Fast-Food Workers Strike As Their Productivity Falls

Of course all these cool guys in here who spend their parent's money on shoes can't relate.

15/hr isn't even that much money today.

this.  also...they know full well they're not getting $15.  to negotiate a higher wage in a strike you have to start high.
Of course all these cool guys in here who spend their parent's money on shoes can't relate.

15/hr isn't even that much money today.

SMH... :smh:
I'm a grown man who works 40 hour weeks. They're being delusional is they think anyone is going to agree to pay unskilled/easily replaceable workers $15/hr.

The free market argument is well and good, but you think these fast food corporations care? Lets talk reality.

Minimum wage needs to be raised, though.
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Of course all these cool guys in here who spend their parent's money on shoes can't relate.

15/hr isn't even that much money today.

SMH... :smh:
this.  also...they know full well they're not getting $15.  to negotiate a higher wage in a strike you have to start high.
They need to focus on raising the minimum wage, if anything. The way they're going about it is all wrong.
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Of course all these cool guys in here who spend their parent's money on shoes can't relate.

15/hr isn't even that much money today.

SMH... :smh:

I always find it funny that ppl bash the hell out of the less privileged while corporations rob the country blind and no one says a damn word.
They need to focus on raising the minimum wage, if anything. The way they're going about it is all wrong.
perhaps it could be done differently but saying something is better than saying nothing at all.  at the very least people are paying attention to them and their plight at the moment.
The "free market" argument is bogus. These fast food places aren't competing with other countries, in fact in other developed countries are paying a living wage, with vacation and sick time MANDATORY.

Wages have been stagnate for too long, and it's crippling people.
I wouldn't mind if all these fast food joints burnt to the ground....killing our people with all that garbage they call food
I've come to the conclusion anyone with a Kanye avy tries REALLY hard to troll :lol:
this.  also...they know full well they're not getting $15.  to negotiate a higher wage in a strike you have to start high.

No, they really don't. A lot of these fast food service workers legitimately think that by striking, they will see $15. My boy was an overnight manager at McDonalds for a while. He said when news came of this, his crew was excited because they "couldn't wait to start making $15/hr so they could ball out." Of his 3 regular crew members, one was a HS drop out, one sold weed on the side, and the other was just an average joe.

While I think fast food workers (and, really, any worker in an environment where the CEO makes more in one year than it would take for them to make in 500 years,) deserve wages, they have to realize that a majority of the work they gripe over can and most likely will be replaced with an electric equivalent that doesn't need sick days and won't give customers an attitude.
I wouldn't mind if all these fast food joints burnt to the ground....killing our people with all that garbage they call food
Burnt to the ground may be a little extreme but I agree that it would be beneficial to society if all fast food restaurants got shut down.
I wouldn't mind if all these fast food joints burnt to the ground....killing our people with all that garbage they call food
Burnt to the ground may be a little extreme but I agree that it would be beneficial to society if all fast food restaurants got shut down.

Yes lets just burn everything down. Let's not hold ourselves accountable for making our own decisions.

Fast-food isn't the problem, discipline is.
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them  wanting $15 per hour is a slap in the face to construction workers and those making around $15 or  so that actually have a skill or  serve a purpose.

if their wages go up to $15, food prices will slightly increase, and the cost of living  for the will increase to balance it out.

i'd be ok with them getting around $10 per hour. I know in-n-out employees make around $10-11 starting out.

however if they were to get $15 per hour, places would hire less employees. a mcdonalds that has a  staff of 30 would most likely reduce down to 20  to  counter the wage increases. this would slow up service and productivity.

at the end of the day its sad to say but these employees are expendable and replacable. there job outside of maybe management requires little to know skill and its high school kids who want money for the  newest jordans or foamposite retros and a  free meal here and there  more then willing to take their place and repeat the cycle when those groups of high schoolers move on to something else.

you want a decent wage? go to school and get an education, make yourself marketable and desirable to companies  other then fast food.  if schools not for you then learn a skill or trade where you'll be sought after in this competetive work market. go to career centers etc.

unskilled labor is very replacable and that's factual.    these dudes  want a career type job they can live off of without putting the work in that others have to earn the wage their getting.
I have no problem paying more for food if it meant everyone got around $11. I say $15 is for the those who have been there ATLEAST a year. Fast Food workers change so much $15 is alot
Can somebody tell me what job/employee isn't easily replaceable? WIth the high unemployment, bad economy, work visas and globalization pretty much any job/employee is easily replaced. I've seen and heard managers/supervisors telling their employees "you're lucky to have a job" and no these aren't Mcjobs.
They'll never get $15 simply for the fact that a high schooler will take the job and have no problem with the hourly rate because it'll put weekend money in their pocket.

Uhhh what about the overnight shifts and shifts during school hours?

Look at McDonald's profits and tell me they couldn't bump up the pay to a respectable, livable wage.
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them  wanting $15 per hour is a slap in the face to construction workers and those making around $15 or  so that actually have a skill or  serve a purpose.

They are free to strike as well. I don't see what the problem is.

you want a decent wage? go to school and get an education, make yourself marketable and desirable to companies  other then fast food.  if schools not for you then learn a skill or trade where you'll be sought after in this competetive work market. go to career centers etc.

unskilled labor is very replacable and that's factual.    these dudes  want a career type job they can live off of without putting the work in that others have to earn the wage their getting.

Ah yes, just go to school. That's it. Even though your job barely pays enough for food and rent, just go to school. It's so simple. Why didn't these people think of this before?
You took the statement too literal. Most McDonald's are not 24 hours and in New York City, high school kids are working deep into the night as long as they don't go over the weekly limit. I worked at the busiest McDonald's in New York City and we closed at 10 PM everyday.
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