing but B.S. All you do is play a coy NTer yet you show off and never like to answer questions that are directly correlated to your showing off. If anyone is on a high horse..its your suspect, metrosexual ***. 
Boat shoes, as of late, is a TREND and if you're wearing them to casual places chances are you're being TRENDY. "dressing better" is now a TREND because all of a sudden NTers who use to wear Jordan and Dunks are rocking boat shoes and Marry Poppin boots.

The thread title is directed at you. So F' your opinion

First it's not my thread and second what questions don't I answer? What I do for a living? It's my goddamn business. You mad because of that? 
How the hell am I showing off? Because I post my pick-ups on the high-end thread? I don't post most of those things in that "dressing better" thread because that is not what that thread is about. I don't even post my pick-ups in the "recent pick-ups" thread. SO stop pulling *$$% out of your ***.

And no, I don't own boat shoes or has ever posted a pic of me wearinf one. I have sneaker boat shoes but that is about it, not evevn close to a real boat shoes. 

"Dressing better" is a trend? @@% are you talking about? How is wearing well fitting clothes a trend? It's the medium between the extremes that have been fads and trends like the super skin tight and baggy clothes. It's the classic look and you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

This thread is directed at me? Why? Because I don't go out wearing B-ball shorts, tees and flip-flops? That is a bad thing? That is the most ridiculous thing ever. 

How about you just worry about your damn self and let other live their own life? No one is forcing you to wear anything, do you and what makes you happy and let others do the same.
You came at me first, princess. You go wear your Extra Small shirts and size 27 Chinos. 
LOL at this thread blowing up

Everyone should just 'DO THEM' and not worry about what the next man is wearin

There is no right or wrong way to dress
LOL at this thread blowing up

Everyone should just 'DO THEM' and not worry about what the next man is wearin

There is no right or wrong way to dress
You know what i find funny?

The fact that all this hatred is coming out all of a sudden, kinda proves the secretive disapproval of certain members towards the dressing better thread

Its as if everything just exploded out of the blue 
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