Fast food workers protest for $15 minimum wage.

This may not even be an argument in the near future. Automation may take over a lot of these fast food workers jobs. I don't see how people are going to have a chance to survive with automation AND job outsourcing
Why would anyone pay someone 15 an hour, to do a job that somebody else will do for 8 an hour? At the end of a day it's a business, peoples current dilemmas are not the businesses fault. Which goes back to the unskilled thing, any 16 year old can do the job, so if you want more money, use that experience, and look for a better job.
but you still tip though?

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if KD mom can bust *** so can other ppl

kids are a choice ppl make..........
She had and KD and the rest of her kids living in an apartment with no furniture and had to starve and miss meals so her kids can eat. How is that "making it"? In fact I think it's good  that u posted this story. It's a perfect example of a hard working woman who's hard work wasn't being compensated due to low wages.
She had and KD and the rest of her kids living in an apartment with no furniture and had to starve and miss meals so her kids can eat. How is that "making it"? In fact I think it's good  that u posted this story. It's a perfect example of a hard working woman who's hard work wasn't being compensated due to low wages.
but if she got paid well then she wouldn't be da real mvp.

its important to have people be poor and struggle. that's what gives America its success stories that make everyone else motivated to work like slaves at low wages. How else would the one percent get their bonuses?
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There are Jack In The Boxes around my way where you place you own order in a Red Box type machine and only interact with a human to recieve your food.

Sorry if posted already.
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Seattle's economy is going to tank, and unemployment will rise.

15 dollars an hr is a lot of money to pay your bottom rung employees. Business owners might just cut their losses and set up shop where they can run their business more cheaply or decide to downsize their workforce.

The high wage will also be a deterrent for anyone considering to start a new business.

Cost of living will probably just rise too and negate any positive changes - the minimum wage people won't notice any changes in their living - and the Middle class will notice that everything's more expensive.
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If someone makes a career out of fast food that is fine but if they want more money after working years. Why not apply for an assistant manager etc trying to build themselves up even if they have to go from a mc d to a Wendy's? You got to out and make some effort to make it instead expecting a salary bump all the time.

I work in the corp world and my company is good to work for meaning my boss isn't going anywhere anytime soon. If I want to progress and make more significant money I need to apply to another department or look elsewhere if I want to become management etc. My position will only allow me to make do much once I hit that I need to make moves if I want more
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Seattle's economy is going to tank, and unemployment will rise.

15 dollars an hr is a lot of money to pay your bottom rung employees. Business owners might just cut their losses and set up shop where they can run their business more cheaply or decide to downsize their workforce.

The high wage will also be a deterrent for anyone considering to start a new business.

Cost of living will probably just rise too and negate any positive changes - the minimum wage people won't notice any changes in their living - and the Middle class will notice that everything's more expensive.
Many of these major colorations have been posting record profits. So, now they have to pay their employees a living wage. Major corps will post a little less in "record profits" , it won't put them out of business. The small mom and pop stores do not have to pay their employees minimum wages.
trickle down? this is all caused by the fed which both democrats and republicans support.
George Bush Senior didn't support it. He called it voodoo economics. This was pushed through by Ronald Reagan and expanded by many others, repubs and dems included. But not all supported this. To this very day there are many opponents to Friedman economics.
trickle down? this is all caused by the fed which both democrats and republicans support.
George Bush Senior didn't support it. He called it voodoo economics. This was pushed through by Ronald Reagan and expanded by many others, repubs and dems included. But not all supported this. To this very day there are many opponents to Friedman economics.

but everyone loves keynesian right? thats what caused all this crap to happen. look at paul krugman spew is insanity and NYT readers got no clue that its all BS
but everyone loves keynesian right? thats what caused all this crap to happen. look at paul krugman spew is insanity and NYT readers got no clue that its all BS
Perhaps teaching of a variety of schools of thought on economics so that the field might actually find solutions to the world’s problem might be a good start. Traditional economics, dominated thoroughly by Chicago School ideology, exists to justify extreme inequality and class dominance, which is why its adherents, who occupy critical financial posts around the world, continue to implement ruinous policies .
but everyone loves keynesian right? thats what caused all this crap to happen. look at paul krugman spew is insanity and NYT readers got no clue that its all BS
Perhaps teaching of a variety of schools of thought on economics so that the field might actually find solutions to the world’s problem might be a good start. Traditional economics, dominated thoroughly by Chicago School ideology, exists to justify extreme inequality and class dominance, which is why its adherents, who occupy critical financial posts around the world, continue to implement ruinous policies .

thats not traditional economics.......... do you even econ bro?
Seattle's economy is going to tank, and unemployment will rise.

15 dollars an hr is a lot of money to pay your bottom rung employees. Business owners might just cut their losses and set up shop where they can run their business more cheaply or decide to downsize their workforce.

The high wage will also be a deterrent for anyone considering to start a new business.

Cost of living will probably just rise too and negate any positive changes - the minimum wage people won't notice any changes in their living - and the Middle class will notice that everything's more expensive.
Many of these major colorations have been posting record profits. So, now they have to pay their employees a living wage. Major corps will post a little less in "record profits" , it won't put them out of business. The small mom and pop stores do not have to pay their employees minimum wages.

I'm sure the bigger places will be alive and kicking. The goal of a business though, is always to maximize profits. So they'll either downsize, transfer the cost to the consumer, or leave.

Either way, I don't think the locals will like the unintended effects.

Also, I was just reading a Forbes article just now about how it's going to be really hard for high school students and locals to get employed now. There will be more college graduates applying and more people from outside of Seattle willing to commute for the same jobs.

Just seems like the unintended effects will be negative all around for anyone living there.
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thats not traditional economics.......... do you even econ bro?
Many universities teaching of economics is similarly dominated by the Chicago School.
Not all students are content with this state of affairs. There appears to be a movement for Pluralism in economics .
Pluralism carries the promise of bringing economics back in to the service of society.
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