F1 Official Thread - Grand Prix of Britain

If it stays that hot, the high-deg should make it veeery interesting.  They tyre poker will be fun.  RBR and Ferrari looks strong, while the Mercs were surprisingly slow with the Options... the delta between the S & SS should be close to 1s! 
This race is unbelievable so far. So much action.

Vettel was very stupid at the start. Ruined the race for Kimi, Max and himself. It could have been really intensive at the front.

Most important is that Kevin is healthy. The safety of today's cars is awesome. Not so long ago, he would have probably died.
Both Lewis and Fernando lucked out right there... but I'll take the P7!  Plus he genuinely was able to stay in front of the Williams on a power-track!


:x :x :x

BTW, can someone tell me how Max has not been penalised or reprimanded. while Lewis got it for small things such as reversing.

Dude's becoming dangerous.
Specifically on the reversing thing, it was a bit silly, but it's one of those rules that they couldn't not reprimand him cuz reversing in the pit is prohibited (or something like that). 

While for Max, it was a very dangerous move, but I think the teams and drivers have been lobbying the FIA to let them race... which they did... barely any investigations this weekend.  I was sure ALO vs Hulk in the pit was gonna trigger something, but it didn't.  For sure they're gonna talk about it this Friday during the driver's briefing in Monza.  A late move like that at a high-speed section of the track can't be deemed acceptable.  
Yea I understand things like not over penalizing people at the start since it's always chaotic . Same with Aloso vs Hulk, I think that was fine but Vestappen is just getting worse and worse and it's always against Raikonnen :lol:

If he pulls something like that at high speed in Monza he could cause big damage.
What's amazing is his attitude... the "I did no wrong, it's all your fault, I'm the victim here" angle.  Maybe (or hopefully) his dad will see it as a bit too much and have a word with him. 
His interview after the race was the icing on the cake.

For example Max said: "Kimi ruined my race at the beginning, so I did not relent"

I loved the real talk from Lauda. "He belongs in the psychiatry" 

Didn't see Lauda saying that.

Yea his attitude is really grating.

I'm just waiting for his big crash

Whiting has spoken to Verstappen and said he should have gotten a black and white flag in the last race.
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Our 2017 race driver line-up: Fernando Alonso & Stoffel Vandoorne, with Jenson working with them in his new role. 

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