F1 Official Thread - Grand Prix of Britain

How’d Lew end up P7? Looked like he was up there with the ‘rarris and rus. Anyway, great lap by George. Hope he can get his first win before break. Max 😂 😂 😂
Are we all just waiting for Ferrari to fall apart again?

This is a great chance to cut that Constructor’s deficit.
GR63 :pimp:

Blown Lewis could’ve been on pole if it wasn’t for the drs issue. The bad luck this year continues :smh:

Should be a very interesting race tomorrow.

Both Max and Lewis will be stuck behind Nando if they somehow don’t get a jump at the start.
Super pumped for George getting his first pole. No idea how Merc pulled off the pace they did, but I'll take it. If they can get Hamilton's DRS issue in check, I can see 1-2 for Merc.
Another solid job by Lando, especially on his stint on the Hards.

But at the same time, another tough one for Daniel. 😩
Pace looked ok during the 1st stint, but had absolutely no pace on the Hards.

Saw a lot of comments on "why did so and so box for Hards" regarding different drivers, but I don't think a lot of ppl considered that they had no other tyre option available. It was either Softs, which wouldn't have lasted till the end... or Hards, which had no grip. For Charles, maybe they could have boxed him later for a final stint on Softs, but I dunno what the state of his Mediums were in.
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