Facebook and its users changing their default pics to a cartoon to raise awareness

ya'll heard it's a hoax, right?
Originally Posted by Wade187

Thank god for this game on facebook. I never knew there were children out there getting abused, but now that I know I'm definitely gonna try and go out to stop it.

Originally Posted by Wade187

Thank god for this game on facebook. I never knew there were children out there getting abused, but now that I know I'm definitely gonna try and go out to stop it.

[h3] Look at me, I posted my favorite cartoon, so people think I can prevent & stop child abuse by posting Spongebob pictures.[/h3]
[h3] Look at me, I posted my favorite cartoon, so people think I can prevent & stop child abuse by posting Spongebob pictures.[/h3]
@ this pathetic trend being started by pedophiles.
When I think about it, it makes perfect sense.
Now pedos got cute cartoon profile pix instead of old and moldy "I'm gonna rape you" type profile pix.
Like another NTer said go do some real activism work.
No negative effect eh?
I already said that this trend makes a mediocrity of real work that's being done by individuals that care.
You got all these people believing that they're doing something significant or even more than the real "awareness" groups.
It's such a waste, the people that are apart of this trend should go to a park and talk to parents there.
But your response will probably "How are you gonna tell me to do so and so, if you're not doing anything to stop it, I'm obviously doing more than you." Tell yourself that to BS yourself some more but, I'm not here to say "oh well instead, I give money to so and so charity" I'm just saying how mediocre this trend is to stop such a big problem as child abuse.
@ this pathetic trend being started by pedophiles.
When I think about it, it makes perfect sense.
Now pedos got cute cartoon profile pix instead of old and moldy "I'm gonna rape you" type profile pix.
Like another NTer said go do some real activism work.
No negative effect eh?
I already said that this trend makes a mediocrity of real work that's being done by individuals that care.
You got all these people believing that they're doing something significant or even more than the real "awareness" groups.
It's such a waste, the people that are apart of this trend should go to a park and talk to parents there.
But your response will probably "How are you gonna tell me to do so and so, if you're not doing anything to stop it, I'm obviously doing more than you." Tell yourself that to BS yourself some more but, I'm not here to say "oh well instead, I give money to so and so charity" I'm just saying how mediocre this trend is to stop such a big problem as child abuse.
I've had a pic of powdered toast man as my default for like 4 months. Forgot it was there and had people asking me if I was part of this movement.

glad to see child abuse is over though. Thought it would never end.
I've had a pic of powdered toast man as my default for like 4 months. Forgot it was there and had people asking me if I was part of this movement.

glad to see child abuse is over though. Thought it would never end.
[h3] [/h3]
[h3]The group that told everyone to change their profile to their favorite cartoon characters is actually a group of pedophiles. They're doing it because kids will accept their friend requests faster if they see a cartoon picture it has nothing to do with supporting children, it was on Watchdog and its going to be on tonight's news, copy an paste as your status.[/h3]

Anyone believe this?
[h3] [/h3]
[h3]The group that told everyone to change their profile to their favorite cartoon characters is actually a group of pedophiles. They're doing it because kids will accept their friend requests faster if they see a cartoon picture it has nothing to do with supporting children, it was on Watchdog and its going to be on tonight's news, copy an paste as your status.[/h3]

Anyone believe this?
the whole thing was only supposed to last the 6th anyway, that's why many are changing their profile pic back to whatever. still don't get the hate kids on here are showing the little FB movement. for you guys hating on people changing their pics...are you guys abused or simply neglected? i'm getting a chill from all the "coolness", because you guys are hating and didn't change your profile pics.

just a little note though for all you guys that are on FB and hating on this little "movement" you guys are part of the biggest worldwide (pun intended) trend ever and are being exactly what you say don't like.
the whole thing was only supposed to last the 6th anyway, that's why many are changing their profile pic back to whatever. still don't get the hate kids on here are showing the little FB movement. for you guys hating on people changing their pics...are you guys abused or simply neglected? i'm getting a chill from all the "coolness", because you guys are hating and didn't change your profile pics.

just a little note though for all you guys that are on FB and hating on this little "movement" you guys are part of the biggest worldwide (pun intended) trend ever and are being exactly what you say don't like.
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